Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Fox 5 visits Casa de Como

A New York City councilman's new big house is not a big hit with some of the neighbors. Anthony Como also racked up building violations and fines, and that has raised more than a few eyebrows. Fox 5's John Deutzman investigates.

Fox 5 Investigates: Councilman's House of Violations


Anonymous said...

The people of NY care about overdevelopment you fat assed POS. You f'ud up the loyalty from people in your district bc you are an arse.

Anonymous said...

Uggggh. What a tasteless shitbag design. Fatso put an eyesore in a nice neighborhood. The home is out of character and out of style of the existing homes. AC, do you care about your neighbors?

Anonymous said...

I am a Republican and I am DISGUSTED by you Como. Hope you fail, you obese POS.

Kevin Walsh said...

Deutzmann once had a piece of metal thrown at him by a councilman, I forget who.


Queens Crapper said...

Allan Jennnings, Kevin.

georgetheatheist said...

For the record, let's see what Crowley's house looks like.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

How did Deutzman get that fat blob to the microphone? By telling him that it was a cannoli?

Look at that third (bottom) photo. Bigass looks like he's trying to eat the cannoli mike.

How wide a lens was the cameraman using? Fisheye?

faster340 said...

Como lost big! His arrogance paved the way! He didn't care about the neighborhood so the neighborhood is biting him in his big ass!!!

Anonymous said...

Boy did he look stupid in that report.

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed it when he forgot or denied what he had said 5 seconds earlier while Deutzmann was questioning him. Como's arrogance and inability to cope with any pressure made him look like an inept ass.

Anonymous said...

but he said in the forum last year that the neighbors are in support of the project because it is improving and updating the neighborhood, thus raising everyone's values. The neighbors quoted in that article didn't seem to agree.

Anonymous said...

In typical knee-jerk fashion (emphasis on the jerk), the supporters of Anthony Como are flooding the Fox News blog with allegations that the violations were called in by the JPCA rather than neighbors of the monstrosity. None of the officers of the JPCA lives there, and even if they did, the DOB has to actually find something in order to issue a violation. Most of the time they report that they didn't see anything, so what does that tell you?

Anonymous said...

Anthony Como and his supporters (leftover dirtbags and druggies from the previous councilman, Gallagher) are blaming everyone else but Anthony Como for the Fox5 report.

Truth is Como is a complete idiot and it showed on the TV. Not only did he keep Gallagher's corrupt staff and use the perv Gallagher and his henchmen in his campaign but Como actually allowed them to still carry on Gallagher's war against the neighborhood.

Go away Como, go away Lynda & Rick, go away Serf and please Anthony, tell us why Keri was fired two weeks before the election?

Anonymous said...

It's official: Como is moron of the year!

Anonymous said...

Why did Fox wait until after the lection to do a story on Casa di Como? What difference does it make now? The house looks almost complete.

Queens Crapper said...

He's running again in 11 months.

Anonymous said...

Why can't the TV news guys go after other illegally modded houses too? The ones in FH are becoming an epidemic.

Anonymous said...

Are there lives in Middle Village
without Dennis Gallagher?

His name seems to make it into a lot of discussions - almost as if that was the intent.

Ya think?

Anonymous said...

Yah think you're an asshole?

Anonymous said...

Yah think you're an asshole?

No - I don't think I am an asshole ! I think I hit a SOFT SPOT ..Old news - bitter person - no life - jealous complainer..be well ya ya !

Anonymous said...

Yes you described Gallagher to a tee.

Anonymous said...

Assholes never think they're assholes. Don't ask that again.

Anonymous said...

lets see, como's people are blaming the jpca for the fox report, his building complaints and his violations...
sounds like the same people who were blaming the civic association for gallagher raping that grandmother.

na na na na ... na na na na ... hey hey hey ... goodbye

faster340 said...

If it weren't for assholes like Gallagher there wouldn't be shit like Como!!!!

