Monday, December 8, 2008

Trucks get stuck but DOT doesn't give a f*ck

So here's what happens when a tractor trailer decides to travel eastbound on Grand Avenue and the driver is actually cautious...

Next we see what happens when he is directed by contractors working on the triangle in making his tight turn:

Imagine if there were no workers around to guide the driver. The lamppost at the other corner is next to go if this continues. What's so hard about detouring trucks away from this intersection?

Janette? Maura?


Anonymous said...

That is why we have DOT regulations limiting tractor trailer trucks to 55 feet max. The most ignored law in the city, right after police cars that break all the other laws.

Anonymous said...

"...What's so hard about detouring trucks away from this intersection?

Janette? Maura?"

They will never say it's hard. Their real secret is that they have no qualifications for the job. They are the politically token women who are entirely incompetent, as demonstrated by this simple, screwed-up project.

Commissar Death and Taxes also knows fully of their incompetence, but, since their imbecility is inflicted only on Queens, not on his beloved Manhattan, he tells his victims to go shit in their hats.

Anonymous said...

A truck making a left turn is news around here?

Queens Crapper said...

Click the links and educate yourself.

Anonymous said...

This doesn't involve a bike lane, so Khan doesn't care. When they make a bike lane that runs through this intersection, only then will anything be done.

Anonymous said...

much to do about nothing. title makes no sense..
Should be

"Truck Makes Left Turn on Grand Ave"

Anonymous said...

what's more amazing?

that someone took the time to take a video of a truck making a turn or that Crapper puts this on the site as news?

Anonymous said...

What's more amazing is that the same commenter who thinks this is not news wasted his time writing multiple comments to that effect.

What a loser.

Anonymous said...

one person commits time to video a truck and upload it to youtube

another choses to search out and link to the article on a website

s third makes a short comment that the article isnt newsworthy.

hadly the same.

Queens Crapper said...

The videos were made to illustrate a point and were e-mailed to the Crapper. At least someone cares about their neighborhood. And the very same thing will be on NY1 tonight, so I guess it's a little more important than the anonymous loser commenting on it.

Anonymous said...

Please keep complaining about people looking out for the safety of their neighbors.

Anonymous said...

On the map, the eastbound Flushing Avenue merges onto Grand Avenue. In reality, it appears as if Grand Avenue merges onto Flushing Avenue on its way east.

Maybe the city can condemn the empty fenced property to make way for a wider intersection, allowing for a larger Greenstreet triangle, and more room for wide turns.

Queens Crapper said...

Or maybe they can just divert trucks off Grand Avenue like they promised to 2 years ago.

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