Monday, July 27, 2009

Pilots' apartments more like flophouses

From the NY Post:

They sleep eight to a room in cramped apartments that can get so out of control that they'd put a frat house to shame -- making getting a good night's rest harder than flying a jet.

But it's just a day in the life for hundreds of pilots who fly out of city airports and spend their nights in dingy Queens crash pads crammed with up to 20 beds.

Crew members for several major airlines told The Post they often get no more than four hours of sleep before their shifts.

Some rented apartments in Kew Gardens and Jackson Heights have rooms stuffed with as many as four bunk beds. Cash-strapped pilots, mechanics and flight attendants pay as little as $125 to $260 per month to stay there.

Some are co-ed havens for sex and parties, while others are home to a constantly rotating cast of characters trying to catch some shut-eye before takeoff.


Anonymous said...

"Some are co-ed havens for sex and parties, while others are home to a constantly rotating cast of characters trying to catch some shut-eye before takeoff."

If the sleep-deprevation thing wasn't so scary, this could be a fun way to live!

Anonymous said...

is this real?
How seriously air line companies aware of this situation?
We used to serve to Turkish Airline crew where I work which is a apart hotel and comparing to this picture, they were living in very good condition. At least a room for per person.
Our lifes in those people's hand and what I see is scary.

Anonymous said...

They sometimes advertize those parties on craigs list.

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