Saturday, May 30, 2009

Schumer and Bloomberg disrespect the flag

Dear Senator Schumer and Mayor Bloomberg,

You should be ashamed of your callous attitude and utter disrespect toward the flag of the United States of America during your marching in the College Point Memorial Day Parade on May 24, 2009. If you can't see the pictures, you are holding the flag pointed downward, almost scraping on the ground. This was not a singular moment, but a repeated act as you marched and waved with your other hand (Bloomberg) or used a bullhorn (Schumer).

The College Point Memorial Day Parade was not about you......... For once can't you just "get it"....... on a day like this....... its about those who can't march.... who didn't come home.....who died for us....... so that now, we march in THEIR honor........ not our own glory. Is it asking too much to hold the flag properly? At the absolute very least, you owe those who died, that much. Where's your apology?

- Charlie from College Point


Anonymous said...

These "elected" officials (or oaficials) disrespect everything! Why should the flag be any different? Don't expect an apology. Sorry to disappoint you.

Taxpayer said...

For everyone who wanted to know where swine flu originated: These pigs.

Look at Commissar Swine almost stepping on the flag he's dragging near his tiny feet. Maybe it's too heavy a burden for his tiny, swiney, effeminate body.

Let's lower the flag on the one pig now, on November 3. That would be Commissar Pig.

We'll barbecue the other porker in 2010.

Use November 3 to show respect for the flag and those who made the ultimate sacrifice on behalf of it.

Anonymous said...

It's just a flag.

Anonymous said...

"It's just a flag."

Oh how wrong you are anonymous.

America's a free country baby. And in free countries, we are obligated to pledge our allegiance to symbols made out of cloth.

If you dare to hold the cloth the wrong way, you should be criticized and mocked relentlessly. And will be labeled "unpatriotic" for your failure to conform to the way others say you must.

If you dare mistreat this piece of cloth, you're shitting all over everyone who's ever been a soldier. Regardless of whether you give money to veterans' groups, or send them supplies, or protest in favor of bringing them home from the battlefield. Shit, it doesn't even matter if you were a soldier yourself.

The only relevant inquiry is how you treat the piece of cloth.

Queens Crapper said...

If you were a soldier yourself, you would not hold the flag this way. It's about what the flag symbolizes, not what it's made out of, ignorant morons.

Anonymous said...

Let's see, on a day when we honor those that fell in war defending this country, the Mayor and Schumer were showing themselves off rather than acting respectful. This speaks volumes about them.

Anonymous said...

"Can't (he) just get it?"

Well said.

Anonymous said...

"It's about what the flag symbolizes, not what it's made out of, ignorant morons."

"America's a free country baby. And in free countries, we are obligated to pledge our allegiance to SYMBOLS"

Reading comprehension can be a bitch.

Anonymous said...

"And in free countries, we are obligated to pledge our allegiance to SYMBOLS"

Where and when is it ever obligated?

And are you suggesting that Bloomberg and Schumer don't pledge allegiance to the flag so it's ok for them to drag the flag around while they strut around full of self-importance?


Anonymous said...

Symbols are powerful. Think the cross, the swastika, Islam's star and crescent.

Bloods will kill a child who appears to be wearing Crip colors, even though it is a coincidence.

Mocking people because they don't want a symbol of our country disrespected is very disingenuous.

Remember Yeats, "For the best lack all conviction, while the worst are filled with passionate intensity."

Taxpayer said...

"For the best lack all conviction, while the worst are filled with passionate intensity."

Applies perfectly to this turtle faced, tantrum throwing Commissar.

Ever listen to him speak? He is so bored and ignorant of whatever is the topic. He gets passionate only when someone like Azi Paybarah actually listens to the liar and asks a challenging question. Only then, and when he is stepping on the flag, do we see the true Commissar revealed.

Can you believe the utter stupidity of this sissy? He loses control when a member of the press asks a question at a press conference.

Anonymous said...

After lots of experience pissing all over us hard working tax paying New Yorkers...disrespecting America and its cherished banner of freedom is just the next step up for these lowly scum-buns!

Anonymous said...

If the flag featured a golden dollar sign emblazoned upon a field of green...Bloomberg & Co. would have been more certain to respect it!

Anonymous said...

Tell a US Marine that the flag is just a piece of cloth!

Hope you brought your Kabar with you...'cause you'll need it baby!

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