Monday, August 31, 2009

Katz now in the lead, but still dumb

Dumb, duh, dumb, dumb: Controller wannabes can't count office's money
Daily News Editorial
Monday, August 31st 2009

Each of the Democrats vying to become controller pledges to be the toughest guardian of the public purse. Because each is ready to track every penny of the city budget. Because each has spent years in the City Council intensely focused on the treasury.

Of course, they have.


We posed a very basic question to candidates David Weprin, Melinda Katz, David Yassky and John Liu: What's the budget of the city controller's office?

The answer is $66 million, down a few mil due to budget cuts. Liu and Yassky were on the money or close enough to be counted as such. Weprin and Katz were clueless.

Answered Weprin: "What office? The controller's office? Ummm. Good question. The controller's office budget. Ummm..."

Answered Katz: "And the budget, ah, God, we just got this figure a few week ago. I forgot what the figure was. Yeah, we just actually got it a few weeks ago, and I apologize I don't know the answer to that. It was a rather large budget. I think...

"It's 700 people and if I'm not mistaken it was...

"We figured out that each person averaged about $70,000. Umm, that I remember. That I remember, 'cause I was thinking the average is about 70,000 a person. That seems, you now, anyway, umm, so I feel like, to put like sort of the cards on the table, I'm running for this office and doing it because I think I can be a leader in this office."

Enough said.

Despite being clueless, Katz now has the lead in the race, according to a recent poll.

Further proof that you don't need to know what the hell you're doing to get elected in this town.


Anonymous said...

Weprin is an idiot. katz was asked the wrong question. Her interest is not in the office but in the budget that she will dole out to all her cronies. Katz is corrupt and has destroyed Queens. Liu is not dumb but lacks a moral fiber. He lies even about working in a sweats shop factory. I can't believe this great city has the worst people running for office. We are doomed.

Queens Crapper said...

And Yassky is the Brooklyn equivalent of all three.

Anonymous said...

Hey Melinda: Ask Johnny "the liar" Liu who owns that sweat shop factory he says he worked in with his mother.

Anonymous said...

donald manes speaks from the past,"IF I ENDORSED A

SEE:"City for sale",by Wayne Barrett...

Anonymous said...

I met Katz at the Seaside Concert last Thursday night. Mr first impression of her is that she really dosen't care what the general public has to say about issues in their neighborhood. She was actually twittering as I was speaking to her about overdevelopment in Brighton Beach. She couldn't care less. In Jewish she is what you call "fabissoner." In additon, her printed literature was done out of state in New Jersey. I work for a Union shop located in NYC, why would someone whose running for citywide office in NYC go out of state for printing when there are at least 25 Union shops in NYC ? I asked her & she didn't have an answer.

Anonymous said...

Actually doing the work or serving the public is not on their radar.

They are out to make 'Honest Graft.'

Tweeding is how its done.

The media in NYC is a joke.

Anonymous said...

"Further proof that you don't need to know what the hell you're doing to get elected in this town. "

Or how to spell comptroller to make a blog on this website..

Queens Crapper said...

Comptroller and controller mean the same thing.

Anonymous said...

According to one of her brochures (which I got in the mail), her claim-to-fame is that she works so hard, she doesn't have time to replace the circa-1940s stove in her house.

Anonymous said...

I think that both Katz and Weprin have showed their honest in answer this question. They didn’t know and just said they didn’t know, rather than guessed a figure to try luck like Liu.
And also, I don’t think it is important for the candidate to spend time to find out how many staff members he or she will have after elected. How many offices? How luxury the offices will be? How many cars? How much budget for running the office? These are not important for this time. The important thing for each candidate is to demonstrate their ability and skills in managing the City’s Book, as well as their honest.

Anonymous said...

WOW! a real middle class mom! look at the fdny hat on the test tube kid! Sorry we ain't buyin' it!

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

If you want to see a pretty picture of Katz and learn the huge amount of money she got as kickbacks, oops, I meant to say commission, oops, I meant to say campaign contributions from developers read the article from The New York Daily News. Please have barf bag in your hand.

It will make you puke.

Taxpayer said...

Why did the moron run for NYC Comptroller?

Because she knew that there are so many moron voters who would vote for her even if she has no idea of the day-to-day responsibilities of the office.

We'll just leave that to the civil servants and the lobbyists.

As long as nobody knows or cares and the money rolls in.

Anonymous said...

People from her campaign were canvassing in Forest Hills on Sautrday. They parked their HUGE SUV in front of my neighbor's house, partially blocking the driveway, to put flyers under doors. Neighbor was out in 30 secs. and asked them to move.

The kid is cute, though. I'll give her that.

Anonymous said...

Rumors are that Katz is in relationship with another female council member on the down low

Anonymous said...

Why do Katz and thos other hacks have adds and TV running out the Hamptons and North Fork ?

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