Friday, September 25, 2009

Bloomberg running against his own record

From Rant/Rave:

In a real sense, Bloomberg has united New Yorkers of all races and ethnicities. Skyrocketing water bills, ticket blitzes and steep hikes in the water bills, tax assessments and parking penalties have alienated millions of New Yorkers. When you add in the nanny state taxes on cigarettes and the absurd transfat ban, you have an element of elitism and condescension that rankles many.

Wall Street, the fashion industry and other pillars of Gotham's prosperity are certainly important. But there are thousands of small businesses in the four boroughs beyond Manhattan that pay millions in taxes and get very little recognition. I see way too many vacant storefronts. If Mayor Bloomberg could stay on the subway for longer than his usual ceremonial photo op subway ride, he might learn some things about the other side of the Brooklyn Bridge.

In eight years, Bloomberg has paid very little attention to the concerns of the outer boroughs. His one accomplishment has been to create a sense of unity among new Yorkers who don't concur with Bloomberg's rosy assessment of life in the Big Apple. I know a lot of orthodox jews who are eagerly awaiting the opportunity in November to make Bill Thompson New York city's second African American mayor. It may be an uphill battle. The three newspapers of New York City, the New York Post, the Daily News and the Times seem eager to treat a Bloomberg third term as something inevitable.

Bill Thompson, despite being a Democrat, is nowhere near as well funded as Mike Bloomberg. But New Yorkers can see for themselves the reality behind Mike Bloomberg's glossy mailings. Mike Bloomberg is not just running against Bill Thompson. He is running against Mike Bloomberg. Eight years of aloofness, smugness and condescension has reached critical mass. Whether the papers report on it or not, millions of New Yorkers are waiting to vote in November. Bloomberg has spent $200 million dollars on this election. That is twenty five dollars for each man, woman and child in New York City, trying to convince us that his victory is inevitable. Most of the people I have spoken to are just not impressed. For a guy who's smart enough to be a billionaire, it doesn't seem to be such a great investment.


Adolf Bloomhitler said...

I am zo misunderstood.

Anonymous said...


Dump the bum just for the nerve of overturning our wishes. Our votes do count and he will learn that. The same can be said of every bum in the city council who voted to extend term limits.

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

Mike Bloomberg book review, the reviewer sounds like me!

Mike Bloomberg pushed a tsunami of community crushing development -- way too fast and reckless....

Read the article....the author is dazzled by Mike (so what is new -- his money seems to hypnotizes people) but the reviewer....not a fan.

From the last paragraph...
"....the mayor might want to start by extricating the city from the fiscal hole he has dug for it." Fred Siegel author of the article....

Hey Fred, Mike bought a third term so that is his punishment and as far as I am concerned it is not good enough.
I posted this comment on WSJ:
Someone told me to read this piece because the author's reference to a "tsunami of expenditures" sounded like my words. I have been saying for years Bloomberg pushed a tsunami of community crushing development. My first YouTube, "Mayor Bloomberg King of New York was last year in response to the fiasco with term limits. I also painted a portrait of Mike with a small grin and an oversized crown with red, white and blue gems and transformed the portrait in to a political poster asking "Is democracy for sale? No Third Term". Bloomberg is going to win and his punishment for denying us a referendum is the third term. I am glad Fred Siegel is not dazzled by Bloomberg and his wealth. On my poster above Mike Bloomberg's shoulders, it says "Principum Amicitias!". I borrowed these words from the newly discovered Shakespeare portrait. Many New York voters may not know the translation but they share the feeling. Mike will win but I predict with the lowest amount of votes and put that in context of the record amount of money he spent. Thanks for publishing this book review. Siegel paints an accurate portrait.

Adolf Bloomhitler said...

By ze way, in my 5th term I vill buy Queens Crap. Zen how vill you get ze truth?

Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh Heh

"The Resistance" said...

Achtung! Achtung!

Der Bloom-fuhrer muzt be crushed at der polls zis November!

Remember what happened in Poland and don't forget poll-land.

Get up early and VOTE this arrogant, elitist, power hungry Reich's Chancellor OUT at your polling place.

Unless you prefer Mike's Wall Street stormtroopers telling you which hand you will be permitted to wipe your ass with for 4 (? maybe more?) years!

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg's supremicist arrogance is his Achilles heel and it will cost him the election!

Gary the Agnostic said...

Is there any part of City Government is which Bloomberg doesn't cook the books?

Taxpayer said...

Dump the Commissar just for sport!

Anonymous said...

I love it...dump him just for sport.

I know a burly discus thrower who can pitch that runt at least 30 yards from city hall's front door!

PizzaBagel said...

I know a burly discus thrower who can pitch that runt at least 30 yards from city hall's front door!

I'd prefer seeing him go with a hammer throw -- round and round and round, then zing! And I think that way we'd get much better distance.

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