Tuesday, August 4, 2009

And then there were two...

From NY1:

The United State Postal Service has reduced the number of planned closings in the city.

As a result of financial woes, the USPS said yesterday that it would close nearly 700 possible closures across the country, including 53 in the five boroughs.

Today, it knocked that number down to 14.

The hardest hit borough is the Bronx with seven and Manhattan with five.

• LaGuardia Airport, Main Terminal
• Parcel Post Annex


georgetheatheist said...

Face it. You're going to be paying soon $1.00 for a first class stamp.

Just like you're paying now:

1. $2.00 for a newspaper.(NYTimes)

2. $5.00 to cross a bridge and a tunnel. (Port Authority)

3. $5.00 for one slice of pizza. (DiFara's in Brooklyn)

Bring back Gerry Ford and his WIN buttons: Whip Inlation Now

Anonymous said...

Just like the government to make a threat and then back away to make it look like they actually give a crap about the citizenry. Looks like we're all screwed by the Fed, the State, the City, and the County!!! Next!

Anonymous said...

And without the Fed, the State, the City, and the County you'd have no services. Oh, I forgot... you can pay a minimum of $6 or so for a FedEx shipment. What a deal the private sector is!

Anonymous said...

'And without the Fed, the State, the City, and the County you'd have no services."

And so it must be acceptable to you to overlook the corruption on all levels because we are being catered to? We are paying for elected officials and their friends to profit from our tax money. Why shouldn't we expect better? What kind of an asswipe are you, troll?

Anonymous said...

Why can't the Federal Government bail out the United States Postal Service? They have no trouble bailing out Private Industry. If they can throw millions at the banks they can invest some stimulus money to streamline the Postal Service, which by the way, is a Branch of Federal Government.

Taxpayer said...

"Anonymous said...
And without the Fed, the State, the City, and the County you'd have no services. Oh, I forgot... you can pay a minimum of $6 or so for a FedEx shipment. What a deal the private sector is!"

- - -

For that $6 you get an insured and guaranteed delivery.

Certified mail at the USPS is not guaranteed to be delivered. Neither is first class mail. And, on our block, we neighbors are forever having to walk the mis-delivered mail to each other or, mark it as "delivered to the wrong address".

Call the police. Call to fix a pothole. Wait for a bus. Write to a government agency.

All those actions produce no results.

So, with the Fed, the State, the City, and the County you already have no services.

No, I'll rely on private enterprise always. The other fellow's profit motive benefits me.

Anonymous said...

If I were the fed up federal government I wouldn't bail out the post offices because they're bad business.

Why throw good money after bad?

The days of these dinosaurs are numbered.

Only the most productive branches need to be kept open.

Anonymous said...

The USPS kids itself it has lost an estimated 15 billion in the last few years including estimate 7 billion for this year because of email!

Why should Americans with no health insurance, no retirement packages, etc. bail out the USPS?

The USPS has to stop threatening, intimidating, retaliating people and actually provide customer service.

The USPS has to stop abusing it's Federal Status including air sales that are shady and hurt the community to chronic blocking of fire hydrants and blocking small businesses trying to survive.

Their attitude is shameful, arrogant and disgusting and United States is emblazoned on their uniform, some message they are sending!

PatRiot said...

"So, with the Fed, the State, the City, and the County you already have no services.

No, I'll rely on private enterprise always. The other fellow's profit motive benefits me."

So you condone double dipping??!?!!? Since our taxes are allegedly paying for services (that apparently are not being provided), in this bad economy we have to pay for things that we already paid for. Genius!!! I guess the conclusion is that our government on all levels is useless and should be replaced. I'll buy that!

FlooshingRezident said...

The post offices in Queens are impossible to use - they're filled with people obtaining money orders. I've waited over an hour at times just to buy stamps. How about eliminating non-mail related functions? I pay everything online in order to avoid ever going to the post office. I'd use FedEx or UPS for packages. Thank Dog for the little post office at he Rite Aid in Whitestone.

Taxpayer said...

PatRiot said...
"So you condone double dipping??!?!!? Since our taxes are allegedly paying for services (that apparently are not being provided), in this bad economy we have to pay for things that we already paid for."

How is use of private enterprise now known as double dipping?

Competition from email, FedEx, UPS, messenger services, fax and cell phone are the ONLY reason that a first-class stamp doesn't cost $6 or more.

Isn't competition beautiful?

Oh, yeah! Your use of this Blog proves you would rather have your messages delivered instantaneously, and free of charge. So, you do agree with me and do believe in competition!

Aint the USA great?

Lino, Bus and subway rider said...

Another classic from "Taxpayer":

"For that $6 [fedex]you get an insured and guaranteed delivery."

Both fedex and ups have become awfully sloppy in the last decade. I get weekly deliveries of electronic components delivered to my apt and out restaurants. the boxes look as though they have been drop-kicked.

At my apt here in Manhattan both of these "services" played a cute game of delivering several building's packages to one (presumably friendly) doorman's address. If I am expecting something, I had to check there daily. Only after threatening legal action did both companies stop this scam.

The USPS -never- did this and, stuff arrives in better condition.

Another gem: "Call the police. Call to fix a pothole. Wait for a bus. Write to a government agency.

All those actions produce no results."

If you are not getting prompt police action I am sorry to read that...but I doubt it.

As for buses and Queens, I have often taken both Queens Surface and Green lines. The latter, particularly the route from 59th st Man. to Forest Hills was awful. Broken air conditioning, rear doors that don't work, stop signals that won't ring, garbage drifting around the floor and of course, surly drivers.

Queens Surface was slightly better but I remember in the early '90s when they ran short of buses and bought some early 1960s GMC's from Hofstra University. Roaring motors, no AC and driver controlled rear doors. I -liked-these old relics but really, is that the best they could do?

All this changed when the MTA took over...yep..that mean ol' government now produces clean -new- buses that are fully functional and run on-time.

But, do tell us another one...

Anonymous said...

Yes... the profit motive always serves us better, doesn't it? Go ask Bernie Madoff. He helped lots of people out of their riches.

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