Thursday, November 6, 2008

EDC using underhanded tactics

A source has informed the Crapster that the City, in its attempts to drive down prices (for possible eminent domain purposes) is giving away its land at cheap rates and paying landowners less for their land in order to show a smaller purchase price. Also, after making deals, the city tells the landowners that they won't get the money to relocate their businesses until July 2009 because this wasn't budgeted for before. Having to shoulder the cost up front will put them in financial distress.
- Why did they lie to everyone about it being so cheap to get done when they don't have the money on hand and there's no guarantee that they will?
- Why is the city trying to deflate the purchase prices?
- Why aren't we having a referendum on this (the way that Nevada just did)?
- Why are we trying to take this on when we can't afford school seats and cops?
- Why isn't this illegal?


Anonymous said...

whi are your sources? the whacko's in your comment section?

please.. stick to regurgitating real news stories. You aint no Mike Wallace.

Queens Crapper said...

It's someone who is intimately involved.

P.S. I got a press release from EDC a couple of days ago and a comment asking that what he wrote in his e-mail was "off the record."

Got news for ya: If you work for the government and spend my tax dollars, what you say and do is very much ON the record, dude.

Anonymous said...

I don't get it, how the hell do we justify this expense now that we won't have enough to pay for schools and cops and our hospitals are closing?

Anonymous said...

The legality of this EDC behavior -- deliberately establishing lower than appropriate prices for land being sold to the City, by trading off property already owned by the City, so that purchase prices of property to be acquired by eminent domain are lower than they otherwise would have been -- needs to be investigated by people familiar with applicable law.

Another recent investigation revealed Claire Shulman's illegal lobbying activities, as well as Parkside's non-compliance with lobbying disclosure rules. Now this EDC practice may be similarly unlawful.

georgetheatheist said...

Just curious.

If one's property is confiscated by eminent domain, against one's will, does one still have to pay capital gains taxes on any profits? I assume so.

Since Hussein, the newly elected Bullshit Artist-in-Chief, intends to raise that rate, it seems to me a stronger argument could be made by the Willets Pointers that eminent domain would not be in their financial interest.

Anonymous said...

If you were such a Robin Hood Crusader you would out your "Source" and publish their direct comments in your blog.

This level of fear mongering and story fabrication is really showing the desperation of the opposition as the City's plan comes closer to approval.

Desperate times call for desperate measures

georgetheatheist said...

Crappie's not Robin Hood; he's Paul Revere.

("If I ever caught that Commie Robin Hood, I hang him by his balls from the nearest tree." - The Sheriff of Nottingham. Me too, Sheriff!)

Anonymous said...

if crappy was Paul Revere he would be saying

The British are coming but I cant reveal my sources.

Anonymous said...

the problem here is that the author is not a journalist, and has a pretty clearly stated bias to this situation.

if this was a straight news site unnamed sources would be fine if it was confirmed by two or three other sources (named of unnamed). for all we know the person "intimately involved" is some degenerate polluter who owns land in willets point who has no clear understanding of what the city might actually be legitimately doing. Then again I wouldn't expect much more from this blog.

Anonymous said...

"- Why are we trying to take this on when we can't afford school seats and cops?
- Why isn't this illegal?"

Fraud IS illegal.

Schools and cops done make kickbacks, developers do.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

the problem here is that the author is not a journalist, and has a pretty clearly stated bias to this situation.

well stated. This site has a very clearly stated agenda and zero journalistic integrity so any "unnamed sources" referenced by the blog author have NO credibility.

Un named sources who are "intimately involved" from a highly partisan blog author is an affront to real journalistic integrity./

Anonymous said...

who cares who it is !! is it true is the question ? and from all the edc boys writing on this blog it seems to be because you are wondering who the source is instead of answering the questions. is it true and why is it done. why would someone who's land is about to be condemned come out and say IT'S ME? . that will be saved later for court. don't forget the city's evil streches long and far and i am afraid of it. i will have my day in court but in the meantime please answer the question!! IS IT TRUE ? WHY HAVE YOU DONE IT ? WHY ARE YOU TRYING TO SCREW EVERYONE? this is not a desperate person thats desperate it a person who wants the city to pay for what they have done to so many people. 90% of the people who sold folded like a tent under the pressure of eminent domain not me . answer the question that the crapper asked and don't try and sugercoat your answer by asking why don't i say who i am. tell everyone at the edc i said hello

Anonymous said...

why if your not the edc would you be so upset? if not your head is up some city officals ass and don't tell me you a concerned citizen who is in favor of the project. please guys its clear that our edc boys and girls are blogging in attempt to sway people. why else would you be on this blog if you say its bias? nice try guys

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

we can't even get term limits and we voted for them how can you expect school seats? any councilperson who votes for this should be voted out !! thats the message you should send. voting for willets point is voting for eminent domain

Anonymous said...

mike wallace sucks--- the crapper rules go watch wallace if you get upset with the truth

Anonymous said...

it matters because Crapper is a biased blog that is not beneath making up stories to support it's agenda

Plain and simple.

