Tuesday, September 22, 2009


You know what, guys. I wasn't going to post any more today unless there was some earth shattering news.

But this MUST be told.

Suzannah's video, featured 2 posts below, has suddenly been removed from YouTube for "terms of use violation".

This after Steve Behar's Paul Vallone video was pulled for the same reason.

WTF is going on in this city?


UPDATE #1: The issue is getting attention.

UPDATE #2: Suzannah has posted the video on another site instead.

David Yassky breaking law w/campaign signs he isn't the only
by Suzannahbtroyartist

UPDATE #3: You Tube has terminated Suzannah's account without specifying why. They urged her to review their community guidelines to determine which rule she broke. (None of them were broken.)


Anonymous said...

where's the video?
can't find the link.

-Joe said...

I been saying this for years...get called a racist

The mayor and his Kosher Nostra friends own or have enough ownership (via conglomerates)in ALL media to make this happen.
They use "indies" so they can pretend not to know each other.

I worked in TV it was hand in hand with politics.
....filthy dirty, currupt and racist against non jews and why I became a wine grape farmer.

TV networks, broadcast stations, print media, You Tube (Google) and most your seach engines are owned by major conglomerates who call the shots.

We have Bill Clinton's hand for giving us the Telecommunications Act of 95 that made this happen.
Complete deregulation was his reward to all the lobbiests like Summer Redstone (VIACOM), Murdoch, Bloomberg news network for getting him elected.

Its gonna be impossible to clean all this sh_ up when only what 20% ? of the middle class vote.

Taxpayer said...

To fully understand this, we must understand that the US Constitution was a product of a suggestion box.

We live in the land of the free. No real rules for anyone to obey.

Just good (mostly) ideas and suggestions.

Anonymous said...

The media has been bought and paid for. Forget the 1st Amendment. It doesn't exist anymore. Where are the Civil Liberties People, or have they been bought too? This is the shape of things to come. Hope the Crapper isn't next!

Clark Kent said...

I guess Suzannah was doing an effective job outing Bloomturd, Quimm, and other crooked pols! Someone must have something to hide...like the truth! I hope she doesn't take this lying down. Alert all blogs to post this story! The media really sucks in this town.

ew-3 said...

YouTube is owned by Google.
Google is a very political creature.

Anonymous said...

Freedom is just an illusion this proves it.

Anonymous said...

Unless Youtube has become a part of the government or a US government owned entity, how is that a first amendment issue?

It's a corporate website. They chose to remove videos they believe violate their rules. I'm not saying I agree with it or that it's right, in this case or any other, but it certainly has nothing to do with the first amendment.

Anonymous said...

YouTube or ScrewTube?

Anonymous said...

Yeah except it doesn't break any of their rules.

Queens Crapper said...

"Unless Youtube has become a part of the government or a US government owned entity, how is that a first amendment issue?"

Because the government obviously got involved to trample Suzannah's freedom of speech and YouTube went along with it.

Anonymous said...

"Unless Youtube has become a part of the government or a US government owned entity, how is that a first amendment issue?"

This is akin to preventing the dissemination of literature. Ask Evan Stavisky about that one.

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

Thanks to Queens Crapper. You broke the story before Azi Paybarah and I like your piece a lot better so thank you.

Freedom of speech and most of all political speech is the most protected except when someone wants to shut you down on YouTube and that they succeeded to do. Each on of my YouTubes is suspended for some unknown violation of terms. Did they mean talking about "term limits"?
I could not give Norman a name of anyone at YouTube or a telephone number to call.

YouTube suspended my entire account which was over 300 movies including helping a homeless man Giuseppie Logan and so much more. "Signal to Noise" wrote my YouTube up that sent shock waves through the jazz world because everyone thought Giuseppie Logan had died.'Mayor Bloomberg King of New York" was written up in The New York Observer in "Holding Back the Tides of Bloomberg" By Azi Paybarah. "Gloomy Bloomy News, Sub-Zero Trickle Down" was written up and linked to in another piece by a different author also in The New York Observer.

