Thursday, September 24, 2009

Queens Tribune's hatchet job

"Hey there!

Did you get a hard copy of this week's Queens Tribune? This is unbelievable! The front page features the headline "Queens Council Race." Underneath the banner are photos of Kevin Kim on the left and Dan Halloran on the right with the following: "Dan Halloran - the local king of a Pre-Christian heathen religious group." What the F---??!!??!!??!!??! I have never witnessed such character assassination in my life!

I found this article inside the rag.

First there's a long article about Dan's beliefs which is, in my opinion, nobody's business. Then there is the editorial endorsement of Kim, Halloran's opponent. Then an article about change. I hope that Halloran can take Schenkler and the Tribune to task for such a contemptible and contentious attempt at affecting the political process. Does the Queens Machine have no shame? I thought you would want to see this."


Hmmm. If Halloran were anything other than white and he cut the heads off animals under the Cross Bay Bridge, he'd be featured in an article about the vibrant, diverse religious expression we have here in Queens. Hey check this out:

"In short, the fullest range of our incredibly diverse borough was on hand, slugging it out in our most basic civil right - the right to elect our own representation." - from the same issue of the Trib.

"For the most part, the ethnic and cultural diversity of the borough shined bright Tuesday night as the ever-changing face of the people of Queens was reflected in the voting for the City’s Democratic Primary." - yes, from another Trib article.

It's great when other people are different. When white folk are they must be scorned. Such a double standard from the party that pretends to welcome all.

P.S. Thanks to Mike Schenkler, Council District 19 is now likely to get Paul Vallone after all! The man who idolizes Bloomberg is following in his footsteps.

You can't make this shit up, folks.


Anonymous said...

Who says they have to be fair and unbiased? They are a free paper. Look at that crap the NY Post who attack Dems and have 'coincidental' praise for the Reps.

Anonymous said...

paul vallone?

Paul Vallone???

PAUL VALLONE??????????????

Anonymous said...

There was nothing negative written about Halloran's beliefs. Padavan was quoted defending Halloran.

Crappy is making much ado about nothing.

Queens Crapper said...

"There was nothing negative written about Halloran's beliefs. Padavan was quoted defending Halloran."

No, I guess the cover wasn't meant to be inflammatory.

Anonymous said...

I read the article. It explains his position - as the leader - of a religious organization, a fact that he sought to hide from the voters.
Would it be okay if he was a rabbi and hid it? If he was a priest? The article didn't attack his faith - it attacked the fact that he tried to hide his leadership role in it. Read the lead. Don't let yourselves be snowed by the explanation of Theodism as being the story - sure it's weird, but that's his business. When he tries to hide his role in his church, that becomes our business.
If Frank Gulluscio was secretly the bishop in charge of the Brooklyn Queens Diocese and then tried to hide it once it was discovered, wouldn't that be just as egregious?
Focus on what this story is really about - he tried to deceive the voters.

Queens Crapper said...

Once again, I guess the cover wasn't meant to be inflammatory.

Anonymous said...

"If Frank Gulluscio was secretly the bishop in charge of the Brooklyn Queens Diocese and then tried to hide it once it was discovered, wouldn't that be just as egregious?"

That's a really stupid analogy. The bishop of the B-Q diocese is a public figure.

Anonymous said...

Look, Shenkler, Ackerman, Rafferty and Nussbaum are out to get their boy in. They therefore will have no shame in what they print on the cover of their rag. Yellow Journalism at its finest. Not only that, Kim doesn't have to get his hands dirty. The publication of this should be listed as a campaign expense in his filings.

Anonymous said...

Theodism as being the story - sure it's weird, but that's his business. When he tries to hide his role in his church, that becomes our business.

Where does it say he is hiding his beliefs? The article states that Halloran has difficulty explaining Theodism to those unfamiliar with it. I guess Schenkler and his bosom buddies like Fuhrer Bloomturd don't believe in separation of church and state. Actually, now I WILL vote for him in November. Kim is just a puppet on a string. This community still needs independent thinking. And one more thing, the intelligence of the average Tribune reader won't understand the nuances of the article and the issue it covers and they will think Halloran is some sort of crazy witch thanks to that paper's front page article. Way to go in supporting democracy, Schenkler. Go clean that brown crud off your nose and become a responsible local newspaper publisher with a little bit more respect for the people who read your rag! Your capitulation to the powers that be are a bit obvious, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

A new low in clubhouse and journalism in Queens.

