Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Where have we read this before?

If this NY Times column seems like a familiar read, it's because I recently linked to almost the same exact commentary from True News from

"What’s cheap is some self-absorbed nitwit sitting in front of a computer in his bathrobe, stealing the facts that some hard-working, low-paid newspaper drone just spent hours collecting." - Ellis Henican, writing about bloggers.

Just curious... What is it called when the opposite happens? Tapping a source?

Journalists and bloggers can have a symbiotic relationship. Time to quit yer bitchin' Ellis and get with the times. Maybe if journalists questioned those in power instead of kissing their asses, there wouldn't be a demand for information from other sources. It was done once upon a time, ya know!


Anonymous said...

Oh yes; this honest and ethical Ellis Henican is furious that he and his leftist snarky ilk can no longer control the flow of facts and opinion.

Too goddamn bad, Ellis. If years ago you had made the decision to do thoroughly honest reporting, presenting ALL the facts about the whorehouse behavior of the politicians, Bloggers would be unnecessary, and the whoring would be under control.

Instead, you elected to use whatever reporting skills you have in the service of a deeply flawed political agenda. And, that agenda is exposed daily and widely on the Blogs. By guys and girls not only in bathrobes, but in underwear. Many of them - GASP! - offensively smoking, eating fatty foods, telling very, very offensive jokes at the expense of one gender or another - all while Blogging!.

Many Bloggers don't believe in abortion, global warming, redistribution, bailouts or most of the totalitarian leftists' basic religious beliefs. Oh MY God? They dare to believe in something else? Go get 'em and hang every least one of them!

Anonymous said...

Taxpayer, you have hit the nail on the head.

Anonymous said...

The days of ink and paper and 'offical' journalism are fast drawing to a close.

Blogs are the future.

Dinosaurs meet the mammal.

Anonymous said...


Out with the reporting of facts! Out with ombudsmen!

In with lopsided vacuum-chamber research and opinion masquerading as fact!

Anonymous said...

Out with the reporting of facts! Out with ombudsmen!

In with lopsided vacuum-chamber research and opinion masquerading as fact!

Well you accepted developers and politicans press releases over the decades that was passed on to us as news so NOW you decide to gripe?

Why are you afraid of the public? You a mod over at

Anonymous said...

The mass media reports are so clueless they have to lift stories from the blogs

Goodby mass media welcome bloggers

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"The mass media reports are so clueless they have to lift stories from the Blogs

"Goodby mass media welcome bloggers"

- - - -

Both could be great. Either could be rotten.

Advocacy journalism has been bad from its start with the NYT and Washington Post and the 3 networks when they ruled the information flow.

Leftists not only want to control the flow of info, but seriously detest any deviant thoughts not authorized by the elite. Hence the years-long PC movement to control all that is written spoken, read and heard.

Around us are offense factories of every kind: race, gender, culture, class, self-esteem, etc.

There are factory representatives all over the place looking for any opportunity to discover a reason to manufacture another "offense" to bludgeon writers and speakers in government, business, eductions, anywhere.

These factories also manufacture the tools needed to destroy the First Amendment. To leftists, that amendment (and the rest of the Constitution) are just so much tripe.

Those who sit silent and permit the destruction are just as guilty as the destroyers.

Henican, you're just another lazy destroyer! Knowingly and willingly in the tank for the leftists.

Anonymous said...

Taxpayer, your tirades are muddled as usual.

The mainstream media are a bunch of leftist elites. The mainstream media are behemoths in bed with developers and politicians, passing off corporate press releases as news.

Which is it? Is the media establishment a bunch of commies, or buddies of big business?

The can't be both unless... gasp!... the world is too complex to conform to your Bushian Good v. Evil fantasy.

Queens Crapper said...

Taxpayer didn't say the part about the press releases. Learn to read more carefully.

Anonymous said...

Taxpayer didn't say the part about the press releases. Learn to read more carefully.

I'm fully aware that I was drawing from multiple sources.
But Taxpayer would say that, because it fits the worldview Taxpayer generally espouses - one in which the mass media is extreme leftist while at the same time rolling over for corporate interests.

My question remains, which is it?

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