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Iroquois Pliskin said...
"Why can't the TV news guys go after other illegally modded houses too? The ones in FH are becoming an epidemic."

How many of those other illegal houses are owned by an elected municipal employee? How many of the others are owned by the dregs connected to the infected bacteria called Gallagher?

Anonymous said...

What is the Middle Village address of this "Casa di Como"? I want to check it out.

Anonymous said...

"Why can't the TV news guys go after other illegally modded houses too? The ones in FH are becoming an epidemic."

There is no such thing as "News Reporting" aside the live helecopters.

I worked in a TV studio reporters are banned from picking on immigrants, especially Jews and Latin’s.
Every time they report something other then portraying these parasites and Forist Hills Goat F-ers as poor victims the editors throw 90% of the story on the cutting room floor and have them put them in thumbscrews for doing un approved story.

I worked on SNL at NBC the newsroom was one floor down I knew many reporters who got “called upstairs” to the executive side of the building.
Reporters are assigned things to cover or have to get a green light to even take a crew and truck out.

Countless times I have seen people like Donald Trump, Rudy G, Al Gore, Hillary, Oprah taking the executive elevators upstairs to the General Electric suits.
It was a funny scene watching their body guards sliding all the guns across the scanner counter after the TELL US they want to ban the public from packing.

Its all currupt so are the newspapers

Anonymous said...

Tony "cannoli" Como
sure deserves the gavone of the year award!

What a stronzzo...and his molti grosso casa di caccina fits his image.

Anonymous said...

How wide a lens was the cameraman using? Fisheye?
Pretty close FULL wide around 18MM Those super zooms can go 18-300mm. Cannon lenses have become standard in the field and studio.

That crook comes off like Nixon in a frying pan. It been great if he had a cigar in his mouth.
What a lieing tastless turd dirtbag to put his neighbors through hell like that.

Anonymous said...

I dont like Como and I happily voted for Crowley but Como is right. Those violations are shit and that guy doing the interview was a real asshole.
Just trying to be unbiased.

Anonymous said...

Phoneys, liars, and cheats are they; get rid of them all NOW!

Anonymous said...

Momma mia, Como sei brutto!

Anonymous said...

Como thinks regulations are 'hoopla', demonstrating he's not entirely in command of English. Tommy Huang and Bob Scarano believe they are hoopla as well. A very revealing report...

QC made Fox 5. Unfortch, Deutzman couldn't actually intone the blog title...FCC regs...


Queens Crapper said...

But NY1 did!

Anonymous said...

This guy Anthony Como is an attorney? Wow, how did he pass the bar? He's so inarticulate, you would think that one qualification of an attorney is the ability to communicate. Maybe that's why he's a politician, oops, I thought the ability to communicate is also a qualification of an elected official. How did he get elected? It appears that Mr. Como might want to find another career path. How about stand up comedy?

Happy that I found your blog, very interesting and entertaining.

Anonymous said...

great job by investigative reporter Deutzmann, he made Como look like a complete fool.

Anonymous said...

With all due respect to Mr. Deutzman, Como makes himself look like a complete fool.

Anonymous said...

Casa di Como = 64th Road and 82nd Place.

Link shows pic of when La Casa was still wrapped in Tyvek.


Anonymous said...

That's one ugly brick shit house
and Tony's just the right one to fill it up to the rafters!

It's a real "meson de merde"
if ever there was one!

Anonymous said...

"Ya stutterin' mutterin' prick ya!"

Tommy DeSimone-Goodfellas

Anonymous said...

What a salami!

Anonymous said...

Afew points to make-This house is not the biggest in the area, this is one of the few construction projects that I noticed where workers kept up to the best of their ability painting over graffiti that was consistently sprayed on the construction fence by COMMUNITY RAISED KIDS,zoning allows for a one family residence, and it seems like DOB was at this residence daily when I watched from my residence. That's alot of visits from an agency that is understaffed and at the same time was skipping out on major crane inspections throughout NYC? I don't agree with all of the ongoing construction projects, but there may be political motivations behind this particular project. P.S. as a fairly civilized and fair person, I am appalled by some of the comments and language being used concerning this story. Thank you for posting my comments and letting me say my peace.