My last YouTube was David Yassky breaks the law again where a support puts his posters illegally on a light pole. I reported his and other politicians breaking the law to 311. As many of you know I have been harassed by a troll/trolls so I am guessing this is on going harassment. Contact YouTube and demand they reinstate my YouTubes. Political speech is the most protected so please help.

Norman Siegel called me to help. He asked what was the reason and I said it is vague -- "This video has been removed due to terms of use violation" and this notice is on all 300 plus YouTubes from honoring our NYPD, FDNY, PAPD and EMS at the world trade center, to infrastructure breaks to Imette St. Guillen and Jennifer Moore being raped and murdered and FYI, a troll so obsessed with me he took on man identities, both male and female harassed me mocked my bad hair day when I talked about their rapes and murders.

As usual I believe it was a violation of my freedom of speech. I had to tell Norman there was nothing specific but over 300 movies I made are now suspended. Norman asked me for a name of someone at YouTube and I said I do not have a name.

Thank you,
Suzannah B. Troy
YouTube suspended over 300 movies
the first "Mayor Bloomberg King of New York"
the last "David Yassky breaks the law again and he isn't alone owing the city
I moved it to Daily Motion
to find original title go here -- I am exhausted and tired....


Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

Anyone who has the energy, please contact YouTube and speak up on my behalf.
Thanks and gratitude,
Suzannah B. Troy

Anonymous said...

Good for you, Suzzanah.

Now why is the Vallone video still off the air?

Behar, if you want to run for office knuckling under to a thug who wants to censor is not the way to win votes.

Anonymous said...

It's a corporate website. They chose to remove videos they believe violate their rules. I'm not saying I agree with it or that it's right, in this case or any other, but it certainly has nothing to do with the first amendment.
sounds like a mod at astorians.com

the issue is, knucklehead, you are going to find opinions on a community oriented blog that you will not agree with.

the best way to fire up the public is to take away their voice.

just because it works in astoria does not mean it will work elsewhere.

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

Thanks and gratitude to you Queens Crapper!!! Really moved by your banner that includes me!
Thank you so much!


Here is the lastest write up but yours was the first and my most favorite!!!!

Taxpayer said...

Anonymous said:
"Unless Youtube has become a part of the government or a US government owned entity, how is that a first amendment issue?

It's a corporate website. They chose to remove videos they believe violate their rules. I'm not saying I agree with it or that it's right, in this case or any other, but it certainly has nothing to do with the first amendment."

- - -

If they chose to remove the video under pressure from a taxpaid government official or agency, the First Amendment is very much in play.

I believe that YouTube buckled to government pressure.

If Suzannah now chooses to sue, I'll help in any way I can.

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

Louis a fellow blogger and youtuber wrote this...if anyone else will contact YouTube on my behalf thank you.

Subjects : Questionable Suspension of Citizen Journalist Account/Freedom of Speech/Democratic Elections

Dear Press Reps of YouTube.com :

I am a blogger, and I am writing to find out what is the official policy of YouTube when it comes to citizen jouranlists using YouTube accounts.

When citizen journalists in Iran were submitting videos to YouTube about voting and election irregularities in Iran, YouTube featured those important videos -- and rightly so. In this era, citizen jouranlists are an important underpinning for ensuring free, open, and democratic elections.

However, I am concerned that the following YouTube account, belonging to a citizen journalist and artist, Suzannah B. Troy, has been suspended by YouTube for inexplicable reasons :


Why was Ms. Troy's account suspended ? She has posted a few hundred videos (vlogs) focusing on various topics, most importantly on the upcoming (and controversial) city elections here in New York City. Can YouTube.com please explain how it makes the distinction between featuring and highlighting the Iranian citizen jouranlist videos, meanwhile, supressing Ms. Troy's citizen jouranlist videos (by suspending her account) ?

