Monday, August 3, 2009

Beware of rabid raccoons

From the Queens Gazette:

City health officials are warning Queens residents to steer clear of raccoons that have been spotted running in daylight through neighborhoods from Long Island City to Fresh Meadows.

Residents are strongly advised to stay away from raccoons, squirrels and other animals that may be carrying rabies, a potentially deadly disease. Pet owners are also advised to keep dogs and cats away from the wild animals to prevent possible infection.

Health officials said raccoons are nocturnal animals that normally venture outside only when night falls. Raccoons that run through the streets in broad daylight are often carrying the rabies virus, a Department of Health spokesperson said.

One rabid raccoon was recently discovered in Long Island City, while residents in Flushing and Fresh Meadows reported raccoons in their back yards in daylight.


Anonymous said...

Saw a couple in Glendale Thursday night. They were definitly unafraid and seemed to be pursuing a cat. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Check your facts before you leap.


Historically, squirrels ARE NOT KNOWN to be carriers of rabies.

Possibly, there is only one exception...if one was actually bitten by a rabid animal which is highly unlikely...nearly impossible.

On some occasions, Raccoon mothers might discretely forage during daylight hours because their babies keep them busy at night.

They're not necessarily rabid but I'd avoid them in any case.

I had such a personal experience 5 years ago with a mother and her brood who had a temporary den under my stoop.

She passed within 2 feet of me with her 3 a mamma cat with her kittens...carrying each one off by the scruff of their necks.

You can observe erratic (rabid) daylight behavior which differs from other rare, but normal, behavior.

This was confirmed to me by the Bronx Zoological Park.

Enjoy Queens' wildlife but show common sense and a little caution.

There's no need to feed on the hysteria that's often generated by the media on slow news days.

Anonymous said...

There was a semi-flattened one in the middle of the street in southern Bayside last week, several blocks and the wrong side of the LIE from the nearest section of woods. It had gotten hit crossing the street during the day.

Anonymous said...

What is the city doing about the problem?

Anonymous said...

As we continue to overbuild, cut down mature trees and their habitat decreases, maybe some Raccoons are being forced (out of necessity) to go on a day shift to earn their living (ha, ha, ha).

That pursued Glendale cat might have been a threat to the Raccoons' nearby nest and was being chased away.

Go figure.

Damn...but they seem smart enough to know the garbage collection schedule.

Keep your refuse cans tightly secured.

"The Exterminator" said...


Anonymous said...

What's the city (or your local precinct) doing about the increasing problem of gangs and drug dealers...
a situation which is far more dangerous on a daily basis?

Gas those Geese, stomp all the diseased Raccoons and shoot those infected birds...then everybody will be happy (heh, heh, heh).

Oops...I almost's mosquito spraying season once again.

Breathe in those toxic pesticides.

Maybe the solution is worse than the problem...but I guess it's really all about which connected firm has the city contract.

georgetheatheist said...

A few years ago, I was reading the newspaper in my easy chair, when I heard a "clump-clump-clumping" sound on the side of the house. I paid it no mind. When I came home the next evening and parked the car in the driveway, a saw a huge racoon scampering around on my roof. Putting 2 and 2 together, I realized that the clumping sound was the racoon that had climbed up the corner boards of the siding and entered a hole that was in the attic. The next day, I went up into the attic, armed with a bat and a can of pepper spray and saw the racoon sleeping in the corner on top of the insulation. It was a big mother; it looked like a miniature bear. What would you do? Waken it and have battle with a possible rabid animal on top of the insulation? Not me. Discretion is the better part of valor. I left it alone. It left the attic through the hole that evening and I repaired the entrance. (A stitch in time is worth nine. How true.)

I have no idea where the racoon went.

FlooshingRezident said...

What is wrong with people in Queens? Why do the move to the 'burbs and then do their very best to destroy everything natural? I rather have raccoons for neighbors than most of the new renters inhabiting/destroying the old, beautiful homes that can't be sold.

Anonymous said...

That wasnt a rabid racoon in LIC - that was a bike nut stuck because a car was sitting in a bike lane.

He was calling 911 so it would get ticketed and towed.

Taxpayer said...

How do we report a daylight sighting of the rabid Commissar?

How do we rid ourselves of the danger from him?

Anonymous said...

Is that racoon eating a cat???

Anonymous said...

There is a family of Raccoons living in the long-abandoned factory in Glendale, on 76th Place between 70th Ave and Central Ave. They have been in there for years and come out at night to go thru garbage bags.

Anonymous said...

over here on mazeau street in the back lot a family of coons!

Anonymous said...

No animal control to set up a cage trap to capture it.

The Raccoon first has to be caught to be tested for rabies.

What was your attic window doing open anyway or whatever other convenient aperture the smarter than you Raccoon might have used to gain entry?

Yawn...we all love your "educated" rants.

cherokeesista said...

FlooshingRezident said...
What is wrong with people in Queens? Why do the move to the 'burbs and then do their very best to destroy everything natural? I rather have raccoons for neighbors than most of the new renters inhabiting/destroying the old, beautiful homes that can't be sold.

Monday, August 03, 2009

I agree whole heartedly:) If you leave them alone they'll leave you alone:) I wish i could say the same about all the NEWCOMERS!! "ILLEGALS"

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