Sunday, May 31, 2009

Ay, gevalt, too...

This came from Urbanite. And I couldn't agree more.


Taxpayer said...

How appropriate!

Just where he is ending up: Just another ugly blob of graffiti adding to the eyesore in our neighborhoods!

(Is this another neighborhood where he intends to eliminate firefighting service? Then, perhaps that image will soon be a cinder.)

Anonymous said...

It's not really "another ugly blob of graffiti," but a rather ingenious spoof on the famous street artist Shepard Fairey's "OBEY" series.

OBEYFairey's most recognizable work, however, is the Obama HOPE poster, which I'm sure adorns the walls of Taxpayer's home.

Taxpayer said...

You may be sure, but you sure are very, very wrong!

Anything pasted onto public property without permission is graffiti. And the act is criminal vandalism.

How famous is this criminal? I never heard of him, and don't want or need to know more than that he is just another graffiti vandal, plastering poles with ugly blobs of graffiti. Actually, I have no interest in the names or work efforts of any criminal - rapist, mugger, arsonist, killer, etc.

Anonymous said...

I know he's a criminal, but a pretty talented one. He's also famous in the art world and has had legitimate exhibitions. He's gone mainstream now; you can buy tee shirts of his art at Bloomingdales. Read his wiki, if you're curious: Shepard_Fairey

FightThePower said...

I've met Padavan several times and he has the personality of a goldfish. Except that would be insulting to goldfish.

Taxpayer said...

Anonymous said:
"I know he's a criminal, but a pretty talented one. He's also famous in the art world and has had legitimate exhibitions. He's gone mainstream now; you can buy tee shirts of his art at Bloomingdales."

There was a kid in Connecticut several years ago named Kelly I believe. He was famous too. He savagely raped a girl and then - with the help of his wealthy parents - fled the country to avoid capture. He too is mainstream now. In prison.

Then we have the famous Chambers lout, who killed his girlfriend during "rough" sex (translation: rape). He's also mainstream now, back in prison for drug dealing.

So many fine young rapists who became famous. Probably even admired and emulated by other rapists. Someday, there may even be a section in some department store beloved by the Woody Allen types who prefer consorting with their own adopted children, where rape kits can be purchased.

And, let's never forget the famous OJ and Phil Spector. They were rich AND famous - oh, yeah! - and criminals.

Then we have the extremely rich and famous unpunished rapist and killer, Ted Kennedy. So famous that even after his killing, he was re-elected repeatedly to the US Senate. By the way, he never claims this fame, but, wasn't Kennedy the inventor of waterboarding? Now, that's a real talent!

Yes, morons are sooo forgiving of criminals as long as they are famous, celebrities, and apparently, have items sold at Bloomingdales.

Anonymous said...

I may consider forgiving him if he reworks the image as a dartboard. I need a little exercise while NYC is driving me to drink.

Anonymous said...

He's an ARTIST, not a RAPIST. He defiles walls, not women. I'd like to know how your mind works so as to draw such ridiculous comparisons.

Taxpayer said...

Anonamoron said:
"He's an ARTIST, not a RAPIST. He defiles walls, not women. I'd like to know how your mind works so as to draw such ridiculous comparisons."

Both commit crime. Both use without permission. Both produce ugly results.

I suppose a rapist would consider his activities as art. Surely some smart defense lawyer will use that idea.

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