Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Jackie Mason hates Mayor Bloomberg

I never thought I would be posting 2 stories about Jackie Mason in the same week, but Mr. Angry just posted the comedian's gem of a rant about what a pig Mayor Bloomberg is. I am guessing Mike is crossing Jackie off his Chanukah card list right about now...


Anonymous said...

Its about time somebody with his smarts and funny insight broke with the sheep and pointed this out.Great job Jackie.And that was funny but sad because its so true how bloomberg cares for no one else.Lets hope this video circulates around as much as possible so maybe the non questioning upper elite Manhattan crowds just might consider how illegal the gory details of the endless list of bloomies acts are enough in some states and countries to get him behind bars.
Thanks again Jackie for that surprise.Thanks also to Angry.

Anonymous said...

Not that I'm a fan of Bloomberg by any means, but Jackie Mason is about as relevant as the telegraph, and as funny as cancer.

Anonymous said...

I'd love ot see Jackie Mason rant against Melinda Katz, and each individual council member who reversed term limits. Mason did his homework, by using Bloomy's own quotes against him.

Anonymous said...

Too bad we can't find a comedian who at a maximum is mildly retarded to attack Mayor Moneybags

Anonymous said...

"Jackie Mason is about as relevant as the telegraph"

As a citizen of this city, he is very relevant.

Anonymous said...

Jackie mason has a serious case of foot-in-mouth syndrome,thats one reason his career never took off, he is always saying something crass and just comes off downright nasty, that is.. when you can even understand what the hell is saying.

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