Anonymous said...

Why isn't FOX 5 doing a story on the project at 64-64 Wetherole Street? This is a real travesty.

Anonymous said...

In researching your story concerning 64-64 Wetherole street and then coming back to this piece, how can DOB dismiss violations on that project and uphold similar violations on this project? That Wetherole project is very disheartening.

Anonymous said...

"I am appalled by some of the comments and language being used concerning this story."

wow, you have to get out more... grow up and stop defending this monstrosity with your conspiracy theories and other BS.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting my comments and letting me say my peace...

yeah man, like peace man... cool out... peace brother, let me say my peace... err, I mean piece you fairly civilized and fair person.

Anonymous said...

"This house is not the biggest in the area, this is one of the few construction projects that I noticed where workers kept up to the best of their ability painting over graffiti that was consistently sprayed on the construction fence by COMMUNITY RAISED KIDS,zoning allows for a one family residence, and it seems like DOB was at this residence daily when I watched from my residence."

Sounds like the bloated overdeveloper himself, Anthony Como. He certainly writes like Como.

Sounds like Como, writes like Como, it's Como!

Gee thanks Master Como for painting over the graffiti on your construction fence while we had to look at your unsightly half finished rotting piece of crap for two years and now we have an ugly, homage to brick, monstrosity. And yeah, all of us Middle Village peasants are really jealous that we can't live in that brick pile.

So you had to build big for wifey to keep up with her Brooklyn Jones's, right Anthony? Is she bugging you to move yet? If not it's coming soon big boy.

Man are you the biggest sap or what?

Anonymous said...

Work not conforming to plans, construction without a permit, violating stop work orders;
ALL serious violations.

As a Councilman, Mr. Como should set an example. He didn't even pay his fines!

And why is he building a McMansion in the first place? Not smart.

Anonymous said...

Typical Middle Villagers - If someone else has it-its not good - but if they get it, it the best thing in the world. I can just imagine how many big haired- long nails - too much makeup and
old fashioned gold jewelry, whiny Middle Village wives are complaining to their husbands why they dont have a house like that.
One of the seven deadly sins - JEAlOUSY -

Anonymous said...

I don't know anyone who would want to live in a brick fortress.

Anonymous said...

Gee thanks Master Como for painting over the graffiti on your construction fence while we had to look at your unsightly half finished rotting piece of crap for two years

That sight is going to resemble a Rembrandt compared to looking at Mrs. Como waddling in and out of the castle.

Anonymous said...

"Typical Middle Villagers - If someone else has it-its not good - but if they get it, it the best thing in the world."

Wrong, most Middle Villagers have much better taste than Como, his wife and father-in-law. And FYI, most Villagers are more articulate than Como, I heard him speak a few times and each time was worse than the other. How did he ever get elected in the first place?

Anonymous said...

What a chooch's (donkey's)
ass Anthony is!

They ought to write him in
as a new character in the Sopranos!

Anonymous said...

"workers kept up to the best of their ability painting over graffiti that was consistently sprayed on the construction fence by COMMUNITY RAISED KIDS"

Are you kidding me? I personally know that the graffiti sat there for weeks before anyone showed up to paint over it. Why would you even bring this up? It is so trivial compared to the countless violations by your local representative.

Are you blind? How could you not notice the fencing falling over, the unsafe scaffolding, the workers urinating in the yard (if you walked past there on a hot summer evening it smelled like a house full of cats), the debris (which by the way housed countless mice which after decades living in the area I have never seen before), the blatant disregard for laws of building height for the area, the use of non union illegal immigrants, the YEARS it took to build this monstrosity (due to STOP WORK ORDERS, and btw it still isn't finished), the inconvenience to neighbors over an extended period of time, etc, etc, etc....

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