Thursday, November 12, 2009

Examining Access-A-Ride

From Fox 5:

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is in a desperate financial situation, but there is one service the agency is required to provide that costs close to half a billion dollars a year.

And even though the cost keeps rising, Fox 5 found out that because of the sensitive nature of the expensive program, it is not easy to look into potential abuse and waste.

Access-A-Ride is a well-intended federally mandated program that New York City Transit, part of the cash-strapped MTA, has to provide. The cost is enormous. It's estimated that the Access-A-Ride program in the New York area will cost more than $451 million in 2009. The passenger pays the normal $2.25 subway and bus fare, but each trip costs about $66. The public picks up most of the tab.

But the big grey area with Access-A-Ride is exactly who qualifies for it. First of all, it has nothing to do with money. You can be a billionaire. You could be broke. As long as you qualify, you wind up with a ride for $2.25.


Anonymous said...

Access-A-Ride although funded by the MTA is still owned and operated by the Gambino Crime Family. Google it. This is (and has been for a long time) true tweeding.

Anonymous said...

"You have the wrong person I don't know who you're talking to". Even the brain dead police sargeant doesn't know who he, himself is.

Anonymous said...

The entire system should be taken apart. no need for it at all.

If you are that bad that you cant walk 2 or 3 blocks to a bus, then maybe you should be put into a nursing home.

Anonymous said...

Additionally, the buses create a hazard.

They routinely use the Interborough Parkway, which can barely accommodate SUVs let alone buses. No reason for them to be on that road.

kingb said...

worst drivers in nyc
worse than cabbies

linda said...

wow do you think he still has a job?

georgetheatheist said...

Why not give the disabled vouchers to take a cab to the medical facility. It sure would be cheaper than $66 a pop. Or issue plastic like the EBT card.

Gary the Agnostic said...

georgetheatheist said...
Why not give the disabled vouchers to take a cab to the medical facility. It sure would be cheaper than $66 a pop. Or issue plastic like the EBT card.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

What happens to the people in wheelchairs, George? Can they use cabs?

Gary the Agnostic said...

Anonymous said...
The entire system should be taken apart. no need for it at all.

If you are that bad that you cant walk 2 or 3 blocks to a bus, then maybe you should be put into a nursing home.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

What an expression of heartfelt compassion. I take it that no one in your family is elderly or disabled.

Anonymous said...

I know a few people who rely on this service because of various disabilities that make them unable to use buses or trains and it helps them greatly.

I remember my grandfather using HANAC vouchers for cabs in the 80's and 90's but there was always a problem. The cabbies said that it took too long to get paid by the agency so they were reluctant to pick him up or would flat out refuse.
The system is flawed but it should be fixed rather than be done away with. People shouldnt be damned to a nursing home to be forgotten because they have problems getting around.

A Better NYC said...

Just like every social program that operates on taxpayer money, Access-A-Ride was created with good intentions.

However, just like every social program that operates on taxpayer money, it eventually transforms into complete crap.

Anonymous said...

Just like every social program that operates on taxpayer money, Access-A-Ride was created with good intentions.

However, just like every social program that operates on taxpayer money, it eventually transforms into complete crap.
can't argue with that unfortunately

Anonymous said...

Let them all sleep all day. It is better than having them flying around all over the city streets, weaving in and out of traffic, taking red lights and stop signs.

Anonymous said...

I used to be on the road a lot in NYC and I can honestly say that 90% of times I see an AAR they are empty. I can understand they go to and from empty, but I really don't understand why you see them empty so much.
Plus I fail to see why they need such big hulking trucks, especially since if you do see the trucks in use they have only one person in them. I see plenty of regular vans with WC access which would be sufficient for 99% of QR fares.
A friend of mines qualifies for AAR ( blind ) and she never uses AAR, she complains they are either too late or too early.

Inefficient, poor drivers and wasteful.

Anonymous said...

I currently work as a director for one of Access A Ride carriers, and it is true. These companies are owned and operated by the mob. I've witnessed shootings, bribing of city officals, and kissing the hand of the GF just like you see in the movies. There was a bit of a war going on between two owners. It started when the MTA awarded a contract to an owner who the other families didn't agree with. Then the MTA took work from that carrier and gave it to the other family, that caused a fued between the owners which resulted into someone being shot on the property of one of he Access A Ride companies.
Also, theses companies were giving about 200-315 million for a ten year contract with MTA to provide AAR service. The MTA only gets 2.25 while the contractor gets between 33.50 to 55.00 per passenger.
Please note, I have contracts to prove my statements.
AAR was going to open there own company last year when the 10 year contracts were being awarded, but ran out of money to do the project. There are things going on within the system people wouldn't imagin.

Anonymous said...

@ Anonymous # 3

Are you stupid? Not all disabled and sick people are old and can be put into nursing homes.

This system helps me to get around with my chronic illnesses that make walking around to everyday places harder.

Ignorance breeds more ignorance, open your close mind!!!

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