Thursday, November 12, 2009

Drug dealers take over Maspeth step street

"A few months ago I contacted Community Board 5 regarding the unsafe conditions of the stairs that lead from 65th Place to 64th Street near the co-ops in Maspeth. The Sanitation Department came out and removed all the broken glass and some of the stairs were repaired. The main complaint was that the stairs at night have no lighting and it has become a place now for underage kids to drink and sell drugs. This is one of the top drug areas in the neighborhood. The seller sits in the middle of the staircase while 2 spotters stand at the top and bottom of the stairs asking people what they are doing on the stairs to spot cops and harass the older people in the area. Now the area has become graffiti central with numerous tags all over the stairs and walls. This area has been a problem in the past and still is but now it's getting even worse. What can be done to correct this situation? The least that could be done is to have the lights on at night to protect the people that use the stairs so that no person gets mugged or worse." - anonymous

If you recall, the penis-decorated construction fence to the left is Another House Too Narrow. A hearing is pending for later this month to address a violation issued in April for failure to safeguard the public.

And to the right is Maspeth's only landmark - a lamppost they forgot to remove. Nice setting for it, isn't it? Actually as the link shows, this spot has become run down in a very short period of time.


Joe said...

I know them steps and I'm HORRORFIED to see Maspeth has turned to such S___ !

This was something you once viewed in the B Square factory tunnels

Anonymous said...

I usually don't condone vigilantism but maybe this is a job for Paul Kersey (better known as The Vigilante)

Anonymous said...

CB 5 Where are you?????

Anonymous said...

How do you spell redlined?

Poor Maspeth...overlooked by the cops and over developed by Bloomberg's friends!

That's what happens when a midget son of a bitch bypasses a public referendum to steal his 3rd term!

Anonymous said...

because the local precinct is probably taking their cut off these drug dealers!

That's the way it usually works.

Anonymous said...

You mean Community Bored #5 !

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Mom says...

These steps, and this problem have been ongoing for over 40 years. When I was a kid in the 60's and 70's the group known as the Steps hung out there. Then in the last 70's a group known as the Dwellers hung out there. They were a bunch of sluts, whores, drug dealing-drug addicts. Shooting up and smoking dust. Same shit - different day. Now the offspring of those losers and sitting there.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I think you know what to do...

Anonymous said...

104 pct drops the ball on everything. Put a cop there and end the problem.

Anonymous said...

104 pct drops the ball on everything. Put a cop there and end the problem.

linda said...

104th sucks! they're too busy fighting crime in ridgewood and that comes out of their own mouths. the community has to take back their steps.. community watch and get after the city to fix the lights.

Joe said...

The Dwellers didnt deal or do prostitution. They were mostly Irish guys from blue collar familys who just "hung out" with their girlfriends smoked pot and drank beer.
I knew many of the Ridgewood and Maspeth gangs.
You may be thinking of the Carbines park near the Onderdonk house, that was really bad. --Any park with cement bleachers. The druggies & dealors figured out the Gremans made them hollow.
100's people could hang out inside and not be seen by the cops.

BTW the 104 cops wont do anything its up to the people to "fix" the idiots. Problem is the Irish no longer control those Apartment buildings. Whoever is left is to old or dont give a dam.

Anonymous said...

If you see the 104 anywhere near this site, they're probably lost

Anonymous said...

Maspeth has NO police coverage because they are too busy patroling Ridgewood. A cop once said that Maspeth was still a good neighborhood, so they paid more attention to Ridgewood. You won't see a police presence in Maspeth until it turns to shit, which is happening as we speak. So glad I pay all these taxes for police protection.

Anonymous said...

this is a shame and this is not the slums......WTF

-Joe said...

Face it.
Paul Kersey LOL
---That will be that day

The scumbags, tweeds and their offspring are taking over because the American male has become a femmenized, spinless, docile piece of sh__ !!
More interested in sitting home watching TV.
I couldnt get 5 of my own friends out to vote and and hit the bar to wath the results.
HELL TWO of them couldnt get permission from their wives and even admitted it !!

My grandfather and many of his old time friends from Italy and Sicily warned me of this over 25 years ago.

Anonymous said...

Dial 911 and they must respond.Past crimes/grafitti,call 311.After numerous calls spike the system,it will get noticed at compstat,then they will have to act.

Anonymous said...

Where is DI Green while all this is happening? He hides in his office and screw the community. The 104th does nothing for Maspeth...only Ridgewood! Since we pay their salaries, I suggest we rise up & protest in front of the precinct. Loud and strong will get the atention of someone and maybe then we'll have police presence in Maspeth. It's a shame that Maspeth is and always has been short changed when it comes to police coverage. It's a prima donna precinct.

Nino Dee said...

I can’t believe this crap. Grown adults afraid of punk teenagers.
HAHAHA 311 or 104 cops arent going to do ANYTHING !

The last thing the 104 cops want is to chaise the scum into "nicer" block and get a load of heat from the high brass.

All it takes is 10 people to:
1-Grow some balls
2-Aquire some neutral colored bland clothing and headwear (its cold out in November).
3-Swiftly approach and have a good talk with the troublemakers.
Dont make any threats or warnings since the cops are more likley to protect the "poor misguided urban teenagers".
Just swoop in 5 from above and 5 from below.
"Sermons" as the priests at the church and 108 pct chaps called it.
Ask any old timer from Howard Beach or old Bushwick.

Anonymous said...

Nino Dee is the new Joe.
beatdowns all around

Anonymous said...

Maspeth Moms says

Joe... The Dwellers weren't prostitutes or dealers - just tramps/sluts and major league drug addicts, who sold if they needed the cash. Grew up around the corner, so I absolutley now what I am speaking of .
Lived with the smell of their dust/methedone bottles/herion needles, for many years.

Anonymous said...

Moms must mean 1970-75 Dwellers
Time for a blanket party !!!

Anonymous said...

The Plateau Dwellers were a bunch of great neighborhood kids who knew how to have a great time !!

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