Friday, February 20, 2009

Rock, Rock, Rockaway Street

Um...Frank...Have you been practicing in Staten Island lately? (Actually, not only did this hideous thing get built in the Forgotten Borough, but the homeowners got gypped in the process.)

:::Channeling the Ramones:::

It is piled both high and deep
Someone took a crap on Rockaway Street

Photo from Staten Island Advance


Anonymous said...

Wow, what style! I hope to build one of these in Middle Village.

Anonymous said...

So the Greeks go from building the Parthenon, to this?

Anonymous said...

I'm glad they didn't forget the requisite SUV blocking the sidewalk.

Why don't these people get ticketed and what is it about SUVs that attracts inconsiderate assholes?

Anonymous said...

So the Greeks go from building the Parthenon, to this?

Vitrivius is rolling in his grave!

At least they have plenty of room in this craptacular monstrosity to store all the crates of Windex they'll buy from Costco.

Frank Lloyd Crap said...

I figured since SI already has a Frank Lloyd Wright house, it needed a Frank Lloyd Crap house too. But I'm only responsible for the ugly, out of character design, I can't take credit for the shady contractor.

Anthony!! How's the MidVil merda palo coming along? Did you get the yard paved yet? How's unemployment?

Anonymous said...

I have to give you credit for the Ramones reference...

Anonymous said...

I love the reference to having to refinance 'all of my other properties' to pay for this one.

I get it. Someone has their rich spoiled brat kids grow up medicated in the 80's by the ludes and coke they deal to the rest of the neighborhood as they drive around in Mercedes Benz's all hours of the night, screeching and speeding down our side streets as we are trying to sleep while blasting rap out there windows, not hold a real job, then inherits the family diner on Second Avenue,'gets' a house as a 'wedding present' from their parents who have owned their 'cash-based' business for thirty years and haven't paid a red cent of tax that they should, then decides to be a 'real estate tycoon' by buying up neglected houses in the neighborhood, hires illegal, unskilled labor to make them further eyesores, rents them out to the clueless yuppie transplants that don't know any better, all the while not paying a cent of tax since all of this is money laundered to the nth degree and THEN decides to build this piece of crap and expects to get 1.8 million for it.

Anonymous said...

I can see if they actually WANTED to live there, but deliberately go to all of this trouble and disrupt the fabric of a neighborhood by building this horrendous 'villa' just because 'they can do this' is absolutely criminal.

Absentee landlordism taken to the lowest low in the book. That's what New York City has become by our spineless, clueless, corrupt local politicians.


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