Thursday, November 6, 2008

Whitestone arsonist caught

Michael Trantel, 42, of Whitestone was arrested November 6 after an investigation by the New York City Fire Department (FDNY) into a November 2 fire at a Whitestone strip mall at 153-31 Cross Island Pkwy. at 14th Avenue. The second-alarm fire, reported at 1:10 a.m., gutted the Lolli Pop Diner and damaged several adjacent stores. The fire originated in the diner. Fire marshals allege that Trantel stole cigarettes from the diner and then started the fire to conceal the burglary. Trantel has been arrested on charges of arson, reckless endangerment, criminal mischief, burglary and larceny.

Whitestone Man Arrested For Queens Diner Arson


Anonymous said...

OMG. What a loser.

georgetheatheist said...

He couldn't afford the $ for a pack of smokes?

Unknown said...

what a pisser!

Anonymous said...

Let me just say. That this man is my uncle. And for his actions now and in the past. He deserves nothing but to be put away for a long time. He desperately needs help. And id rather him locked in a prison than out on the streets.

Anonymous said...

I grew up with this guy and am close friends with his brother, I don't know if he is a harden criminal but I do know that he has chemical dependency issues that have led him to make bad choices. Maybe jail is the right place for him. I wouldn't write him off as a lost cause, maybe a confused soul wrestling with his inner demons, that needs some strong guidance. My prayers are with him.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of a former dope peddler that Gallagher put on Community Board 5.

God bless the pink man for furthering the white trash cause in our community.

Anonymous said...

So easy to sit on the sidelines like Italian girl and cast dispersions. What have you done lately to help your fellow being out? None of us have ever walked a mile in this man's shoes. Yet we sit around and ponder whether he had money for the smokes or was he just a loser. Judge not lest ye be judged....type your witless comments and call someone trash. What you do to the least of my brethren you do unto me. His family cries out knowing he needs help and at the same time realising that behind bars maybe the only place for him to get it. Once again it shows how our society has failed to intercede on someone's behalf and try to steer them onto a more productive course in their lives. When we think our country has come so far , we must realise that we still have further to go. When the only solution is to lock someone up for a long time instead of finding them the help they need, we as a society have failed.

Anonymous said...

re: Judge not lest ye be judged

One Theologan pointed out to me that this is probably the most misused Bible quote

Remember, in the Bible, we are promised (assuming you believe) that we will be Judged (aka Judgement Day)

Taken in context "Judge not lest ye be judged" is really saying "You should be judgmental, because you WILL be judged by the company that you keep"

Anonymous said...

My, my, my... that was some swift arrest...exactly what you'd expect in the more privileged Whitestone/Beechurst/Malba area.

Maybe some of the local "godfathers" can arrange to pack him into one of those fabled gangland coffins...a 50 gallon oil drum!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"So easy to sit on the sidelines like Italian girl and cast dispersions. What have you done lately to help your fellow being out? None of us have ever walked a mile in this man's shoes. Yet we sit around and ponder whether he had money for the smokes or was he just a loser. Judge not lest ye be judged....type your witless comments and call someone trash. What you do to the least of my brethren you do unto me."

When someone performs an idiotic act, you call them an idiot. What about taking responsibility for your actions? This guy is not 16, he's 42! If he had demons, he should've addressed them a long time ago. It sounds like he's been a troublemaker for a while. He belongs in jail and not to save him from himself, but because he's a criminal and that's where he belongs.

Anonymous said...

Maybe if he burned YOUR HOUSE down you might feel different!

The bum belongs in jail!

His fellow inmates can deal with his
"rehabilitation and treatment"!

georgetheatheist said...

Judge not lest ye be judged?

"Heyeah come da judge!" - Pigmeat Markham

Anonymous said...

I Grew up in Whitstone. I used to live near that shopping center. I am sorry but from what I undersdtand this is not his first arrest for arson. My point, put him away and lose the key! Can you imagine if someone was inside or if it spread to where I used to live or where people are living right now. Think of all the smoke damage as well that inocent people including children who where forced to breathe that poluted air.

Anonymous said...

He broke into the Ace Hardware on Francis Lewis Blvd and has set fires in the area before. He was actually put in jail a year ago but was let out on parole in July. Another example of how much the system sucks!

Anonymous said...

"None of us have ever walked a mile in this man's shoes. Yet we sit around and ponder whether he had money for the smokes or was he just a loser."

a) even he hasn't walked a mile in his shoes, since they're probably stolen

b) shoplifting is one thing. setting a fire to needlessly destroy the businees someone worked hard to built is disgusting.

c) save your sympathy for someone who deserves it. people should be held responsible for their actions and this repeat offender should not see the light of day again.

Anonymous said...

Typical white trash.

Anonymous said...

Tigherbunny said...

I always try to empathize with people but in this case it's very difficult. Many are defending him and it's true, we don't know what crosses he's had to carry. BUT, a 42 year old man is responsible for his actions and knows the difference between right and wrong. What if a person was doing an overnite shift and was killed? Or what if that was your house that he burned down? I send my condolences to the owners of Lollipops diner and to the Atlantic City Bus driver who has given us chills and thrills everytime we step foot on his magical ride.

Anonymous said...

First of all, I wonder whether Joey knows this guy. Second, he's just like all the rest of the trash in Whitestone, so what can you expect. Third, maybe with Obama assuming the presidencey, we can have some beneficial integration in Whitestone so this kind of situation never happens again.

Anonymous said...

"First of all, I wonder whether Joey knows this guy."

Who the hell is Joey?

"Second, he's just like all the rest of the trash in Whitestone, so what can you expect."

Excuse me? I can assure you that this criminal does not respresent the residents of Whitestone. No way. Get your facts straight.

"Third, maybe with Obama assuming the presidencey, we can have some beneficial integration in Whitestone so this kind of situation never happens again."

I'm not sure if you meant that sarcastically but there has been some integration in Whitestone. You don't know what you're talking about. It's a great neighborhood and I'm sure you wish you could afford it.

By the way, with Obama assuming the presidency, nothing will change. I don't know why everyone is convinced minorities will take over the country. Obama's like a white guy with brown skin.

Dumb Republicans. Go follow your new leader:

Sarah Palin

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