Friday, November 21, 2008

More mayhem at Forest Hills McMansion


These people, 110-46 63rd Road, are just plain evil. They still continue to tear up Forest Hills for their selfish pursuits.

Can someone please do something? Someone's going to get killed because of these people!



Anonymous said...

this guys not bukharian...find out where hes from and attack his culture, religion etc... go get em losers!

Anonymous said...

Think again "anonymous". Look at the ECB violations, all five of them. He's Bukharian.

Anonymous said...


I feel your pain. I don't know if there's anything you can do other then move. They clearly have some dirty politicians in their pockets. It seems like complaints on the illegal construction by these people go nowhere in that area. Maybe with the market changing, they'll be less and less of it.

Anonymous said...

the owner of the property is hindu. that part of forest hills is hinduville.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, again why don't you do some homework once in your lazy life.

That owner listed there isn't the owner that's breaking the law. The ECB VIOLATIONS state the owner is VADIM FEZAMAYEV. If you go to that hazard zone you'll see a sign in RUSSIAN for the construction company violating the law.

I fear there is more deception to this project that meets the eye.

Re: Italian Girl, I'm sure these violations are putting this owner, and the construction crew on someone's watchlist.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see these people build next door to Bloomberg's east side mansion, and all around it.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see these people build next door to Bloomberg's east side mansion, and all around it.

Will not happen. That is why the mainline preservation community doesnt give two shits about the problems in the rest of the city.

THEY are landmarked. THEY have the zoning. THEY have the voice and money. THEY just dont care about us. THEY go to schools like Pratt and Hunter. THEY own slum buildings and real estate. THEY make money off the development in other neighborhoods. THEY take all the money for preservation assured that our ignorance (that their inactivity sustains) makes it happen.

Another reason why the LPC law should be overturned.

Anonymous said...


Why don't you come up and move to Whitestone? We don't have any Bukharians ruining anyone's life or at least not yet. McMansions here are usually done by Asians, Italians or Greeks and don't look half as bad as what I've seen in Forest Hills. These Bukharians seem to be wanting to recreate their homeland and have no interest in preservation here. Why preserve something that you haven't been a part of? We should go to their country and tear down some of their historical buildings and see if they get upset. What also seems to make them horrible neighbors is that they seem to not want to assimilate and be a part of our culture. As a matter of fact, they probably despise our culture. And that's the difference between current immigrants and past. My grandparents came here in the 1920's and had great respect for the American culture and tried very hard to learn the language all the while holding on to their traditions and passing them down. Many recent immigrants have downright contempt for our culture and see the US as a cash cow and nothing more. Shame.

Anonymous said...

They never smile or laugh. They are not happy living here. They are hiding something.

Anonymous said...

what about the gooks and chings and the spics (especially the spics) who don't what to assimilate. go to china town in queens or manhattan and not one sign is in english. infact they don't even speak english despite living here for many years (or they pretend not to).

Anonymous said...

They've got Melinda Katz in their pockets and she's as dirty as they come!

Pull her rap sheet from the Board of Elections and find out which developers own her!

Alley Katz's litter box is lined with political campaign contributions from NYC's major developers.

Then there's the Bukharian mafia
to deal with...cousins of the Russkie mobskie!

That's why Forest Hills is beginning to look a lot like Malba!

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