I await your timely response, because we are approaching the November election, and I want to be able to blog about your response and share the impact of your policy with other citizen journalists.

Thank you kindly.

--Louis F

Suzannah's Friend said...

Perhaps an investigation into this affront might show that Bloomtard, or one of his lackeys, was responsible for this. If so, then it can have consequences on the upcoming election. Trying to silence opponents is not very democratic, is it? Of course, I'm speaking about a man who has used his vast wealth to overturn term limits...even though NYC residents voted twice to approve them. Let us not forget that he called overturning term limits a disgrace prior to his decision to seek a third term. Dump the bastard or pay the consequences in higher taxes for the middle class and who knows what else is up his sleeve.

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...


Please write this email and ask them to restore my blog.
Thank you!

I believe this was just another form of on going harassment and my freedom of speech was violated.

Anonymous said...

holy shit...... ok everyone help her out, so crapper can do their best work.

NYC News & Analysis said...

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: YouTube.com suspends account of Citizen Journalist-Artist Suzannah B. Troy


Suzannah B. Troy, a New York City-based artist, citizen jouranlist, and blogger, has had her YouTube.com inexplicably suspended by the popular video website.


Ms. Troy has spent months creating, editing, and posting hundreds of original citizen journalist videos focusing on the controversial election this year of local candidates running for third terms in office. In particular, Ms. Troy's videos have been highly critical of the New York City Council and Mayor Michael Bloomberg.

The nature of the videos on her YouTube.com account have ranged from breaking news-quality videos of voter demonstrations, to video blogs of her commentary on the elections, to artistic interpretation of news events. There is no reason for her account to be suspended by YouTube other than for the political and artistic nature of their content.

We are only weeks away from an important election, which shall decide if City Council Members and Mayor Bloomberg will thwart the will of voters' two referrenda on term limits. And missing from the free exchange of ideas during the critical debates that will be taking place in the time leading up to the election will be Ms. Troy's body of work.

Without you stepping in to blog, publish, or report about this questionable suspension of Ms. Troy's YouTube account (as well as the potential of loss of hundreds of videos), other citizen journalists may face the same sad fate : cyber suppression.

Please consider the importance of voter participation in free and open democratic elections.

Anonymous said...

Hope the Crapper isn't next!
No kidding.
Look what happened to this blogger.

They tossed blogger Hal Turner in federal prison ! No lawyer, no visitors, no bail, no medical treatment They also removed all his dental crowns exposing the nerves so he get dental abcess's and dies first.

He's been in a 8X6 cell 23 hours a day since June for saying "judges that sh*t on the Constution need a beating"
Nobody acted on his comment but hes still in jail.

Obama not only wants a New World Order and new money at the G20

He wants Bloomberg with Cuomo II in as NY Governor, if that happens everybody’s f*cked for sure !!

Joe said...

I shot an Email to Matt Drudge for Suzannah.

Drudge had a like "dirty" situation happen to on his Sunday night radio show on WABC.
Within 5 minutes Disney called the radio station had him fired calling him "A Bad Mouseketeer"
It made no difference if his comments and report on the story were true or not.
It happened faster then Don Imus firing.

Thats how much power these Mo_F_er conglomerates have.

Megan said...

That piss bucket Yassky is behind this. First he spits in democracy's face by voting against term limits, then he stabs free speech through the heart with this censorship.

Anonymous said...

I dont agree with everything Suzannah B. says but I think she is a courageous asset to this City's political discourse. This is not, on its face, a 1st amendment issue, BUT, I dont think this would have happened w/o political pressure. Support Suzannah, go after YouTube and lets find out who tried to silence her.

neversleep said...

I know what it was.

By asking a person who was putting campaign posters on public property if they knew they were breaking the law... you were harrassing them.

That must be it.

