Sunday, December 14, 2008

Chronic flooding in South Jamaica

Residents of one Queens neighborhood say they're tired of pumping water out of their homes after hard rains.

South Jamaica Residents Battle Floodwaters

This one's by Moses. Will he part the waters?


Clay Bethelbridge said...
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Anonymous said...

looks like willets point '' its blighted lets build some billionaire condos there and give it to a developer

Anonymous said...

I got tired of waiting for the city to do something about the sewer/groundwater problems in my neighborhood (Broadway-Flushing), so I had a back-water valve installed on my sewer main, along with a french drain and 2 sump pumps. The city doesn't care about us, so don't wait for their help.

Anonymous said...

LOOKS LIKE WILLETS POINT this will be the next land grab

Anonymous said...

That's not a flood.

It's just Don goombah Jimmy "the gent" Gennaro pissing all over Jamaica!

Ms. South Jamaica said...

The area of topic has always been under water. This problem is nothing new to the area. It is an election year, maybe if the residents make enough noise, they may fix the problem. Long time residents of South Jamaica know that nothing gets done in our neighborhood unitl it is election time; and you know what, we fall for it all of the time. Contact Malcom Smith's office or Shirley Huntley's office and tell them that we are sick and tired of being under water.

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