Friday, July 24, 2009

Gillibrand wants funding for English instruction increased

From the Daily News:

Two New York lawmakers are spearheading efforts in Washington to empower immigrants to learn English, thereby boosting the ailing economy.

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) and Rep. Yvette Clarke (D-Brooklyn) unveiled a bill Monday for more funding to teach immigrants English, U.S. history and civics.

"We would be remiss if we miss this opportunity to utilize every breathing living person amongst us - to bring them up to optimum productivity," Clarke said of giving immigrants a chance to get a firm grasp of the language.

The bill, unveiled at a news conference in immigrant-rich Elmhurst, calls for $200 million in funding for fiscal year 2010. That is a jump from the $70 million allocated for this fiscal year.


Anonymous said...

Funding should not go to the elementry level. Children learn the language very fast. Inside of a few months, they can speak english. The money should be put into middle and high schools. They should have classes to educate the parents. They would be able to help the children with homework etc. Parents need to be more involved. Not just drop off the children and expect the school system to babysit all day.

Anonymous said...

Yet another example of how the rich exploit immigrants in business or as tenants, and the middle class is stuck with the bill.

Just like infrastructure costs and developers.

Anonymous said...

Anon #1 is wrong. A non-English speaking third grader will not learn English "inside of a few months." Funding belongs at all levels, or not at all.

Anonymous said...

It's amazing that these people can deal in American money very easily but can't speak the language....hmmm

Anonymous said...

Aw come on now! No wonder why this country is going broke!

Anonymous said...

#3, sorry,I would like to agree, however, I work in the system. Had a 4th grader who spoke no english, and in a few months, he could speak and did learn a lot of nasty words and what they were for!

Anonymous said...

Of course he learned bad words because he was learning other kids. Well teacher it's your job or someone in the system to teach them.

Ridgewoodian said...

Anonymous: It's amazing that these people can deal in American money very easily but can't speak the language....hmmm

Yeah! 'Specially since Americans have NO idea how to use euros or pesos or króna or any other currency in any country where they don't speak the local language. I guess these wetbacks are just smarter than us.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Well, if immigrants learn English in such a short time, there go the theories that they are inferior and useless to society. Instead, they should be granted genius status and allowed all the priveleges of citizenship since they learn the language faster than the natives.

Anonymous said...

The point of the instruction is to make them functional in English, not fluent. However, if they immerse themselves in the culture, they'll learn themselves. Kids who go to schools without ESL learn English in a very short time. And I remember watching a documentary on TV where an Iraqi boy learned English by simply watching American movies.

Ridgewoodian: It's one thing to use the currency of a country and it's quite another to run an entire business in this country without knowing English. But it means you sell to a limited clientele.

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