Saturday, June 6, 2009

Homeless get posh (temporary) digs in Brooklyn

From Fox 5:

A luxury apartment building in Brooklyn has been converted into a homeless shelter -- and the neighbors are not happy.

In a statement, the city's Dept. of Homeless Services called the shelter in part, "a case of innovation and outside the box thinking that benefits all those involved."

The families moved into the building May 18. Thirty-four families live in the Alice Branch Plaza shelter, which houses 68 units, according to the city.

From the Daily News:

Don't get too comfortable!

That was Mayor Bloomberg's message to dozens of lucky homeless families who scored a posh pad at a luxury condo that has been turned into a homeless shelter in Brooklyn.

"We're not going to let people just sit there. This is a transition thing. We want to move them out," Bloomberg said Friday. "And if they say, 'Oh, I love this here, I don't want to try something else,' I'm sorry, that's not the whole intent here."

And closed homeless shelters in Queens may reopen.


linda said...

lmao, yeah ok.... like the city will make them leave, or try to make them leave......

well brooklyn, LIC condo investors one will be opening up soon next to you too.......

Anonymous said...

Well, I have been saying for a while that displaced working people don't disappear. They can be driven into poverty and homelessness to satisfy a need to build luxury buildings where there is no demand for luxury.

It is irrational to build 100% of the housing for 1% of the population and this is the result.

Anonymous said...

Can get an apartment in there?

Neighborhoods are being destroyed by the skyrocketing price of rents in crummy buildings. Look at Sunnyside and Woodside.

what the article doesn't say is if you have jack pot babies, are Hispanic or Black you are welcome. White people are not unless you act all black or married an illegal immigrant.

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