Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Unjustifiable idling?

From Mr. Angry:

Saturday night. 10PM. I leave my house and snow is falling. The weatherman predicted a small snow shower that wouldn’t be anything to worry about, so I’m not surprised. This snow turns to a light rain and ends quickly.

Nope, you’re not seeing things. That is a fully loaded snowplow/road salter. It is 4AM and this guy has been sitting in the cab of his truck reading a paper with the engine idling all night. And it’s not just him - there are dozens of these guys parked all over the city. So far as I could figure, some idiot called these guys into work for snow removal and they all got to do an 8 hour shift of reading and wasting fuel clocking double overtime and half out of our pockets.

Where is the logic, Bloomberg? Shutting down fire houses at night and replacing them with snow removal for a storm that never existed?


Anonymous said...

Blah, blah, blah. If it did snow and the trucks weren't ready, this guy would be whining about how the city wasn't ready to do its job.

Queens Crapper said...

But it didn't snow. The City knew it wasn't going to. This is a waste.

The most miserable QC commenters are the ones who come here to complain about complainers.

Anonymous said...

Now you are an expert on managing a massive city agency. You've probably never run or managed anything substantial in your life. How did the city know it wasn't going to snow? The city can predict the future and override weather forecasters?

Queens Crapper said...

Mr. Angry's point was that weather forecasters were predicting a dusting. So, yes, the City did override them, and incorrectly. We have the right to criticize our government when we see them wasting our money. That makes all of us experts.

Anonymous said...

Bitter commenters visiting this site lately, Crappy. Must be touching a few nerves.

Anonymous said...

We have the right to criticize our government when we see them wasting our money.


Not in Astoria!

And you can see how well that community is governed as a result.

Anonymous said...

if it was a commercial vehicle owned by a family buisness they would receive a summons for idiling the truck i live near the sanitation garage near maurice ave they park aorund the block from the garage not even 1/4 mile away and idle for hours why not have the vehicle and driver wait at the garage instead of wasting money having the truck idle for hours and have the driver sit there for hours have the driver wait at the garage and save fuel money

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg is the biggest asshole vote him out and fast and the head of dot

Anonymous said...

I come to QC precisely to complain about complainers! I wouldn't say I'm miserable, more of a hater.
anyway, the city should enforce something about idling like this. It's a big waste of money and bad for the environment.

Anonymous said...

DSNY has to spend their snow budget money this year or they'll get less next year. That's just the way it is.

Anonymous said...

If it snowed big time, and they weren't ready, and no one predicted it'd happen, I'd not complain.No one predicted any real snow that night. It was a complete waste.

These guys are throwing our money away all the while crying poverty and cutting back on services. It's just plain wrong.

Unknown said...

Even a dusting of snow if it got cold enough could have caused ice conditions which would require salting. Too bad they don't make cars and trucks that can have the heat on without running the whole engine. I'm all for complaining but I think this was a case of "you're damned if you do and damned if you don't".

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