Sunday, August 2, 2009

News flash: Tower people's whining fails to close LIC trainyard

From the Times Ledger:

Two months after starting a petition drive to deal with the noise of idling Long Island Rail Road locomotives, residents of some of the newer residential buildings in Long Island City are not getting any relief.

“I work at nights most of the time and the idling is so loud and unbearable during the day that I cannot get any rest,” resident Andrea Modica wrote on the online petition to the LIRR. “Also, when I come home in the early morning there is constant idling, making it hard to get to sleep. It is a residential area and this needs to stop.”

The century-old railyard is the terminus of the non-electrified Montauk, Oyster Bay, Port Jefferson and Greenport lines because diesel locomotives are not allowed in the tunnels under Manhattan, much to the chagrin of residents of the 12-story, 132-unit condo tower One Hunters Point, which opened its doors at 549 Borden Ave. in late February just across the street.

Many of the 75 petition signatures came from residents of that building, though other signers said they lived in the Citylights building. There are now at least seven major residential developments either completed or under construction within three blocks of the railyard.

Did they think that after 100 years the railyard would just pick up and leave? Did they not notice it when they came to look at their luxury condo?

You folks now have something in common with residents of Maspeth & Glendale. Welcome to Queens, neighbors! Duane Reade sells earplugs.

Why don't you folks write to Amanda Burden and ask her where she developed her piss poor city planning skills. Who zones for high rises across the street from a diesel train yard?


Anonymous said...

While they are at it, the people of Howard Beach request that you shut down JFK airport, and LaGuardia likewise to suit Elmhurst.

Linda said...

Wow and they didn't believe us when we blogged about the condos. Noise is the least of their problems, next section 8! so that "great" outrageous price you paid is it worth it? Oh let's not forget the druggies and whores....

Anonymous said...

Maybe they should have kept the area nearest the trainyard manufacturing to buffer the tower people from the noise and fumes.

Anonymous said...

Self absorbed masturbatory little minds these yupsters all have.

Oops....did I say minds?
My bad.

They're brains are in their shoes!

Caevet dopes!

Anonymous said...


Missing Foundation said...

The train yard and the appalling political leadership of Queens are the least of your problems o Tower People.

Raising your kids in a toxic brownfield poisoned by 150 years of petrocarbon fires and spills will be the legacy you leave the future.

Since you are born in the 70s or 80s you should look up 'Love Canal' on your little google books, read it, and look at your babies.

Anonymous said...

Post something about LIC, then see comments from bitter, jealous people from Maspeth make things up to try to knock the area. Section 8? Druggies? Whores? Sure . . .

Anonymous said...

I know someone who lives there - says it's not bad noise wise. You always get someone who complains, and a lot of people will sign things if asked

Anonymous said...

"Post something about LIC, then see comments from bitter, jealous people from Maspeth make things up to try to knock the area. Section 8? Druggies? Whores? Sure . . ."

Section 8 on side streets of Vernon, druggies at the Salvation Army. Still whores north of Queens Plaza.

But Maspeth is the one that sucks.


Evil Condo Dweller said...

Hey don't laugh - these are the things that just help us "keep it real" and inspires us when we write back home to Tuscaloosa.

Anonymous said...

Why does the media even pay attention to 75 signatures (most of them not even real signatures) on a petition about something that was never a problem for anyone until these dopes arrived?

That 75 number's just pathetic! It was 45 when the first story was written!

CJ said...

Move if you don't like the quality of life. Isn't that the credo of high-rise people who set themselves above the rest of the community in which they live?

Queens Crapper said...

CJ - only when they are the ones making the noise!

LINDA said...


PizzaBagel said...

Talk about buyer's remorse! Waaah! Deal with it, kids. And as others have said, you should have seen it coming. I guess the harps which were playing in your heads as you glimpsed the skyline views somehow drowned out the noise from the idling trains.

