Monday, November 3, 2008

A good first step toward deporting criminals

Nearly 10,000 illegal immigrants and legal residents with green cards who ran afoul of the law in the New York area were detained by US immigration last year - a startling 43 percent increase over fiscal year 2007, records show.


The increased vigilance by Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, especially those stationed on Rikers Island, led to the spike over 2007, when about 7,000 incarcerated immigrants were detained for deportation proceedings, officials said.

It's not clear how many of them were actually deported.

The number of jailed immigrants snared by the government is expected to balloon under a recently announced Department of Homeland Security program.

The program, called "Secure Communities," gives local cops conducting standard FBI criminal-fingerprint checks access to suspects' immigration records - and sends a computer alert to the feds.

The pilot program is being tested in five counties in Texas and North Carolina and is expected to spread to 45 cities this spring.

It will expand nationwide within about four years, said Richard Rocha, an ICE spokesman.


Anonymous said...

The pilot program is being tested in five counties in Texas and North Carolina and is expected to spread to 45 cities this spring.

Anonymous said...

The pilot program is being tested in five counties in Texas and North Carolina and is expected to spread to 45 cities this spring.

Jackson Height/Elmhurst needs this program!

Anonymous said...

"The number of jailed immigrants snared by the government is expected to balloon under a recently announced Department of Homeland Security program.

The program, called "Secure Communities," gives local cops conducting standard FBI criminal-fingerprint checks access to suspects' immigration records - and sends a computer alert to the feds."

All this is well and good until January 20, 2009.

If Obama is inaugurated, clean up that spare room or basement. You're going to be required to host (house, feed, clothe, finance, school, and do all this cheerfully) the illegal alien(s) sent to you by Commissar Death and Taxes, authorized by Obama.

Anonymous said...

How about testing this program in Queens? Just walk down 69th Street in Woodside and see how many people they can deport. Thousands!!!!! By the time this program comes to New York, it will be too late.

Anonymous said...

I said most the inmates at Rikers were Illegals last year.....Got called a racist.

To bad they are all going to be cut loose January 20 by 2009 Obama or Bush III


Anonymous said...

New York - the Sanctuary City, has no money because of the economy, but this pilot program will never reach NYC. Not only will taxpayers have to shell out extra money for all the new taxes we are about to incur, but we will also have to pay Medicaid, Food Stamps and Section 8 vouchers for all these illegals. There is no desk space in Public Schools for our children, because we have to give our seats to the illegals. The only way New York City is going to balance its books is to cut these people off and save that money for our citizens. It's a shame that laws are not enforced. Illegal means against the law. Our Mayor chooses to coddle them and law enforcement won't arrest them unless they murder someone.

Anonymous said...

-Joe said...
"I said most the inmates at Rikers were Illegals last year.....Got called a racist.

To bad they are all going to be cut loose January 20 by 2009 Obama or Bush III"

Why do you say that? Some of you guys posting lately make it sound like the end of the world is coming. It's so silly.

Anonymous said...

YEP no desk space for OUR kids !

My Friend Aimee is a NYC teacher (got brainwashed by her college professers)

The special Ed and ESL disruptive brown brats get classrooms and desks.
Aimee had a 007 knife pulled on her in a classroom by a 13 year old !

Her other classes (white and black English speaking kids) are jammed into auditorium’s gym bleachers & cafeteria tables.
She "teaches" through a amplifier 90-300 kids at a time. They hold clipboards and bags

Thats the reward to parents who been working and paying city taxes for 30+ years.


Anonymous said...

If Obama is inaugurated, clean up that spare room or basement. You're going to be required to host (house, feed, clothe, finance, school, and do all this cheerfully) the illegal alien(s) sent to you by Commissar Death and Taxes, authorized by Obama.
How do you propose to pay off trillions of dollars of bush wonderful debt.Sweep it under the rug ,or stop letting tax havens happen in the Bahammas\virgin Islands for the Enrons of the right wing theft world?Its soooo funny when you cry taxes when bush has created all these exemptions for corporations not paying their part when the country is in major financial debt.Thats cute Tom Delays,Abhramoff or Jeffrey Skillings out there.Oh and bush has done a great job stopping illegal immigration the last 8 years huh.Funny Crap.Whos gonna do the IMF cheap labor jobs or clean their houses.

Anonymous said...

They can test that program right here on 61 Street in Maspeth, tons of drunken illegals, drunk and wild on Friday and Saturday nites. Most working as clenaing ladies and day laborers for cash.

Anonymous said...

It's refreshing to hear about positive things in the news.......

Anonymous said...

Obama's victory proves
that even the venerable Queens clubhouse can be swept clean of its shit!

It's the beginning of a new era folks!

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