Monday, November 9, 2009

Decision near on Aqueduct

From Crains:

And down the stretch they finally come.

After months of unexplained and often confounding delays, the state's leaders are expected to select a winner to develop a slot parlor at Aqueduct Racetrack in Queens within two weeks.

“By now, this decision should have been made, shovels should be in the ground and money should be flowing into the coffers of the state,” says state Sen. Joseph Addabbo, whose district includes Aqueduct.

Two bidders—Penn National Gaming Inc. and SL Green Realty Corp.—emerged as front-runners, a source close to the process says, after casino mogul Steve Wynn withdrew his bid. Mr. Wynn bailed last week, allegedly out of frustration with the ever-changing parameters of a process that is largely playing out behind the closed doors of Gov. David Paterson, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Senate majority leader John Sampson.

The remaining five bidders—which also include Aqueduct Entertainment Group, Delaware North's Aqueduct Gaming and R. Donahue Peebles/MGM Mirage—say they'll agree to the governor's latest request for a $200 million up-front payment to help close the state's widening budget gap.


Anonymous said...

This is a very bad idea. Too much traffic congestion for this area. Where are the protestors? Where are the politicians? Oh sorry, what am I thinking.... the politicians are probably getting some kind of kick back.

Do the residents of this community think this is a good. I wouldn't want to live around there!

Anonymous said...

Gov. David Paterson, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver and Senate majority leader John Sampson.

Their latest request? This means that they have their favorite horse and the others will drop out soon enough. This is an admirable project but it's location is logistically impossible - this project if ever implimented will create the greatest log-jam traffic you have ever witnessed!

Anonymous said...

This has to be the most stupidest thing the governor had to have been thinking, now what will become of the racetrack and the flea market that has been serving the community and the out-of-state buses who flocked to it? Oh well fucked. Now I have a certain reason not to vote for Patterson after I wrote his truly blind behind about my objection to this proposal.

Anonymous said...

now the out of state buses can throw away their money on slots and watered down drinks instead of flea market crap.

Anonymous said...

Good riddance to the flea market.

Anonymous said...

Who is Joe Addabbo supporting?

Anonymous said...

It's about time.This will put New York racing back on top.

Anonymous said...

thank god... i no longer have to drive to Yonkers Raceway!

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