For the record, I am a Sunnysider, just north of Queens Boulevard. Admittedly, I'm not right next to the Sunnyside Yards, but I don't mind hearing the train horns as they come through -- whether it's the LIRR, Amtrak, or NJT making the turn-around at 43rd Street. Plus the more-than-occasional blasts from the #7 to alert track workers or to blow through the 40th Street station. It's part of the color of my neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Hey part of the penache of living at One Hunters Point and "communting like a rocket" is the proximity to the Hamptons train.

Anony2 said...

I guess the LIRR made sure not to make any noise when the apartments were being shown!

KG2V said...

RE No Noise when the Apartments were being shown.

Actually, entirely probable! Most people go real estate shopping in the weekend, and Hunterspoint yard is unused on the weekend except for a VERY rare occasional train, so it's probable that there was no noise

Let's face it - LIC is/was an industrial/commercial area (and mostly still is) - go there on a Saturday afternoon/Sunday, and it's DEAD - roll up the sidewalks, shut the lights

That said, if you knew anything about Queens, you would have known that yard is full during the day - hint, if you knew anything about trains, the nice SHINY railheads say "there are trains coming and going here all the time"

-Joe said...

These Starbuck slurping transplants are pathetic sissies ! The subways, horns gunshots is all part of the Heartbeat of NYC.

When I was a kid we lived on Dekalb and Central, The Myrtle ave El station was no less the 100 feet from the small house. Old noisy Q cars it didn’t bother anybody. I kind of miss the sound.
Thats New York City if people don't like it move back across the Hudson

BTW: The LIRR doesn’t run Diesel locomotives with exception of some work trains, those are parked in Jamaica.

....Tuscaloosa ?
Sounds like a good place for Cheech N Chong retirement institution.
I guess its better the Iowa or worse Oklahoma where you cant get a glass of wine with your dinner anyplace in the state after 6PM

Anonymous said...

What Section 8 buildings are off Vernon? Name them. Put up or shut up.

The Salvation center is on Borden, well away from the condos. Regardless, that building is there for homeless Vietnam war veterans. I have no problem with them. I guess you have something against Vietnam vets.

As for your "whores," I guess you have first hand experience, because I never see them near Hunters Point. Either that or you are talking nonsense again.

Anonymous said...

"What Section 8 buildings are off Vernon? Name them. Put up or shut up."

There are section 8 buildings in every neighborhood of the city. They don't hang banners on them. Rent control, rent stabilized, too.

Anonymous said...

"The Salvation center is on Borden, well away from the condos. Regardless, that building is there for homeless Vietnam war veterans. I have no problem with them. I guess you have something against Vietnam vets."

The condos complaining about the railyard are on Borden. In fact there was a hobo that used to hang out there when it was a parking lot. The alcoholics from the Salvation Army wander up to Vernon all the time. Just because they are vets doesn't make them any less drunk.

PizzaBagel said...

Why don't you folks write to Amanda Burden and ask her where she developed her piss poor city planning skills. Who zones for high rises across the street from a diesel train yard?

Oh, and correct me if I'm wrong, but the Great 2012 Olympic Village was to have been built smack dab south of the Hunters Point railyard. Wouldn't that have been something? Idling trains keeping world-class athletes awake throughout the night.

When the announcement was made several years ago, I was overjoyed to hear that we would not be getting the Olympics in 2012. (Dan Doctoroff: "Boo-hooooooo!") Better London than us.

Anonymous said...

I live in the Citylights building and hear the idling trains all week. Unlike the majority of the idiots in my neighborhood, when shopping for a unit, I considered the noise, ensured I could live with it, then negotiated accordingly.

To those at 1HP, the price you paid reflects the fact you live across from a rail yard. If your building was further in or there was no rail yard, you would have paid a lot more. Remember, you get what you pay for.

Anonymous said...

Joe- the LIRR does run diesel's as several lines are not electrified.

Anonymous said...

Besides being annoying with their "condescending" they did us a favour by moving here and glorifying our areas,yupturds CAN also be amusing.