This makes them vulnerable.


Now where is that youtube video?

Anonymous said...

The clubhouse seems to be getting desperate.

All this will do is drive a wedge between them and the public.

A new first.

stupid stupid stupid

Anonymous said...

Wow, a Queens weakly doing investigative reporting? My my my all the pols must be diving into ratholes all over the borough.

But seriously, are they going to do a piece on the mob in Astoria. Land of Wiseguys?

Anonymous said...

Land of Wiseguys ...

Read Vallone Sr's biography - even the staffers could not cut through the turgid prose - there should be plenty of copies around.

Interesing about his older brother. As I recall, Sr seemed to think that he fell into the 'wrong' crowd. Hit and run right in front of Ricardos.

A sad story.

A kid did it they say.

Anonymous said...

So much for Queens being the birthplace of religous freedom, eh Mr 'Silver Slipper' Ackerman?

Nice flesh in the rag. Great for the kiddies. I want YOU to be MY congressman.

Anonymous said...

Let's go back some 20 odd years to review a slice of sordid political history...lest we all forget.


Did not Ackerman's boy Kevin Kim just give about a $100,000 contact to (Nussbaum's) "Multi Media" to run his campaign?

Gary Ackerman is said to have been hooked up good with the notorious criminal developer Tommy Huang at least since the early 80s.

Wasn't Gary on, or still is, on the China or Asia Committee?

Is he not one of the (as of yet not convicted) dirtiest pols of them all including Manes...the Asian connection...covertly on Taiwan's payroll (via laundered campaign contributions)?

I hope you FBI guys are still monitoring this site because there's a wealth of tips and info to glean here (it beats "deep throat").

Many of the old members of "the club" seem to be still around alive and well and apparently "doing business as usual" (?) whatever exactly that might be.

Let's list some old timers: Shulman, Nussbaum, Ackerman, Herce, Stavisky, Apelian, Huang, etc.

John Liu was just a lad then but is apparently related to Tommy Huang and moving up fast.

What a neat package everyone has managed to tie up.

It will be complete if Liu becomes comptroller.

There's still an unresolved matter of that "junket" to Taiwan that numerous pols took way back when.

Who went? Wasn't CB#7 represented?

The stench of corruption headquartered in downtown Flushing stinks more than the river's rising effluents at low tide.

Just how much of NYC has been sold over to Asian influences?

Whatever happened to the sum of money that "disappeared" from a certain college's student organization when Gary Ackerman was its treasurer?

A lot of unanswered questions...

But it's all here awaiting indictments of some "biggies" if some smart FBI guy wants to make his bones on putting it all together.

Stay tuned for more.
And now a word from our sponsor...heh, heh, heh!

Evan said...

Mommy's getting scared! I had to change her Depends more times than usual yesterday. Why are you people so cruel?

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised none of you have a problem with a man who *thinks* he is a king being elected to public office in the United States.

And I'm not sure how serious Halloran is about this "pagan" kick. He was married in the Catholic Church -- and I can almost BET it wasn't an inter-faith ceremony. Do you really think he told the priest "Well, I was raised Catholic, but now I'm a pagan king..." Please.

Anonymous said...

Walter Sanchez learned everything he knows about publishing from Mike Schenkler!

Anonymous said...

Seem to recall an article a few years back about supposedly politically appointed judges in probate or the like and and it seems extreme fees of the elderly and disabled going into the pockets of lawyers - a list of firm was provided.

Can someone help me with the press link?

Ha Ha He He Its Me! said...

Hey Schenkler, when are you going to profile the Vallone empire - consulting, clients, holdings etc?

Adolf Bloomhitler said...

Zere is no freedom of ze press because I OWN zem all! My way or ze highway!

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Anonymous said...

Seem to recall an article a few years back about supposedly politically appointed judges in probate or the like and and it seems extreme fees of the elderly and disabled going into the pockets of lawyers - a list of firm was provided.

Can someone help me with the press link?

"www.manton, sweeny, gallo, reich, and"

Anonymous said...