(cue the Looney Tunes theme)

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

Louis sent me this and he urges everyone to continue to write press@youtube.com

Thanks for your support.
YouTube has done this before -- and then, when pressured, has subsequently restored at least one account : see Wiki cite below :


YouTube blocked the account of Wael Abbas, an activist who posted videos of police brutality, voting irregularities and anti-government demonstrations.[22] His account was subsequently restored.


Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

Dear Press Reps of YouTube.com :

I am a filmmaker in New York City and have been a great supporter of YouTube since its inception. Your services have greatly contributed to relevant public discourse among citizens who otherwise do not have access to mainstream (read:old) media outlets to voice their thoughts, views, beliefs and opinions. I always tell people YouTube is the greatest democratizing tool ever invented!

However, I am gravely concerned that the following YouTube account, belonging to a citizen journalist and artist, Suzannah B. Troy, has been suspended by YouTube for inexplicable reasons:


I have followed Ms. Troy's blog for a long while now and have even posted blog articles on my film's website, www.thepromiseofnewyork.com, featuring her insightful videos about a citizen's perspective on the current (and controversial) New York City election. These videos are now empty links, as a voice that was once an example of the free speech we enjoy in our city as well as in our country, has now been silenced without explanation by your team.

I am familiar with, and have again read just recently, your terms of use and do not see anything in there that would warrant a suspension of this account.

Your vague rationale for this suspension leads one to consider the possibility that powerful and rich political candidates in the current New York mayoral race, disatisfied with the content of Ms. Troy's videos, might be behind this decision.

It would be a shame if it were so and, as I have always been such a champion of YouTube and its role in enabling people to exercise their right to free speech, I hope it isn't.

Why was Ms. Troy's account suspended? She has posted a few hundred videos (vlogs) focusing on various topics, most importantly on the upcoming (and controversial) city elections here in New York City. Can YouTube.com please explain how it makes the distinction between featuring and highlighting the Iranian citizen journalist videos, meanwhile, supressing Ms. Troy's citizen journalist videos?

I ask that you reconsider your decision and that you promptly reinstate Ms. Troy's account so she can continue to share her valuable insights and opinions to the ongoing discourse about the current election with other New York City voters.

Raul Barcelona, Filmmaker
New York, NY

This was sent to me by Raul.

This was sent to me by Tom who I filmed along with other members of Manhattanville being mass evicted by Columbia University abusing eminent domain.
Subjects : Questionable Suspension of
Citizen Journalist Account/Freedom of Speech/Democratic Elections

Dear Press Reps of YouTube.com :

The YouTube account, belonging to a citizen journalist and artist, Suzannah B. Troy,
has been suspended by YouTube for inexplicable reasons :


Why was Ms. Troy's account suspended ?
She has posted a few hundred videos (vlogs) focusing on various topics, most
importantly on the upcoming (and controversial) city elections here in New York

I await your timely response, because we are
approaching the November election and Ms. Troy's ideas need to be on utube,

Thank you.

Tom DeMott

Anonymous said...

Google agreed to submit to government censorship in order to secure their China franchise so what's the big surprise here?

We're merely following Communist China's rule book for "free" speech.

This already gives you a taste of what's in store for all of us if Bloom-fuhrer gets his 3rd term!

Anonymous said...

Sure the NY Civil Liberties Union can sue but by the time it's all over the election will be over!

Anonymous said...

"Oh Suzannah your the one for me"...keep on the Bloomberg machine's ass fine lady!

Anonymous said...


Not suggesting anyone do this, but if You Tube plays cybergames they are setting a dangerous thing cause you get a lot of techies out there that like internet freedom and might be incited to play cybergames with them.

They are a bigger target (and have a lot more to lose) than little Miss Suzaanah...

I just don't know how smart that stunt was on their part....

Flushing Friend said...

Sure the NY Civil Liberties Union can sue but by the time it's all over the election will be over!

Agreed. However, a heavy dose of publicity regarding how certain "candidates" censored Ms. Troy's YouTube videos could open up a lot of eyes. I hope that this affront makes it to the mainstream media...and fast!!!

