Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Are you ready to Whig out?

"If you have become tired of partisan politicians and political parties which are more interested in achieving power then solving America’s problems you might be interested in a new problem solving approach to government.

We are the NY Whig Party and our roots come out of service in the United States Military. A significant number of us are the veterans who have fought for your freedom on battlefields all over the world. Now as civilians, from all walks of life, we keep fighting for you on the political battlefield as well.

The NY Whig Party is here to serve you, and pragmatically solve the problems facing America without pointless political bickering. We can’t do this alone and we truly need your help.

What we’d like you to do is contact us with your ideas and opinions once you have read our party platform. The more ideas that come together the smarter we become.

Everyone has something to contribute no matter how small that contribution is. We are not going to agree on everything, no group ever does, but if you speak out we can get a good consensus of where you stand and together we’ll start moving things along.

Our families, and our country, can’t afford to continue sinking in the quicksand of Washington politics as they are doing now. Please join us and help change the Washington value system to an American value system."


Anonymous said...

Yea, another "do as I say, not as I do party." Their stated platform is a cloaked social conservative agenda. Nothing new here. Whereas the New York Green Party has something more to offer an America looking forward towards 2055 and not back to 1955.

Queens Crapper said...

No, I see them more as a middle of the road group between the socialist lefty democrats and the religious right republicans.

The Green Party is a joke. You can't run a fake preacher for mayor and expect to be taken seriously.

Anonymous said...

Do ever read your own comments QC.
"socialist lefty", "religious right"
Sure be no prejudice here.
"We are a nation of many nationalities, many races, many religions--bound together by a single unity, the unity of freedom and equality. Whoever seeks to set one nationality against another, seeks to degrade all nationalities."
Author: Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Queens Crapper said...

I didn't post anything about any nationalities. And I was making the point that the traditional parties have become extremist and people don't like either one of them.

Don't understand your point.

Anonymous said...

I expect a major third party to rise within the next 10 years. People are sick of both the GOP and the Dems and their games.

Anonymous said...

"Sure be no prejudice here."

That's a new one - political party prejudice.

Anonymous said...

We don't have to look back to 1955. Let's look to 2000, and the damage that the Green Party did by their actions during the Presidential campaign that year. Does the name Ralph Nader ring a bell?

I will never vote for a candidate of the Green Party, or one that seeks their endorsement.

Missing Foundation said...

The Green Party is indeed a joke. Gore giving a speach with a bottle of Fuji Water in hand.

They take their orders from the developers and are tools of the developers.

Every see any one of the them criticise building on toxic brownfields? On FEMA flood zones?

Let's put in a 50 story building and talk about its green roof! Lets put in bike lanes and not talk about extending rapid transit.

What happened to Zero Population Growth? Fighting for parks? Sustainable energy?

ew-3 said...

Green Party?

You mean watermelon party. Hiding behind the green exterior is the heart of pure red.

Anonymous said...

I've heard this platform before. Yah, It's the Republican one. Just another conservative group trying to masquerade as post political; gimme a break.

Lets go through it shall we?
- Abortion as a "states rights" issue...
- Lump sum payments to states instead of yah know, a federal budget?
- Keeping the Ten commandments in our public places as a "traditional symbol" and a part of our heritage, unless of course you aren't jewish or christian.

- The general direction of this platform is that of moderate republicans. You know the kind that existed before the Neo-con takeover and the rampant lies about health care. Lets not try to couch a libertarian/conservative ideology as anything else. New York already has parties fighting for the ideas mentioned above.

Anonymous said...

ew-3 said...
Green Party?

You mean watermelon party. Hiding behind the green exterior is the heart of pure red.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Thank you Senator McCarthy.

I'm sure the Republicans appreciated the help that the Green Party provided to them in 2000.

Anonymous said...

We don't have to look back to 1955. Let's look to 2000, and the damage that the Green Party...

Tell me, do you really believe, that 'W' Bush getting elected is the Green Party's fault. What about the fifty million Americans who voted to put Bush in office, don't they share some of the blame. Then they voted for him again, even after he started to undeclared wars which have killed 4335 Americans in Iraq, and 1343 Americans in Afghanistan.
OBL killed 2752 Americans on 9/11, making Bush twice as bad and the worst terrorist in the world.

ew-3 said...

"Thank you Senator McCarthy."

Take it you are not familiar with the history of the Green Party which started in Europe. Nor do you seem familiar with Senator McCarthy.

Anonymous said...

ew-3 said...
"Thank you Senator McCarthy."

Take it you are not familiar with the history of the Green Party which started in Europe. Nor do you seem familiar with Senator McCarthy.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I am very familiar with Senator McCarthy and the Green Party in this nation. And I am very much aware of the damage that both have done to this nation.

Anonymous said...

The Whigs speak of being a part of veterans and patriots. So, can they nominate and run Farouk Samaroo for State Assembly?

Anonymous said...

Here's one nugget of history I know:

"Tail Gunner Joe" was elected to the Senate from Wisconsin after misrepresenting his war record. Seems like, despite his use of the nickname, he never saw any combat.

Gee. That sounds familiar.

Anonymous said...

There is nothing this country needs more then a third party that is somewhat moderate.

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