Anonymous said...

As for your "whores," I guess you have first hand experience, because I never see them near Hunters Point. Either that or you are talking nonsense again.
I park my car in L.I.C. in the early a.m. and I can assure you that they are all out in full force. That is for when th po po from th 108th pct. doesn't move them to the 114th pct side of town.
So jack ass get up early and take a walk around. Maybe you should've done that before you bought that peiece of crap you bought that you are now whinning like a little bitch about?

Anonymous said...

I have lived in Glendale for 15 years and I kind of like the sounds of the locomotives (although I do live almost two blocks away.) It gives me a little sense of americana and on a calm night hearing a train idling off in the distance is oddly somewhat soothing.

Anonymous said...

That's what you get you fools...for blindly buying into an "almost Manhattan" nabe!

I guess these transplanted Nebraskans expected to find the peace and quiet of a remote cornfield in a bustling bursting at the seams metropolis.

Tell mamma you'll be moving back home as soon as you can unload your folly!

I'm sure they'll be properly pissed off about the down payment they lent you for this piece of poorly built Queens crap.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I like the sound of the train horns in the background. I live in Glendale about 2 blocks from the line as well (it's not a very busy line). I went to college on Long Island and enjoyed hearing the LIRR horns in the distance as well. I lived in Bensonhurst close to Gravesend bay and enjoyed hearing the fog horns on some mornings.

Nothing like these sounds to tell you that everything is okay with the world. I remember 9-11 and remembering how weirdly quiet the city was that day in the outer boroughs.

-Joe said...

Joe- the LIRR does run diesel's as several lines are not electrified.
I asked my friend who is a conductor. His Email:

Many lines, spurs and layups are not electrified
These blue/yellow hybirds (Montauk/Hamptons Line for example) that pull the double deckers "Pass" Sunnyside yard Between Penn Station and Ja on a south track under electric power.

The Sunnyside yard is owned by Amtrak, but it's also used by New Jersey Transit and freights.
The shared tracks of the Long Island Rail Road (LIRR) Main Line and Amtrak's Northeast Corridor are are electrified.

The Yuppies are complaining to the wrong people. They are likely hearing idling freight switchers and generator cars that power fridge cars, Amtrack Air conditioned passenger trains awaiting routing on the layup tracks.

BTW: The LIRR yards are on the west side of Manhattan

Queens Crapper said...

They are talking about the yards at LIC. Across Borden are the condos. In a few years there will be more units west of the railyard. That's why it will be "affordable."

-Joe said...

OK Crappy Ahh The Dutch kills yard.
That was a hub for the old NAVY Base in Montauk (Now a Condo strip on Navt Road called Port Royal) Maxwell lumber and Boehack supplyied Long Island

I also like the sound of a locomotive in the distance I find it a very soothing way to wake up.
Its IS Americana

In Mattituck I'm about 1 Block from the tracks.
The 5:30 out of Greenport 12 miles away blows its air whistle at every crossing. By the time its close Im sipping my coffee checking Email watching the local access Hog Report and weather.

There is An old steam Locomotive almost restored out in Oyster Bay.
The LIRR said it would allow to to run on those unpowered LIC-Oyster Bay-Montauk tracks.
I love to hear the tower people howl at that.

Screw these tower people, the next thing the will be bitching about 12 O clock Noon whistles

Anonymous said...

Behold the stupidity of tower people, courtesy of LIQCity:

What can be done to advance the LIRR issue? While it does not bother me personally, I don’t like establishing the precedent that LIC is a dumping ground for the industrial refuse that no one else wants in their backyard. Waste transfer stations power plants, etc.

Before you waste your time, please save the flames about how LIC was historically industrial. I just don’t think that when everyone is running away from these things that LIC should be welcoming them with open arms.

Good to see the potential candidates have recognized the issue.

-Joe said...

