Friday, July 24, 2009

de Blasio gets tossed off ballot

From the Daily News:

New York's infamously archaic and exacting petition rules have claimed another victim - this time in the form of would-be public advocate, Councilman Bill de Blasio.

In this case, the problem was that de Blasio's cover sheet claimed there were 131 volumes of petitions, when in reality there were 132.

This may seem trivial, but it was sufficient grounds for the rejection of all the Brooklyn Democrat's 125,000+ signatures.

The fact that he has raised more than $1.3 million and landed endorsements from a slew of unions, the labor-backed Working Families Party, the Rev. Al Sharpton and numerous elected officials all over the city makes no difference in this case.

Now the only way de Blasio can get onto the ballot is via a judge's ruling.


Anonymous said...

How long has he lived in NY? Wasn;t he h cliton's campaign manager?Carpetbagger? BooHoo

PizzaBagel said...

Let's get a look at Bloomberg's petition. I'm sure we could nitpick him off the ballot just like de Blasio got booted for such a trivial reason.

Anonymous said...

Will the court ignore 131 pages of nominating petitions because he forgot one page? Sounds like voter disenfranchisment to me.

Anonymous said...

the court will put him back on. he must have just pissed off the commissioners.

Missing Foundation said...

Again, people, for a city that prides itself in the creative arts, having a political process that echoes from the time of Davy Crockett and the world of Charles Dickens needs a big revamping.

Its wasteful, undemocratic, inefficient, and disrespects our city and our country.

It is a joke.

It makes us look stupid for putting up with it.

Anonymous said...

I read once that 90 percent of all election petition litigation happened in New York state. Maybe this needs an upward revision.

Brooks of Sheffield said...

Good riddance. DeBlasio is a disaster.

Anonymous said...

Let's get a look at Bloomberg's petition. I'm sure we could nitpick him off the ballot just like de Blasio got booted for such a trivial reason.

good idea. someone listening?

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg doesn't petition because he got the five county Republican chairs to let him on without nomination signatures.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg doesn't petition because he got the five county Republican chairs to let him on without nomination signatures.

WTF? We need elction reform big time.

Queens Crapper said...

Wrong. Bloomberg obtained a Wilson-Pakula, which allowed him to run on a Republican line without having to be registered as a Republican. He still needs the signatures.

Anonymous said...

Been hearing good news - Republicans are not signing his petitions. Hope more people wise up no matter what party they belong to.

Anonymous said...

I know for a fact they also are afraid that voters might wake up and start voting in the primaries and make the choice - not them.

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