Sunday, August 30, 2009

Shulman fiasco has the "rancid smell of corruption"

From Neighborhood Retail Alliance:

Sounds like someone hasn't gotten their lies straight-and it ain't Shulman who is essentially arguing against interests here. And if the activity itself was illegal, where does that put the mayor and EDC? In our view, as co-conspirators in an illegal scheme to defraud the tax payers and corrupt the legislative process.

Where does this fiasco leave us? It seems to us that someone is lying-and the prevaricators are all in the Bloomberg corner. So, if Shulman got $450,000 to do something other than what the city wanted her to do, than where is the DOI on all of this? (Or, perhaps, the AG) And another thing; is Shulman's group still getting funded to do, "outreach?"

But something really doesn't pass the smell test here. Last year, the Queens Gazette had this story right in the cross hairs-and Shulman admitted at the time what her real role was: "Just before the Gazette went to press yesterday, former Assemblymember Barry Grodenchik, a spokesman for Shulman, told the Gazette that the former borough president, indeed, was a lobbyist. "We are updating our city filing and are moving to update our state filing," he said."

So, why didn't EDC pull the plug on the scam then? And by the way, where is the fine for Shulman, who knew all along what her role was, but failed to register for it?

This entire effort to evict legitimate businesses from Willets Point has the rancid smell of corruption. A full and impartial investigation of the matter is needed here-and the brakes need to be put on any move to disturb existing businesses and their workers.


Anonymous said...

Great, by the time the steam gets in the engine the election will be over.

Two more weeks before Tony loses, and two more months before Thompson is gone.

Then we have four years of shit.

Anonymous said...

Thinking outside the box, if Bloomtard is busted for corruption, it would be hard to serve as mayor. Don't give up the ship!

Anonymous said...

keep it up all this will be out soon they are all going to fall THERE IS HOPE AFTER ALL

Anonymous said...

Where are the Feds? Did Bloomberg buy them off?

Anonymous said...

Thinking outside the box, if Bloomtard is busted for corruption, it would be hard to serve as mayor. Don't give up the ship!

I love smarmy people.

And who will take over, the Head of City Council or the Public Advocate?

Any policy changes? Naw.

Anonymous said...

I love smarmy people.

We don't like you. GET LOST (but please remove your head from your butt first so you can see where you're going)!

Anonymous said...

President Obama better forget the Talibans and come after Turdberg. He is robbing us blind. No wonder the WTC isn't built. He stole all our money :(

Madame Ponzi said...

Shulman has been the same corrupt ugly hack since the days of Donald Mannes and the parking violations bureau scandal. She was in the same office as he was while he was getting bribe money. She's had more time to practice being a rotten, tainted bureaucrat since then.

Anonymous said...

The same crap will win office this years are there any worse campaigns then Tony Avella he has a knock out of Thompson and does not use it

Ed Ucation said...

The same crap will win office this years are there any worse campaigns then Tony Avella he has a knock out of Thompson and does not use it

Thank you for proving the need for a better NYC public education system. And I am willing to bet that grammar is your strong suit.

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking (yeah, I know that's dangerous) that the reason that Doomberg is pushing so hard for a turd term is that he needs an additional 4 years to cover up his misdeeds from the first 2 terms.

Anonymous said...

Great photo! What a lovely sight. Claire and Wellington - AKA Big Buddha and Number One Son. The creation of Wellington Pointe continues.

Anonymous said...

Shulman belongs in a garbage can!

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