Now thats classic !!!!
LOL -I read some other funny stuff there - - The blog should be "Liquidcity" or "Ebaums world"

These knuckleheads also believe Astoria's “Battle of the Bands" at some bar was about Music, Art and Presentation.
----They even covered it !

Anonymous said...

For a blog that usually comes to the defense of the common man I am dissapointed. The noise these trains make have not only been a problem for the tower people, but also for long term residents as well. I've lived in LIC all my life - even before it was cool to do so. In recent years the noise has gotten worse. What is so bad about asking for a little peace and quiet in my home of 25 years? Why is that considered whining? Why so much contempt for your fellow Queeens residents?

Queens Crapper said...

"In recent years the noise has gotten worse."

Really? Well, why haven't I read any stories about residents complaining about train noise until now? There have been several articles about plane noise and groups formed and politicians taking up the cause, but no one complaining about the trains until the towers were built. The new trains were put on that track in 1998 and the service along that line has gone down, not up.

In other words, I think you're full of it.

Anonymous said...

Queens Crapper, you of all people should know that just because you don't read about a problem in the newspaper it doesn't mean that it doesn't exists.

Queens Crapper said...

No I would have read about it in the paper because someone would have complained to the community board or written a letter to the editor or a politician would have made an issue of it. If it really was bothersome, someone would have complained. Even Conley says so in the DN article: "It went unnoticed for years because no one was living there," Conley said of the once-industrial area that is now home to new residential towers.

Anonymous said...

I would not use Conley as a benchmark. Plenty of things escape the notice of him and his cronies on CB2.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you read the comments to the article you cited Crapper? An LIRR engineer explains the engines that the LIRR uses and says that the latest ones are louder and rumble more than the previous ones. I guess when a old LIC resident in a house is affected, you are against the trains, but when a person more financially well-off than you that lives in a condo complains about noise and pollution in Queens, you just knee-jerk yell "Yuppies suck". I'm not surprised by your hypocrisy.

Queens Crapper said...

"An LIRR engineer explains the engines that the LIRR uses and says that the latest ones are louder and rumble more than the previous ones."

Don't see a comment like that, but I suppose this fact would have been apparent 10 years ago when these engines were first being used on that line. No one lived across the street from the railyard then; hence, no one complained.

Anonymous said...

but when a person more financially well-off than you that lives in a condo complains

That's so weak of you to assume you know how much someone makes. It kind of reinforces the stereotype of LIC condo dwellers as materialistic.

Anonymous said...

They ALWAYS resort to that when they realize they have no argument left.

"I make more money than you!"
"I have a better job than you!"
"I have a better view than you!"

Honestly, shove it up your ass.

You bought the place without doing your homework. Don't blame the LIRR. Blame yourselves.

Anonymous said...

I bought a place next to the LIE.

It turns out that tractor trailers use it! And they blow fumes toward my window and have loud horns!

Why can't they just move the LIE a few blocks south? Don't they realize that I have arrived?!

Anonymous said...

Here is the quote Crapper, and this is from someone who was defending the MTA: "The trains that the LIRR used years ago are scrapped or are not in operable condition. While I do have to agree that the DM30 and DE30 model locomotives used by the LIRR are louder, that is the builder's fault, not the MTA's."

I'm glad to see you are consistent in being a hypocrite.

Queens Crapper said...

They are louder, and they were louder 11 years ago when they first started using them yet there were no petitions and no whining for 11 years. "New" doesn't mean they just bought them. I don't see your argument. Probably because you don't have one.

Anonymous said...

I'm not arguing Crapper. I'm pointing out how you are a hypocrite. From a comment on Liqcity:

Are you clairvoyant? How do you know the residents tried or didn’t try to do in 1979, 1989, 1999 — when you were likely some smirky little know-it-all from Someplace Else? As I recall, many of us complained constantly to the yard master, wrote letters to the MTA, spoke with community leaders, called the police over noise complaints — we did every thing any citizen in NYC could reasonably hope to do.

