Monday, August 3, 2009

Shocking News: NYPD doesn't answer the phone

From the Daily News:

Calling the cops? Good luck getting through.

A Daily News survey found it's nearly impossible to reach anyone at the front desks of many precinct stationhouses across the city.

The lines are busy. The phones ring off the hook. Or, even worse, cops pick up the phone - and slam it back down.

As part of a month-long probe, The News telephoned all 76 neighborhood precinct stationhouses across the city at least seven times at varying times of day.

The results are a wakeup call.

More than 40% of the stationhouses were found to be "unacceptable."

For an "acceptable" rating, cops had to pick up in fewer than 10 rings on at least five out of seven calls.

At the 104th Precinct stationhouse in Ridgewood, Queens, when The News asked to be transferred to Community Affairs, the phone rang 175 times before a reporter gave up.

Meanwhile, cops at the 102nd Precinct stationhouse in Richmond Hill, Queens, said their out-of-date phones couldn't transfer a call.

NYPD brass dismissed the findings. Spokesman Paul Browne said NYPD spot checks this year found only 19 of 97 neighborhood and specialized precincts failed to answer the phone promptly. The NYPD fails a precinct if the first call rings more than 15 times and a second one more than 10 times.


Anonymous said...

Who knew it was also now legal to park on the sidewalk? NYPD, thanks for setting a good example.

Taxpayer said...

A neighbor just asked me: What if someone tried calling the precinct to report an injured cop?

He should have phoned 911?

What if in the excitement, he only knew to phone the precinct?

These lazy cops are putting their fellow officers at grave risk by not answering the phone!

Naturally, NYPD brass dismissed the findings. That explains the problem.

The brass encourage the problem. They would do the same thing; probably did when they were precinct officers.

Watch. The Commissar is happy with the way things are. Shitty phone service, no answering machines, no cell phones, cops as indifferent as are the "leaders".

Anonymous said...

Well, this confirms why there is no police presence in Maspeth. If you see a patrol car, it means they are lost or made a wrong turn. Just remember, the taxpayers of New York are paying for a service that they are not receiving. Why can't the city collaborate with Verizon and bring the phone system up to speed? The whole situation is criminal.

Anonymous said...

I have complained about the 104 precinct to 311 and any other city agency that would listen for years and no one has ever lifted a finger.

Anonymous said...

I have to say that the 112pct is fairly resposive - the desk srgt. will answer the phone. But what w/ 911 and 311, there really isn't a reason to call the pct. directly. And while I garee w/ Taxpayer's neighbor's concerns, I think the example is a little silly. Not remember 911?

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

That is so funny. Every time we see a cop on the street we ask "You lost officer?"

Remember foot patrols a few years back?

Anonymous said...

More reasons to vote for Bloomturd...if you're a moron!

Anonymous said...

This is the same police department that appointed Dennis Kim new york citys top cop for 2004.... Ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

That is so funny. Every time we see a cop on the street we ask "You lost officer?"
I am sure the cop just bursts out laughing at your wit.

Anonymous said...

He should have phoned 911?

What if in the excitement, he only knew to phone the precinct?
Oh come on, anyone who doesn't know to call 911 nowdays should be charged for the oxygen they are wasting.

Anonymous said...

It has been a reality for years that the 104th Precinct never answers the phone. Nice to know its finally making news. I was once told by the operator that if I couldn't reach someone at the 104, to try one of the neighboring precincts for a non-emergency.

Bugleg said...

The solution seems simple--if no one needs to call the precinct because of 911/311, and no one answers the phone anyway, lets save some $$ and turn off the phone numbers.

georgetheatheist said...

Phoning the precinct in 2009 is archaic. Why would you want to call the precinct anyway? Use 911/311. Any other business, hoof it in person.

Queens Crapper said...

And what happens when you want to follow up regarding a complaint you filed, or are told at a community meeting to call the community affairs or graffiti officer directly?

Helllooooo, direct numbers are still necessary.

Anonymous said...

Why would you want to call the precinct anyway? Use 911/311. Any other business, hoof it in person.
Come on George, I used 911 when they stole my car, it took them 3 hours to come and 911 called me to go outside necause they would'nt get out of thier car to ring my bell.
I used 311 for non- emergency and the idiot answering service Mayor Bloomturd put together never got my message to right agency.
And I onced hoofed it on foot over to the precent to report a "attempted petty larceny" when someone tried to steal my tires but was told to go home and call 311.
In my opinion, the n.y.p.d. are a bunch of idiots colloecting a check and the 104th pct. is the most laziest of all.

