Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The joke's on the GOP, part 2

From Urban Elephants:

The facts are in! "Independent" NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg is directly funding the challenge of the Queens County Republican Party.

It seems his goal is retaliation for Chairman Phil Ragusa's principled stance against the tax-and-spend liberal earlier in the year, when Mr. Ragusa refused to just rubber-stamp Bloomberg getting the Republican line in November. Although the Queens County Organization finally endorsed the Mayor, it seems that Bloomberg, who has been known to hold personal grudges, wants payback for making him "beg" to be unanimously endorsed by all the five County Republican organizations.

The proof of the Mayor's involvement comes from a close evaluation of the nominating petitions filed on behalf of the challengers to the Queens GOP. I will describe just two sets of petitions, volumes QN0900680 and QN0900681, that were filed on behalf of a number of candidates - all of whom are working in opposition to the existing Queens County Republican organization...

QN0900680 is a volume of petitions for Bart Bruno for City Council in the 29th City Council district - one of the positions I am personally running for as the endorsed Republican candidate, at least if I don't get knocked off the ballot by the Haggerty's at tomorrow's Board of Elections hearing. This volume contains petition signatures ONLY for Mr. Bruno to run for City Council as a Republican, yet they were ALL witnessed by paid Bloomberg people.

Why would the billionaire Mayor be paying to get Mr. Bruno on the Ballot? I don't remember Mr. Bloomberg endorsing Mr. Bruno, like he did Tom Ognibene or Eric Ulrich.

QN0900681 is a volume of slate petitions for Bart Bruno for City Council with State Committee candidates, Nunziatto and Mugno, who are both running AGAINST the Queens County GOP's endorsed candidates for the State Committee Positions in the 30th A.D. Again, the uniformity of the names on these petitions is clear - the witnesses are all either part of the Mayor's Queens crew of petitioners or canvassers. Did the Mayor formally endorse any of these candidates? How can he say he's not "supporting" their candidacies against the Queens GOP establishment?

The Mayor's campaign operatives have denied that Bloomberg is DIRECTLY challenging the Queens County organization, but how can those statements hold up when it was his PAID petitioners and canvassers who got all these people on the ballot to RUN AGAINST the Queens GOP endorsed candidates? These facts make Bloomberg's goal clear: the liberal wants to take over the Queens GOP for his own purposes.


Anonymous said...

can't feel sorry for the GOP who sold ua all out when they endorsed this small petty Dicktator.

Anonymous said...

That's what you get for trusting a known liar. He'll do anything to have his way. He's just a spoiled little brat. What a dictator. The Republicans really don't exist in New York. It will take a very very long time to repair that party.

Anonymous said...

Imagine what 4 more years of this egotistical son of a bitch as mayor will be like?

If you vote for him then you deserve him and don't come crying to the rest of us when he gives you the royal whammie...which he will!

Anonymous said...

Jay Golub is a freak. Him, Vince Tabone, Steve Graves & co. are ripping off the republican party.
They make more money taking from candidates, phony campaigns, etc. that it is sickening. Its not about the Mayor or people running not endorsed by the Queens County, its about them making money.
to make money.

Anonymous said...

You gotta be kidding me? They're making money running campaigns? Hahhahahahahhahahah.....

and what would bart and john do differantly?

Anonymous said...

Bart and John would work with Greg Soumas and Mike Reich and Josh Ehrlich to elect Democrats. Just like Padavan was in league with Julia Harrison and Brian McLaughlin. At least Semenareo passed Conservative bills like the death penalty and worked to elect Maltese when Maltese was registered conservative.

Anonymous said...

Joe Kasper is Albert Lemishaw's forgery protege, how could they run him for judge! They are all RINOs. Where is George Clark when you need him?

Anonymous said...

Job Gaspar, Kevin Grieves, Robin Cormick, Mitch Mischell, Gonze Polycorpio, Thierry Ritsch, and Vance Tipone are such predictable Cheney yellow cake forgers, this time next year they will not be able to stand anyone up for redistricting. We will not allow arepeat on 1993-94. Obama's victory must be TOTAL. Obama must support Thompson and Patterson!

Superb Jon said...

Tabone, who boasts mafia, opus dei and generalissimo ties, introduced Ognibene to Lattanzio and Seminerio to Rosen.

Superb Jon said...

Graves is a good old American Patriot, unlike those with foreign loyalties.

Anonymous said...

Gaves is loyal only to the last who share goats.

Anonymous said...

Honak is too dumb to be Jewish. He needs a second bris to wake him up. Tabone is tying to make up for getting his on the wong head.

Anonymous said...

Vote Double Bart
Let Bloomberg Take them Apart

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