But you know what happens when you live in a mostly industrial neighborhood that got shat one for decades? You get ignored or patronized (sound familiar, 19?) by everyone up and down the line. But our lack of progress was plainly not by lack of trying. So please, please — just go away if you can’t offer more insightful comments that advance the discussion and solve this very legitimate problem.

Queens Crapper said...

"How do you know the residents tried or didn’t try to do in 1979, 1989, 1999"

That argument fails because you said the engines were quieter back then. You even proved it with a comment by an engineer. Plus there were no towers across the street from the railyard then.

I read the comments on LIQCity and on the original article and it is clear that the people doing the complaining suffer from a complete lack of understanding about how the railroad functions. Yet they continue to assert that the engines can be moved a few feet east and that will solve the problem.

Time to shut up and deal with the fact that you made a bad purchase or pick up and move. The LIRR isn't investing millions of dollars in technology to placate a few whiners who didn't thoroughly research the area they moved into.

Anonymous said...

They said the engines weren't as bad as they are now. That doesn't mean they weren't bad back then. And these engines have been used for eleven years. You can feel the rumble and hear them 3 blocks away. Why do you not care about all the long-time LIC residents who have been complaining about this for years? Your backpedaling and denials are sad.

Queens Crapper said...

You have the same trains that they have in the other trainyards with houses near them. No one by those other yards is complaining. They deal with it. I still don't understand why LIC thinks it's a special case.

UncleSam said...

Ok, Stop being stupid, I know that you are here. Just give up, you Aspergers twat.
It's YOUR fault you moved in without knowing of the noise that was imminent.
If you really hate the noise that much, stop posting everywhere about so people don't know about the noise and sell the damn condo!

Its very simple,



UncleSam said...

Frankly, i don't give a fuck whether or not there is noise anymore.
You are so set on complaining that the LIRR is not doing things that are impossible to do that there is no point in arguing with you in a technical perspective, since you don't know shit about anything remotely technical about the LIRR.

Shut up and stop trying to use your so called wealth to make everyone jealous.

But you yuppies will never understand that.

Anonymous said...

Actually, residents in Nassau and Suffolk have been complaining for years. These same trains sit in Speonk overnight and those residents have been complaining to the MTA for some time. Crapper, Queens residents are taking up a years-long fight against a state agency on a quality of life issue, and you are against it because of your hatred of yuppies?

Queens Crapper said...

We aren't talking about Nassau and Suffolk. We are talking about QUEENS which is generally noisy. It also has had railyards at LIC, Glendale, Maspeth and Jamaica for almost 2 centuries yet never has had complaints until this year when tower people started realizing what a mistake it was to move next door to a railyard.

Anonymous said...

Interesting news about complaints about the LIRR trains that lay up in the LIC Yard-it is strictly used for day use mostly and only usually on weekdays.

This is a first-NIMBYs complaining about DAY rail noise-it is usually nighttime that the noise is a problem for people in the vicinity of rail yards.

Queens Crapper said...

Good point. The complaints about the LIRR noise on LI are about idling trains AT NIGHT. I can't believe you are complaining about day time noise especially since over the past 5 years or so, LIC has been a perpetual construction site.

City Dweller said...

The point is, the people who are complaining were to stupid to notice a 13 track active rail yard next door and are really just angry at themselves.

Life is not a computer, not everything goes exactly as planned and is perfect.

So stop whining and deal with it you lazy ass LIC yuppies.

UncleSam said...

It is not a hate for yuppies. It is a hate for fucktards like stop being stupid who want everything to go their way.
They move in to an area that is known to have a large railyard in the middle in it and start demanding that everything change around them.

Chris R said...

Of course there is going to be noise, there is always noise in the city.

Mr. Incola said...

People like Mr. Stop being stupid do not understand how the LIRR technically operates and thus have no place in this conversation as somebody who should be listened to.

