Saturday, December 20, 2008

Gianaris vs. Google

State Assemblyman Michael Gianaris (D−Astoria) blasted Google for continuing to make satellite images and street views of public areas available online, saying that the Internet search engine posed a threat to national security.

The assemblyman called on the search engine to obscure photographs and satellite images of potential targets following reports that terrorists used Google’s Earth Maps to plan the Nov. 26 attacks in Mumbai.

Google images harmful: Gianaris

How dare Google make public images public?


Anonymous said...

Considering that Gianaris does a good job of keeping himself invisible in Astoria (you can get away with doing it with THAT community board, civic leadership and local paper) we can understand his fixation on secrecy.

Anonymous said...

Afraid the public might find the sewage plant that is stinking up the community (something the mods at swear does not exist?)

Anonymous said...

Gianraris is a great man. His assistant, Irene, called HPD repeatedly after my landlord crashed my ceiling down on my head. Without the assistance of his office, I would be homeless or dead. He has repeatedly assisted neighbors whose homes were endangered by illegal construction.

I wish Gianaris and Irene all the best in the coming year. He has my vote forever.

Anonymous said...

If an image is blurred out on Google, terrorists will know exactly which sites are the ones to hit. Great idea, Gianaris!

Anonymous said...

Gianraris is a great man. His assistant, Irene, called HPD repeatedly after my landlord crashed my ceiling down on my head. Without the assistance of his office, I would be homeless or dead. He has repeatedly assisted neighbors whose homes were endangered by illegal construction.

Yea, like showing up at Norwood gardens then ducking any further involvement.

The guy is a joke. He is a hack.

Anonymous said...

His behavior about Con Ed is criminal. After doing nothing about illegal conversions, he blames the hard working men and women (many who live in his district) for his lack of oversight.

Anonymous said...

All my neighbors are pissed that Astoria is going to hell and he does nothing to downzone or stop illegal conversions or revive our shopping areas.

Sure the hell aint Denis Butler.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is so clueless in Astoria I bet they would agree with Gianaris.

Why trouble yourself with issues or thinking?

We elect people to do the heavy lifting for us!

Anonymous said...

So lets blur the images terrorists might be interested in.... yeah that will fool them.

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