Anonymous said...

Shocking News: The Daily News is anti-NYPD.

IrishNYC said...

To the moron who can't remember 911 but knows the precinct number: Die. You shouldn't be sharing my planet.

georgetheatheist said...

Crapper, those CA & Graffiti numbers go to the cop(s) in charge directly, no?

Remember August is THE slow news month. The Daily News has to justify the reporters' salaries. Some DN editor-brainiac figured calling up the precincts' numbers in the phone book would be a nice "rag" filler for the Summer.

But it sure beats the old "frying an egg on the sidewalk" shtick.

Queens Crapper said...

Look, if you need a sound permit or want to notify the cops of a public gathering you are planning, you need to call the precinct and make arrangements.

I reported graffiti via 311 and got a call from the officer at the pct who handles it and it required that I call him back.

I can't tell you how many times I have called the pct and it just rings. It's very frustrating. And the excuse is that they took the cop from the stationhouse and put him in the street.

Someone needs to answer the freakin' phone.


georgetheatheist said...

"Press One for English."

"Diga numero Dos por Espanol."

Unknown said...

Why are cops answering the phone? Why are they expected to answer the phone?? There should be trained civilians there to answer the phone for paper work, helping find a report etc. It is the stupidest thing to train a cop to protect people and then make more than half of his job forms and paper work.

Anonymous said...

Many cops are answering the phone because they are on administrative desk duty because they are hurt or messed up somehow.

-Joe said...

Guys the 104th pct.was always called the retirement home.
This go's as far back over 35 years as I could remember my uncle (an ex cop and why he became a fireman) complaining.
Even at that time at the time his beef was corruption, lazyness and disorganization.
He had enough B.S and tossed his badge

-Joe said...

To the moron who can't remember 911 but knows the precinct number: Die. You shouldn't be sharing my planet.
Maybee You shouldn't be sharing our city , its not Ireland.
For starters 911 Dinga numero Dos por va Espanol is for real emergency’s.

What if you suspect a stolen car has been in front your house for 3 weeks ?
How about the priss in the Benz yapping on a cellphone ran a red and put your car down ?
You have to get a Police report copy BEFORE its sent to Albany to be typed up and processed for filing (6-14 weeks to get it then) Its the only way to get a insurance company to pay quickly.
----Thats 2 examples

..Oh wait never mind you must be another transplant a renter with no car, no clue.

PizzaBagel said...

That is so funny. Every time we see a cop on the street we ask "You lost officer?"
I am sure the cop just bursts out laughing at your wit.

And then arrests him for obstructing justice.

Anonymous said...

IrishNYC said...
To the moron who can't remember 911 but knows the precinct number: Die. You shouldn't be sharing my planet.

Obviously an NYPD officer. Arent you pround of our boys in blue?

Anonymous said...

We had a lot of drug dealing on our block. Even our stoop.

Called the 114. Went to the 114.


A few years, the kids drifted on but dealing still happens.

A block from a school.

Well, it keeps stats down and lets Mr Public Safety Vallone look good.

linda said...

I've tried calling them so many times and it's very hard to get through to them directly and 311 sucks...... this is america! speak english only and if they ask me to take down a confirmation number one more time i just want to put my hand in there and strangle them.

Anonymous said...

Try calling 311 on a Saturday night to report excessive noise. It makes calling the pct look good. 311 picks up then after a really stupid voice message essentially telling you the cops ain't gonna come puts you on hold for an hour.

Anonymous said...

Hello, this is the automated 911 system:

Press 1 for Murders
Press 2 for Rapes
Press 3 for Terror bombings
Press 4 for Bio Warfare
Press 5 for Arson
Press 6 for Presidential Assassinations

Please hold, operators are standing by...the estimated wait time is 2 hours. Hang up and try your call again. This is a recording.

Anonymous said...

It starts at the top
Sh-t rolls down hill!!

Anonymous said...

I'll bet that when an Asian madam phones the 109th precint's front desk inviting all the vice squad cops to one of her parties she gets put through PDQ!

Over 40 know cat houses operating right under the noses of this "illustrious" precinct and how many have been busted to date?

H-m-m-m.....very few I'd suspect!

Anonymous said...

just got posted on

lets see it

1. get negative nods
2. ignored.

now a fitness club or taco truck thread and look out!

Anonymous said...

I never call the precinct directly; I call 311 who refers it to the 104, who does nothing!

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