Of course the front page of the Tribune was meant to be inflammatory -- why else did they wait to run it as part of Kim's victory story? Would they have run it if Iannece or Vallone or Cooke won? I happen to have voted for Kim, but this whole thing stinks. I'd like to see Kim come out and put it to rest by saying that everyone should focus on the issues, and not on someone's religious (or pseudo-religious) beliefs.

Anonymous said...

Padavan is gonna have a great time explaining to the italians, jews and greeks of his distirct his support defending a pagan who does blood sacrafice and preys to vegetables. Cant wait to see that.

Adolf Bloomhitler said...

Money is mein God!!!

neversleep said...

The fact is that "pagan" has had a perjorative connotation in the language since the middle ages.
The Trib threw in "heathen," yet another perjorative.
Ackerman's rag shows a pic of eight people and calls it "a vast community that very few people know about," which is even more editorialising in a "news" story.
The media picks up on the "pre-Christian" religion that was founded in the 1970's, which is another tidbit "hidden" in plain sight on the web.
I wonder if the Trib is going to write up the next Diwali parade as a "heathen ritual." Are they going to start calling the Ganesh temple in Flushing "pagan" rather than "Hindu?"
Only partizan zombies could defend this slime. I wonder what they would say if someone called Indians (pick 'em)"heathens."

Anonymous said...

Who pays for the flowers that Ackerman wears on a daily basis?

Anonymous said...

He gets 'em for free. They grow in his ears!

Anonymous said...

yeah good job Vinnie. spend more time defending the pagans while you fall into the trap. geez, youre as stupid as you look. whats next ? padavan steps down and chicita banana runs for his seat ?

Anonymous said... you think Phil Ragusa can quickly dunk Paul into a tank of red paint and have him come out as a Republican candidate?

If his previous undercoat blue party color runs...Paul will be purple with rage!

Don't ya love politics?

Better than a hot soap opera!

Anonymous said...

Phil Ragusa is a now total schmuck...king of the cuckoos!

He's proved to be a fool many times before but this latest screw up puts him on the top rung of the stupidity ladder.

Aren't you supposed to deep scope fiber optic any potential candidate with a thorough vetting examination before you rum them?

If Vallone runs again (gasp) I'll be forced to vote for him as the only viable choice to win over Kim!

Alas, I threw away my vote on Behar and I won't risk doing that again for Halloran even though I like both of these guys the best.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Chuck Apelian had a Byzantine scheme in mind all along.

Chuck is a registered that right?

He suddenly decides
to become Paul Vallone's Democratic Party campaign manager without (???) pay.

If Paul had won the Democratic primary...Chuck is in like flint.

Now Paul has lost the primary.

Should he wind up running as a Republican (stranger things have happened) Chuck is free to broker any deals and get a second chance at championing Paul Vallone like a good little Republican would.

Chuck's covered his bet both ways...the smart hair-pieced dude!

Ya gotta watch out for Mr. Apelian...he's one slim customer...a real slick Armenian rug trader!

I'd love to give him a shot of Sodium Pentethol and grill him about CB#7, Manes, Huang, Herce, yadda, other words...the old days!

Anonymous said...

The QGOP floating the idea that they would cross-endorse Vallone IF Halloran dropped out is masterful, b/c it got the Dems all atwitter and let the Dems know that QGOP can still play at their game.

Anonymous said...

campaign money scandal(norman hsu/john c.liu )
washington d.c. postage stamp scandal (g.ackerman)
n.y.c. parking violations scandal (d.manes,dowd,the lawyer,,jimmy breslin, )
n.y. sex swinger scandal (d.manes, lindenauer.

wasn't the shea stadium marina restaurant their hide a way ?

remember the 37,000 American sailors,soldiers and marines lives that were sacrificed to save the South Koreans, from the communist invaders from N.Korea and China,1950-1953. in 2009,are the new immigrants stupid enough to vote communist sympathizers into the n.y.c. government ? i hope not!!!!we who survived, pray that the new immigrants do the RIGHT thing. they owe it to our dead heroes.

Anonymous said...

FYI, all of the letters printed in this week's Queens Tribune excoriate the paper for printing that hatchet-job article on Dan Halloran, including one from Steve Behar, whose parents are from different faiths (one Catholic, and the other Jewish) and who says that the article had no place in the discussion of the campaign. The letters are not on the Trib website. At least they printed them, although I'm sure that editor Schenkler will say, "See how we print the truth even when we're criticized for it."

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