Friday, December 5, 2008

City has loose definition of "clean"


City government took a hit yesterday in a new survey that found 19 percent of residents rated the cleanliness of their neighborhoods as "poor."

That's a comedown from the city's own ratings, which claimed 96.1 percent of streets were "acceptably clean" as of October.

The opinions of residents were revealed yesterday by Mayor Bloomberg in the "NYC Feedback Citywide Customer Survey."

Bloomberg said such stark differences are one reason the ambitious survey was undertaken.

"If there are significant discrepancies between the way they [city agencies] rate themselves and the way the survey respondents do, then maybe we need to take a second look at those self-evaluation measures," he said.

Overall, the quality of city services was rated "excellent" by 4 percent of residents, "good" by 38 percent, "fair" by 44 percent and "poor" by 15 percent.


Anonymous said...

Ummm...why didn't someone in the newspapers do this?

A simple walk around the city would make those stats suspicious.

Back in the 50s this was the type of journalism that made them legendary.

Unknown said...

People are pigs. I see them stand at the bus stop and toss their garbage there instead of walking a few feet to the corner to the trash can. Oh but the trash cans are almost always filled with household garbage or worse, business garbage. People seem to think that these cans are for their bulk use. No one is ashamed anymore! Not many of my neighbors clean up their sidewalk.. they use their blowers to blow it out to the street or to other peoples property. I want some PSA commercials on being a good neighbor!!

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