In named sources closeti Crapper are not credible.
And No, I do not work at EDC or fir NYC

Anonymous said...

learn how to spell or get off your city owned blackberry so you can type right . sorry to upset your day with news of your evil ways

Anonymous said...

is evan and parkside in the house? someone who wants this project bad is upset

Anonymous said...

my bad -- i'm using an iPhone

And NYC could not afford me

Anonymous said...

stop wondering about who is debating you and recognize stories on biased blogs with an agenda quoting unnamed sources are worthless

Anonymous said...

it's got your attention huh?

Anonymous said...

bias--- what about chris mcshane & biggie smalls @ develop willets point ? now thats bias

Anonymous said...

no one at DWP quotes unnamed sources and claims it to be true

Anonymous said...

than who is biggie smalls ?the mystery man himself-- who has yey to say who he is . why does'nt everyone put their name up so we know who's who? and to get back to the story no one still has answered is it true? silence is the sign of guilt

Anonymous said...

goodnight gents

Anonymous said...

whi are your sources? the whacko's in your comment section?

please.. stick to regurgitating real news stories. You aint no Mike Wallace.

Anonymous said...

evan and parkside are assholes just looken to rob land and make big money off of it

Anonymous said...

i cant beleave the city of new york and e.d.c. would do that what a shame some one better stop them or no one is safe

Anonymous said...

maybe its time to leave this hitler city

Anonymous said...

How much tax money does our mayor contribute to the city's coffers? From a previous contributor:

I think this info speaks volumes:

In 2006 Michael R. Bloomber was worth $5.3 billion dollars and placed number 44 on the Forbes 400 Richest Americans List.

Today(2007), Bloomberg is worth $11.5 billion and is placed number 25.

That's and increase of 117%

Rumored to have been wanting to run for president, people said willing to spend 1 billion. I guess if he wanted now, he can spend his old networth.

Forgot to add this tidbit:
Bloomberg made over the past year....
$6.2 bill for the year
$515 mill per month
$17 mill per day
$710,00 per hour
$11,800 per minute
$197 per second

He has also given away $715 mill over the past 5 years.
From Wikipedia:
Michael Rubens Bloomberg (born February 14, 1942) is an American businessman and the Mayor of New York City. A lifelong Democrat, he switched his registration in 2001 and ran as a Republican, winning the election that year and a second term in 2005. He is currently listed on the Forbes 400 as the eighth-richest American, with a net worth of US$20 billion.[3][4]
2006 $ 5.3 billion
2007 $11.5 billion
2008 $20.0 billion

Anyone else notice a trend? And all of that on a $1/year salary from the collective us.

Anonymous said...


nope. I made the comment and I certainly dont work for the city. Are your sources for that statement the same as crappy's sources for his "investigative reporting">?

Anonymous said...

if you had any clue of where Bloomberg made all his wealth you wouldnot make such ridiculous statmeents.

He is the largest shareholder in Bloomberg Financial - A specialized news and information service for financial services firms.

The value of his firm was adjusted upwards when he bought out his original partner - Merrill Lynch last year. THey apply the value of the ML Purchase to compute his new net worth. Thus the large increase

Anonymous said...

"The value of his firm was adjusted upwards when he bought out his original partner - Merrill Lynch last year. THey apply the value of the ML Purchase to compute his new net worth. Thus the large increase"

All this while running the city...into the ground!!! The fact is that he is totally out of touch with his constinuency. The rich are getting rich while the middle class and poor are getting poorer. These massive exchanges of billions of dollars helps the citizens of New York City in what way? It doesn't reek of conflict of interest? Children need a good education and the we the people deserve more and not less police protection.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Stavisky's too busy with his lips wrapped tightly around the WP developer's ----!

He can't schmooze and Blackberry at the same time without committing a few minor typos!

Shulman gave up "lip service"
ages ago.

Her dentures keep a-slippin'-and-a-slidin'
so Evan's her point "man" now!

Anonymous said...

Evan's Development Corp. ?

C-mon...try hacking into
e-mail Mr. S.

My Mac's got the most sophisticated spy ware on the market.

Anonymous said...

nope. I made the comment and I certainly dont work for the city. Are your sources for that statement the same as crappy's sources for his "investigative reporting">?


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