Friday, March 20, 2009

Gennaro gets parking lot for new HS in his district - what about Maspeth?

How is it that Hillcrest Estates gets an 800-seat school WITH parking for faculty and staff, but Maspeth gets an 1100-seat school without it?

Why aren't Community Board 5 and Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley pushing for parking since there's no subway or public parking lot nearby? Parking in the vicinity is tight already with 2 other public schools within 4 blocks of the proposed 74th Street site.

And as you can see, the 800-seat high school is a themed school, as the Maspeth one will be, meaning the majority of the local kids will be seeking a different field of study or a general education and will therefore be taught in a different neighborhood anyway.

This article appeared in this week's Queens Times.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, but getting a parking lot is not an accomplishment. We need less car parking, not more.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

"Sorry, but getting a parking lot is not an accomplishment. We need less car parking, not more."

is that you Elizabeth?

Anonymous said...

I would say that in a neighborhood where there is no subway and 3 schools within 4 blocks employing hundreds of teachers and staff that drive, a parking lot is a necessity.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should mail this article to Crowley and ask her why one community is getting something that she won't fight for.

Anonymous said...

please already we don't want a school period in maspeth. even with a parking lot the amount of kids coming in on the bus will impact this community and then the teachers driving in??? do you have any clue what grand avneue will be like in the morning. if they are coming in from long island they have to exit 69 street service ramp to come around. i can't believe people just don't get it already we don't want the damn school. and worry more what liz is doing next???? watch out guys it never ends.

Anonymous said...

Aren't the existing 3000 kids - most of whom are bused in - enough for Maspeth to have to educate? We now are expected to take on 1100 more? This is a low-density town, why are we responsible for schooling the children from neighborhoods with big apartment buildings? Why didn't the City force the developers to build schools when they were encouraging the overdevelopment of Corona and Elmhurst?

Anonymous said...

Liz Crowley's new campaign slogan: Build first, ask questions later.

Remember she ran on the "Schools First" platform, which means, "Community Last."

Anonymous said...

Liz Crowley's new campaign slogan: Build first, ask questions later.

Remember she ran on the "Schools First" platform, which means, "Community Last."

Anonymous said...

Maspeth is uppity. Since the city is being geared for the haves and have nots, you have the misfortune to be at the wrong area at the wrong time.

Now look at Elmhurst or Corona. Even Astoria. So much more well behaved.

And they are rewarded for their good behavior, right?

Anonymous said...

where in Hillcrest is this school site?

Queens Crapper said...

Right near a subway!

Queens Gateway to Health Sciences

Anonymous said...

I would say that, no, a parking lot is not a necessity. Or at least one that size. Too many kids being driven to school these days. Gennaro would do better to help kids walk and bike to school safely, than help to encourage hundreds of more cars to travel through the neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

The parking lot is for the teachers and staff, you nitwit.

Anonymous said...

"Too many kids being driven to school these days. Gennaro would do better to help kids walk and bike to school safely, than help to encourage hundreds of more cars to travel through the neighborhood."

What kind of fucking fantasy world do you live in. Get real. Do you really think you can get these fat ass, lazy parents out of their cars? Give me a break!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

City Council delays vote on Maspeth high school
by Ben Hogwood, Assistant Editor
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The City Council showdown over the proposed Maspeth High School will have to wait a little longer.
A council subcommittee was to consider the proposal on Wednesday, March 18, with a full council vote planned for March 24. However, the Department of Education and Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley (D-Middle Village), who represents the area, have failed to come to an agreement on the school.

