Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Teen killed in Queens wreck


A 20-year-old man was arrested after his speeding car flipped over on a Queens highway Monday, killing his friend in the passenger seat, police said.

Armish Singh "reeked of alcohol" and refused to take a Breathalyzer test after he was freed from the wrecked car that claimed the life of his pal 17-year-old Tariq Aslan, police sources said.

Singh was behind the wheel of a 2005 Nissan Altima heading east on Grand Central Parkway when he lost control at 1:30a.m., police said.

Spinning out of control, the car flipped over, and Aslan, who was not wearing a seat belt, was ejected from the Altima, police said.

Alsan, who lived in Queens Village, was killed instantly. Singh, who lives in Ozone Park, was not thrown from the car and only suffered minor injuries.

He was arrested at the grisly scene and would not cooperate with investigators, police said.

He was charged with criminally negligent homicide Monday, and law enforcement sources said additional drunken-driving charges may be added when Singh is arraigned.


Anonymous said...

No big loss, just thinning the herd.

Anonymous said...

hey no big loss,whould be you and your mother getting shot a burned alive.

Anonymous said...

No big loss ? excuse you that is my friend that died ! and i think that is a very big loss !

Anonymous said...

the driver should have been the dirt bag that died not the other dirt bag

Anonymous said...

They were both reckless jackasses, and reckless jackasses usually die by their own doing. At least they didn't take some innocent victim with them. I concur with the first post, no big loss.

Anonymous said...

No big loss ? excuse you that is my friend that died ! and i think that is a very big loss !

----------------------------------- Well then you go mourn the loss of your friends, I will celebrate the Christmas Season with my family and friends, greatful that none of them were unfortunate to have crossed paths with your friends that night.
For the record, I do not celebrate the deaths of your friends, I just have no sympathy for them.

Anonymous said...

A correction;

For the record, I do not celebrate the death of your one friend, anr the arrest of the other, I just have no sympathy for them.
I wasn't implying that both of them had died.

Anonymous said...

looser who said "no big loss"
if ur frend died at the fault of a stupid drunk kid.. no biq loss right?
i aqree.. reckless jackasses deserve to be punished and face their consequences.. but who are u to tell us what to mourn or celebrate
so u can qo celebrate ur christmas and when life throws shit at u or ur frends. ill celebrate mine.

Anonymous said...

You celebrate whatever the hell you want to pal, whenever you want to celebrate it. The fact is that this kid is dead because of a reckless drunken idiot, who he decided to get into a car with. I have better things to do than to mourn the death or arrest of people who don't use their common sense, and get themselves into such situations. If this kid were crossing the street and was struck dead by a drunk driver, the he would have my sincerest condolences and and sympathy.
Who am I to tell you who to mourn for etc? I am the guy who doesn't get behind the wheel drunk, or gets into a car with a drunk. If you wantsympathy from me, then fine, I will cry a river for the family. But if you were really such good friends with these guys, maybe you can prevent any more of your friends from facing a similar fate by stoping them next time they want to do something stupid like this!

Anonymous said...

Sad and tragic. But when you drink and act irresponsibly, you put your life and the lives of others at a greater risk of danger. With behavior like this, I am sorry to say that this kid would have killed someone eventually.

Anonymous said...

First of all... none of you guys (besides the one who said they knew the boy who died) know either one of them. the driver is not a "dirtbag" or a "reckless jackass" in the least bit... he has saved many lives with his job and it is nothing more than an accident. papers like to exaggerate shit and if you notice, everything was followed by "police said". so please stop commenting harsh stuff about the situation... i'm sure everyone who is involved is truly sad about it already.

Anonymous said...

Um, excuse me, there is a dead body that shot out of a car that was proven to be speeding, and the driver reeked of alcohol. I will go with what the police stated, they seem to have a pretty clear understanding of what really happened.
As for not knowing the two boys, I don't care if they were Mother Theresa, drinking and driving is stupid, and speeding in a car while you are drunk is just plain suicidal. Why the hell do you think we have to know their whole life stories in order to formulate an opinion of their actions in this incident. I know all I care to know about them; one is dead and the other is going to be Bubba's bitch for a very long time.

Anonymous said...

OK, so they were really nice kids. So we should excuse their stupidity when it puts all our lives at risk? So we have to cry when they bring about their own demise?

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