Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Jesus, Mary and Joseph!

This photo taken at Borders in the Atlas Park mall proves that, indeed, there is NOTHING left in this world that is considered sacred. These have got to be the tackiest nativity figures EVER. I don't think about the birth of the savior when I see this; instead I picture Mary and Joseph going to a Nazareth disco. The inflatable Jesus is the icing on the cake.

It's a good thing Jesus and Mary were taken up body and soul, otherwise, they'd surely be turning over in their graves. Sorry, Joe.

I'm calling Rev. Billy.


Anonymous said...

I agree w/ QC to an extent. But it is nice to see a business thhat recognizes that it is CHRISTMAS. So many think sayin that is offensive.

Anonymous said...

It is Christmas soon and saying that is just fine with me(dont care for rambling bill o reilly rude nut )but people got up in arms for people not caring about hanuaka,Kawanza, and maybe zoroastrianism?Doesnt matter even if jesus's birthday maybe was a different day, its Christos mas,Santa holiday.Where is the snow?

Anonymous said...

The display in Border's has nothing to do with Christmas and everything to do with chri$tma$

Anonymous said...

What are you complaing about?

Since Queens is hellbent on becoming Bronx South, this is exactly what appeals to the vibrant diverse rapidly growing tweeded segment of our boro.

We are no longer Archie Bunker land. He is dead.

This is Ugly Betty land.

And if you say nothing, this is what you get.

Anonymous said...

It beats other symbols that impose on me. I am tired of hearing about Atlas mall - so what if it stinks there as a mall (it does)- I'll deal with the few tings I like - harp on something else more an issue. How about holiday traffic & Malls?

georgetheatheist said...

Japanese department stores display Santa Claus on a crucifix.

BTW will the Obamas be celebrating Kwanzaa in Dec. 2009? A Kwanzaa "menorah" perhaps in the White House? Stay tuned kiddies, Michele's gonna be decorating.

Queens Crapper said...

This is not about Atlas Park, this is about Borders. They sell the same crap in all of their stores. This selection was also on display at their store in the Shops at the Time Warner Center in Columbus Circle.

Anonymous said...

"This is not about Atlas Park, this is about Borders. They sell the same crap in all of their stores. This selection was also on display at their store in the Shops at the Time Warner Center in Columbus Circle."

Absolutely true Crappy.

What merchant would even consider insulting any other religion's sacred holyday?

Look what the Muslims did to Solomon Rushdie for his writing a book (disgustingly insulting), and their reaction to some cartoons. (The only other equivalent reaction was the one by Commissar Death and Taxes to a cartoon used at a protest to save the grounds and building of a former church. Was he reacting to the cartoon, or to the notion that a church building could be saved?)

There once was what was known as "The Church Militant", now discarded, but in need of revival.

Anonymous said...

Stay tuned kiddies, Michele's gonna be decorating.

Indeed, can't wait for when she paints the White House black, installs the kente cloth patterned curtains, and orders all the portraits of "dead white males" taken down.

Anonymous said...

*Indeed, can't wait for when she paints the White House black, installs the kente cloth patterned curtains, and orders all the portraits of "dead white males" taken down.

You do know Wade that they live across the street in Chicago from synagogue and the Obama team is topped with AIPAC and people that care about another country overseas more than America dont you?Which is a crime with foreign agents in the white house but no change from the last 8 yeras.

Anonymous said...

Wade Nichols is a one-trick pony!

Anonymous said...

Wade Nichols is a one-trick pony!

At least I own a pony. Stay away from that white horse, nut job!

Anonymous said...

While staying on topic, those things that borders is selling are gross and terribly tacky. I would rather shop at Barnes and Noble.

with regards to other things posted on here about the Obama's... That is some pretty racisit stuff, but I guess I cant be surprised about that stuff on here. And in case some of you hadn't heard, the Obama's are Christians, therefore celebrate Christmas. I guess so many of you have been singing the praises of Bush that you hadn't heard.

Anonymous said...

Dont worry.

For Wade, and their ilk, the fun is just beginning.

Anonymous said...

_And in case some of you hadn't heard, the Obama's are Christians, therefore celebrate Christmas. I guess so many of you have been singing the praises of Bush that you hadn't heard.

In case you hadnt heard Mr Emanuels Dad was a right wing terrorist during 1948 attack on Palestinian villages called Deir Yassin.

Also Obama has just let down gay supporters with his support of Pastor Warren :Gay civil rights advocates and liberal activists were in an uproar today over news that evangelical pastor Rick Warren is to deliver the invocation at Barack Obama's inauguration next month.

Warren, the author of The Purpose Driven Life and pastor at Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, was an outspoken proponent of a ballot measure to rescind the right of California same-sex couples to wed, and has compared homosexuality to incest and paedophilia.

Anonymous said...

What? The Obamas live across the street from a synagogue? Oh what IS this country coming to?

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