If Crowley votes against the proposal, the council may well follow her. If that happens, it will be the first time since at least 2002 that the council does not approve a new school.
Meredith Burak, a spokeswoman for Crowley, said the proposal has been pushed back two weeks to give the two sides more time to negotiate. The Council is now scheduled to vote on the subject on April 2.
The DOE has proposed a school for 1,100 students at 57th Avenue and 74th Street, the site of the former Restaurant Depot.
While School District 24, which includes Maspeth, is the most overcrowded in the city, the DOE has faced resistance from the community, which argues that the location is a poor one. The site is within blocks of another two schools and residents have said that already, when the school bell rings at the end of the day, traffic is snarled and the streets are filled with students.
On March 11, Community Board 5, which includes Maspeth, passed a resolution approving the school. However, the agreement came with certain stipulations. First, the board wants the school to be priority zoned, so students who live in the immediate vicinity of P.S. 58 get offered seats first. Students in certain ZIP codes around the school would be next, then students in District 24 and finally students in all of Queens.
Other stipulations include staggering arrival and dismissal times, ensuring that the school offers a comprehensive academic program rather than having a theme, and including a cut out in the building for buses transporting students to and from the school so traffic isn’t blocked.
While the DOE has made some concessions, it has yet to fully agree to all the community board’s wishes.
So far, the DOE has agreed to set priority for residents of District 24, followed by two other overcrowded districts and then to all borough students. It has refused to narrow down the priority any further.
“Overcrowding in Queens is a borough-wide problem that requires a borough-wide solution,” said Will Havemann, a spokesman for the DOE, adding, “We cannot spend $70 to $80 million for a school that will only serve a few neighborhoods. It wouldn’t be fair to the rest of Queens or the taxpayers who would be financing this project.”
Crowley said she supports the C.B. 5 resolution and is in discussion with Deputy Mayor Dennis Walcott and the schools chancellor’s office to push for its approval.

seems like lizzy is still pushing ahead for this school. she doesn't care for our community vote her ass out when elections come up. yeah fastest seat in history!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Vote her out? Como would have folded like a cheap suit at this point. The previous bloggers comments are not grounded in reality.


Como is one thing: Phony Tony Como. Phony Tony Como and his "staff" were not equipped to handle this or any ther problem.

The reason why everything is getting postponed is because she is giving DOE a hard time. She is actually fighting for our community. This has not happened in about 10 years.


Anonymous said...

Vote for Phony Tony Como! He is a loser!!!

Anonymous said...

Actually the fastest seat in history was the loser phony tony como.

Anonymous said...

Phony Tony Como: He did not even take care of the violations on his own house.


Anonymous said...

This article has nothing to do with the issue of the school in maspeth. The issue really whether or not it should be there in the first place.

Anonymous said...

What do you get when u cross a chicken with phony tony como?

A chicken shit phone tony como.

Anonymous said...

The school is necessary. However it just cannot be built. If it is built, then it must be done so on the communties terms.

Queens Crapper said...

Do you really think that typing "phony Tony Como" repeatedly makes anyone less likely to vote for him or helps Liz in any way? GROW UP.

Anonymous said...


Liz has been fighting to get re-elected from day one. She couldn't give a shit about this community which is why she is helping SCA site an 1100 seat school in a quiet town that already is oversaturated with schools.

Anonymous said...

If the Council votes FOR constructing the school in Maspeth anywhere near the proposed site, I'll run for the to-be-vacated CD 30 seat.

How 'bout that, folks?

Anonymous said...

what the hell do you mean? and are you the same ass who keeps typing about cumo??? keep doing it and i'll vote for him.

Anonymous said...

anyone for council district 30 seat would be better than someone who wants to flood our community with yet another school. you'll have my vote

Anonymous said...

How's this? Dirty Dizzy Lizzy AND Phony Tony Como both are incompetent political whores who should not be allowed near a council seat or any other elected office. NEVER!

Anonymous said...

Anyone ever hear of birtCONTROL???Check the#'s of where children do live!! Glendale did not need an addition either! Middle Village got an addition, and a new school. Hmmmmmm, what about Ridgewood where they are bursting at the seams??

Anonymous said...

Come on Crapper. Phony Tony Como is creative. Dont get upset at those people. I actually like.

What helps Liz is advocating for the community. Very Simple.

Anonymous said...

I heard Phony Tony Como may not run. Thoughts?

Anonymous said...

Hillcrest still has a problem with getting the students to the new Gateway Middle School and HS. The area is home to more schools than any other community in the city.

The NEW Gateway will move the school population to the Queens Hospital Campus--No subway and a clear shortage of MTA service.

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