Please, listen to:
Broadway Lion
City Dweller
Chris R
Mike P
Queens Crapper
Love LIC
Mr K
ADHD Alert
Icalp Transit

Stop being stupid
Stop being stupid and jealous

They are stupid (self hate, you know)

TechnicalMan said...

If people are going to move to LIC, they should expect that thee will be some sort of noise.
What really ticks me off about this is that these people need everything to be perfect.
You can't expect LIC to be as quiet as a rural village and then look so surprised and betrayed.

Queens Crapper said...

Hey you guys seem pretty knowledgeable about trains. What do you think of this?

UncleSam said...

That plan is bullshit. It will end up making people with 3 hour commutes go crazy when their commute goes up to 3 and a half hours.

Queens Crapper said...

What concerns me more is that he is flat out lying and no one is calling him on it. I mean, Elmhurst was pretty much demolished and Glendale was closed in part because it didn't have a platform that would work with the new trains.

So how does he get away with saying the stations are there and are ready to be reopened without anyone looking into that and calling bullshit on it?

Mr. Incola said...

“up the track”, it goes from 8 rail lines to a single one in about 100 yards. Given the low-frequency rumbling from the engine, you’d have to move the train a lot further than that to get any noise relief, and if you did that, you wouldn’t be able to pull another train into that yard. So that’s a non-solution.

To the people in LIC: do you understand that the technology installed in Nassau and Suffolk yards only allows for the shutdown of switcher engines!?
The DE30 and DM30 passenger locomotives are not compatible with the technology fort wayside power and fast shutdown and startup.

Do you really think the MTA has any money on their hands right now?
Wouldn’t the construction of a cover be just if not more noisier anyway?

The technology being talked about is wayside power. Wayside Power is basically running a generator to keep the cars heated or cooled. So instead of having 5 or 6 diesel engines idling at very low RPMs, you will have a large generator and fan running at full RPM instead constantly.
So wayside power does not solve the problem.

UncleSam said...

People trying to look like they know shit about trains but don't.


City Dweller said...

It's a plan just as stupid as the arguments put out by the yuppies at LIC.

UncleSam said...

Here is a pic of LIC yard:
you can clearly see that 50 yards up the track would block passenger service, and locomotives would still be loud enough to be heard. The facility to the left of the pic houses maintenance equipment, including a 1 ton mobile wheel repair tool, a industrial welder, and a carbody cleaner.
Also, the emissions created by the exact type of engine used in the DE30s and DM30 model locomotives used by the LIRR when it is starting up is equal to 20 hours of idling.
This youtube vid shows a locomotive with the same design engine starting up:

UncleSam said...

Here is a pic of LIC yard:
you can clearly see that 50 yards up the track would block passenger service, and locomotives would still be loud enough to be heard.

The facility to the left of the pic houses maintenance equipment, including a 1 ton mobile wheel repair tool, a industrial welder, and a carbody cleaner.

Also, the emissions created by the exact type of engine used in the DE30s and DM30 model locomotives used by the LIRR when it is starting up is equal to 20 hours of idling.

This youtube vid shows a locomotive with the same design engine starting up:

Here is a track map, it shows every single track, switch, and third rail location, to SCALE!
Zoom in to LIC yard, it is pretty obvious that 50 yards east and you block service.

People are so ticked off that some people just can’t manage to deal with inconveniences, and then try to look like they know more about the system than the people running it.

Do you people understand that moving the trains 50 yards east is an OPERATIONAL IMPOSSIBILITY?! No matter how many times you say otherwise, a train moved up the track will not have access to refueling pads, large repair tools, and will block access to the other platforms.

No matter what, with passenger trains coming in to the yard too, engines will always be running at some time of the day. Not to mention that freight sometimes utilizes the yard, and those freight engines are LOUD!

Just deal with it.

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised nobody's posted against the LIRR in a while.

UncleSam said...

Somebody on
performed an act of truth (I.E. argued with the LIC yuppies) and they disabled further commenting.
It's still fun to read for anyone who has not already, you can see the LIC yuppies arguing with this smart guy presenting the truth.