Anonymous said...

A Poem
by Suzzannah B. Troy
on the occasion of the loss of my Youtube account

you wonder why you never see me
i wonder if you even care
you spend your time critisizing
and i wonder what it's worth

you ban me from my friends
i wonder when you'll allow me to live
but you take away my life
and i wonder when it's gonna end

you slap me around, feeling it's a given right
i wonder when i'll finally be allowed to feel
you don't let me think nor do you let me speak
i wonder what will be the final breaking point

you wonder what i'm feeling
i want to know why you care
you've taken all i love
and i suddenly begin to think

you know nothing of my life
i'm still just a little girl to you
but i know more than you think
and have felt more than you'll know

you tell me i owe you everything
but how can i when you've taken it all back
you tell me i'm alive and to live my life
but how can i when it's you who has killed me?

Tim said...

Please, please, please don't confuse constitutional protections from the government with a private enterprise exercising their constitutional right to provide their services as they see fit.

The First Amendment is about protecting the rights of the citizens against the federal government, not about imposing an individual's speech on another. The moment it's deemed appropriate to hold an individual (or a business) to the same speech standards is the moment it becomes possible for me to force you to have my views posted in your house without your ability to remove them.

Hit Google (who owns YouTube) where it hurts: let their advertisers know you disagree with their stance, find an alternate service, use the blog to get the word out, but please don't try to apply the constitutional protections against the government to anybody except the government.

Anonymous said...

So it's ok for someone named "Bloombergforlife" to harass Suzannah because he/she doesn't like her political views and for a private company to help them shut her up? Is it likely that Bloombergforlife works for the government? Yes. Bloomberg has a pattern of trying to silence those he doesn't agree with through his paid governmental staff.

This is definitely a first amendment issue. And Google already admitted that they terminated her account without cause, apologized and reinstated it.

Tim said...

So it's ok for someone named "Bloombergforlife" to harass Suzannah because he/she doesn't like her political views and for a private company to help them shut her up?

Harassment is a civil or criminal mater, not a constitutional one. A private citizens acts are not the acts of the government. The private company is well within their rights to ignore or support whomever they wish, just as Suzannah is within her rights to post or delete this response, with or without justification.

Is it likely that Bloombergforlife works for the government? Yes.

Hyperbole and speculation.

Bloomberg has a pattern of trying to silence those he doesn't agree with through his paid governmental staff.

If true, this is something that should be investigated as it would possibly be illegal. Proof is required for stuff like this, though.

This is definitely a first amendment issue.

Again, no it isn't. And until there is proof rising higher than "is there a possibility that so-and-so works for the government", it's a civil action that rises to the level of harassment at best.

If the government stepped in an shut Google down because they had speech they didn't approve of, that would qualify. Forcing Google to have a government-appointed Speech Czar with the power to remove anything for any reason also would qualify.

Somebody, working for the government or not, who makes a request that Google then decides to honor is not a trashing of free speech. Google has every right to honor or ignore that request; there is no coercion or force.

And Google already admitted that they terminated her account without cause, apologized and reinstated it.

As they should have. And the issue got attention because the First Amendment did what it was supposed to.

I don't disagree that Google pulls the trigger on DMCA and TOS violations somewhat arbitrarily, but screaming "First Amendment! First Amendment!" every time Google decides to honor a request cheapens the First Amendment and further confuses people as to what it's there for.

Anonymous said...

"If true, this is something that should be investigated as it would possibly be illegal."

Who's going to investigate it? The government? Ha ha ha, ho ho ho, hee hee hee.

Anonymous said...

"I don't disagree that Google pulls the trigger on DMCA and TOS violations somewhat arbitrarily, but screaming "First Amendment! First Amendment!" every time Google decides to honor a request cheapens the First Amendment and further confuses people as to what it's there for."

They removed 300 videos of Suzannah's because a Bloomberg troll whined about it. That's pretty damn scary.

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...


Thanks again for all your support.


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