Saturday, December 20, 2008

AM-NY visits Sunnyside

AM-NY took a walk on the Sunnyside this week:

City Living: Sunnyside

Did they recently paint that thing? It doesn't look quite as hideous.


Anonymous said...

Although it’s traditionally been an Irish area, Sunnyside has long welcomed newcomers, with sizable Korean, Turkish, Romanian and Colombian populations now calling it home.

“This area is always changing,” says Juaquin Velazquez, owner of The Haab, a Mexican coffee shop. “There are a lot more young people moving in from Manhattan. But it’s changing for the good; people here are very open.”


Juaquin, Manhattanites do not move to immigrant slums.

Look at this, boilerplate immigrant crap in only the second sentence.

Enough already. You want to see colorful plumage, go to the zoo.

Anonymous said...

I live on 42nd Street in Sunnyside and we have two types of buildings on our block: generally owner occupied with primarily European stock (the buildings with clean glass in the front enterance and shrubbery) and what we call "buildings from hell" (run down, dirty, dingy with absentee owners (often Asians) with anything inside).

Anonymous said...

Can anyone recall something written about Queens since 1970 that does not use the word 'immigrant' in the first paragraph?

Anonymous said...

Anony #2: the so called buildings from hell are owned and lived in by the tweeded so from the 'offical' standpoint, you are the problem in the community.

Anonymous said...

Xenophobes unite!

Anonymous said...

Xenophobes unite!

Ugly Betty Rules!

Anonymous said...

Xenophobes unite!

Ugly Betty Rules!

Amen when these regulars dont discriminate to being rude to anybody not from here even if your not of the brown persuasion.I love how these inbred Queens residents think because you ride a bike, or dont fit there bland mold that your invading there neighborhood and you somehow have so much money.
My Queens neighbor in the building from here never leaves and bitches about black people(uses the n word for all to hear),mexican, and anybody else not a white angry lost neighborhood latch key adult and lets the whole building know. Very sad man but a caricature of a Queens native blaming his problems on everyone else.Narrow minded to the hilt.I dont think hes working or his friends but he sure bitches about others supposedly living off his tax dollar.
Who gives a rats ass about ugly betty.

Anonymous said...

Immigrant scum landlords have driven out Americans from Sunnyside. because they dare to ask for heat and hot water.

the illegal immigrants who are pouring into Sunnyside and Woodside are busy cutting down trees, throwing garbage on the street, pouring concrete over gardens and making tax free dollars while getting pregant again and again in order to get more food stamps.

send them all back so they can destroy their own countries.
no, it's not cute.

it's a disgusting nightmare to see women walking around in veils, black robes. with even their eyes covered.

or what's worse a short fat Mexican mother of ten with all her children with her, selling food out of shopping cart, making cash money while getting welfare and free medical insurance for all her jack pot babies. then she works as a paid dancer in a bar. but that's only to get Eric Gioia's sympathy.

not to pay her common law husbands way even thouh, he too works tax free by standing out on Roosevelt AVenue undercutting every union laborer in the tri state area.

illegal immigrants have no concern for working people already here in the US. why are we constantly pressed by media and stupid liberals to care so much about their quality of life? I see illegal immigrants with cars, houses and plenty of children and JOBs that they have stolen from Americans.

Who has any concern at all for unemployed or homeless Americans?

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