City Dweller said...

LIC should have stayed the way it was, without the asshole condo owners

Mike P said...

Ok guys:
Links to people arguing the truth to LIC condo owners:


City Dweller said...

LOL these articles show how stupid LIC citizens are!

Sort of like Mr. Stop being stupid.

City Dweller said...

LOL! Somebody is spamming the LIC blog!

Mike P said...

LOL dude thats so damn funny!

City Dweller said...

Damn, they deleted the spam....

UncleSam said...

WOW! No LIC residents have posted crap on this blog in more than 2 hours!!!


UncleSam said...

Never mind! This asshole who calls himself "Stop being stupid" is engaging in his aspergers syndrome and is fixated on trying to be right.

Mike P said...

yeah, that damn yuppie LIC fucktard is still trolling on:

UncleSam said...


This shows how stupid the buyers of these condos are:

Go to:

Mouse over the building on the left and click on any floor.

This will bring up a diagram of where the rooms are.

Click on any room in the bottom middle.

A floor plan should come up.

Click on, "View from this residence"

The pics there clearly show LIC yard and an idling engine.

Floor 6, Room G is a good example.

What an Epic Stupidity Fail.

Broadway Lion said...

In the deepest hear of industrial Queens
There sits a rail yard

Some industries have closed,
moved south
moved to china
But the rail yard lives on.

It holds trains bound for exotic destinations
such as Patchouge, Port Jefferson,
Yappank, Greenpoint and Montauk
Trains hauled by diesel locomotives
for these exotic destinations
do not have third rail.

And there you sit
in a new condo apartment
high above it all
a five minute commute to Manhattan
and poop on the guy
with a three hour long commute
from Montauk.

Oh poor ewe! Oh poor ewe!
Surely there was a rail yard there
when you looked at the apartment
and found it to be satisfactory
before you spent your money.

These are nice apartments
with a nice commute
in a nice neighborhood
with a rail yard for your neighbor.

Life is too short
too precious
to worry about locomotives
in your front yard.

Life is precious.
Buy one get one free before we are all sold out.


City Dweller said...

Guys, the bitch in the article complaining about the noise, Andrea Monica, has actually given up the LIC side of the argument. Her post basically is telling the rest to listen to the proof posted there and give it up.



UncleSam said...

Wow, even the person who started the bullshit has given up and this one guy can't manage to admit he's wrong.

CILSINEP said...

Damn this asshole never gives up. He's still trolling the article on YourNabe.

He doesn't actually have any proof that he is right and that the LIRR is lazy, he is just saying:

"oh, i got more money than you, so I'm always right!"

"oh, the entire workforce of the LIRR is shit!"

"oh, why can't the LIRR spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on soundproofing for 75 people?!"

Typical LIC bullshit, right here, right now:

Try not to barf when you read his comments.

City Dweller said...

I think I'm gonna be sick.....





Mike P said...

Somebody call for the cleanup train!
Make sure it's a diesel!

Staphanger said...

I'm just waiting for one of those yuppies to bust in and sabotage the locomotives.

Sir, we can't operate service to Montauk today because a yuppie took a shit on the cylinders.

mister t said...

Guys that LIC fucker is still trolling yournabe.
Fortunately, he doesn't know about yournads, cause he doesn't have any of his own.

StinkyFeet said...

yournads =

Anonymous said...

it's so bad even still. We have heard the noise all day and night for the last two years that we have lived here and we can't take it. It makes me physically sick. We can't take it, and we are looking for somewhere quieter to live. Fucking ridiculous. I feel bad for anyone with babies trying to sleep at night.

Anonymous said...

so yeah pretty much a year has gone by and LIRR has begun shutting down the locomotives in LIC. Now the LIC yuppies are complaining about all the diesel exhaust coming from the engines when they are turned on for rush hour. Idiots! Didnt they see the tracks b4 buying the condo?

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