Monday, June 1, 2009

Queens machine man backing Bloomberg

From the Daily News:

Democratic party unity will take a big blow Monday as another congressional Democrat plans to back Mayor Bloomberg's reelection campaign, the Daily News has learned.

Rep. Gary Ackerman of Queens will make the endorsement just hours after Rep. Anthony Weiner invoked party ideals while throwing his support behind Democratic mayoral hopeful city Controller William Thompson.

"This is a case where I can really say I'm voting for somebody, no matter who else is running," he said.


Anonymous said...

Fucking sellout!!!
Bloomturd and his friends control all of the media. So we have a dictator who used his wealth and power to overturn the term limits law which was upheld by 2 referendum of the people. The city council gave him and themselves a chance to continue the reign of terror.

The truth is that many people are fed up with the whole thing but the newspapers (local and national) turn the other way and keep promoting the lying bastard! What is worse are all of the obvious backroom deals that are supporting overdevelopment at the expense of the quality of life and/or the very existence of neighborhoods, especially in the borough of Queens.

The only person who is really speaking out for the little guy is Councilman Tony Avella and the press has denied him access. They consider him a person non grata even though his support on blogs and other independent media show that people are paying attention to his message. With the Ackerman controlled Queens Tribune, most people will never know the truth about local news. Score another one for the machine! Evan and Toby must be doing the happy dance today. Money can't buy happiness but it sure can buy an election!

linda said...

all i can say is i'm not voting for a-0 and i tell everyone i know the same and to pass it on. hopefully the word gets around and people are sick of this lil weasel and get rid of his ass come november. voice of the people will make a difference, fuck the media........

Anonymous said...

I don't know who theyve been polling. EVERY person I know will not vote for Bloomcrud.
I can't find one single Bloombug supporter.
Maybe in Manhattan they love him?? Who knows.

Anonymous said...

Kris Allen beat Adam Lambert

Diversity beat Susan Boyle

David gave Goliath a can of whoop ass

Tony Avella can do it as well! The more Bloomturd pushes, the less people like him. What will happen come November???

Christopher said...

You know normally i'd be okay with bipartisanship,a democrat endorsing someone running as a republican,but something smells.

Anonymous said...

I sure won't be voting for the petty tyrant Bloomberg. He is delusional and hasn't done anything positive for New York City or its residents.

Anonymous said...

If you don't like Hackerman, attorney Liz Berney (R) is expected to hold a rematch in 2010.

Anonymous said...

Liz Berney? Are you f----g kidding?

She's a total doofus!

Ragusa should resign then close up shop for the Republican party in Queens if that's the best he can do!

Anonymous said...

Gary's looking more and more like a festering hemorrhoid as each day passes!

Like the picture of Dorian Gray...corruption is engraved upon his countenance!

Anonymous said...

Stupidity will have its reward among voters if Bloomberg should win!

Anonymous said...

My money's on the long shot...Avella!

He's got the platform to win!

Bloomberg keeps on stepping in his own shit every time he opens his mouth!

Despite all that hizzoner thinks about himself...he ain't the favorite!

Anonymous said...

Another piece of shit that needs to be flushed down the toilet and out of office.

Anonymous said...

Wake up Queens County. All the elected officials are selling us down the river and are willing to let us drown. Ackerman hasn't done a darned thing for the people he reps in Queens because he's always in Israel. He could care less about our community. The Bloomer's petals should begin to wither and die ASAP. Vote him out!!!

Anonymous said...

The dead guru con man, Sri Chinmoy, probably told Ackerman to back Bloomberg.

nice work if you can get it.

Anonymous said...

Since Ackerman's district covers Nassau County as well as Queens, it probably doesn't matter if everyone in Queens votes for his opponent -- the Nassau votes will carry him back into office.

And I was not impressed with Liz Berney last year. The Republicans need to recruit someone with experience (and charisma) to go up against The Boutonniere.

Anonymous said...

"Ackerman hasn't done a darned thing for the people he reps in Queens because he's always in Israel."

Not to mention his jaunts to Taiwan for fundraisers arranged by Tommy Huang. Tommy and Gary have enjoyed a cozy relationship for decades. Queens’s voters had better wake up and vote the turds like Ackerman out of office.

BTW, people who live in Queens don’t run the “Queens Machine”. People who run the machinery are from Long Island. Queens Democratic voters should run their own County Democratic Organization.

Anonymous said...

Somebody please explain to me why Liz Berney is labeled a doofus and Sri Chinmoy a con man. I'm new here.

At the end of the day, it's the ignorant voters who are at fault, for voting Democrat, no matter who is running. If Jack the Ripper were running for office as a Democrat, he'd win in Queens, too.

Labels said...

The labels come from their opponents. Liz Berney is a very smart attorney and investigator. She beat Ackerman in their Channel 12 debate. I voted for her after seeing it, but I heard that very few people saw the debate.

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