Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Secrets of Shea Stadium

From Forgotten-NY. Click on photo for story.


Anonymous said...

While at forgotten-ny.com take a click over to the Iron triangle gallery and witness the squalor that exists in this third world country on the Flushing River. .

That is an area that we can hopefully soon forget.

Queens Crapper said...

Already linked to that. It was titled, "The neighborhood the City hates" if I recall correctly.

Anonymous said...

That's an area where the city can possibly build some drainage and sewers, pave the streets, and get behind the business owners, manufacturers and auto parts dealers who employ hundreds of people...


Anonymous said...

Unfortunately building some sewers and drainage in a toxic brownfield and "getting behind" the polluters wont solve the environmental crisis in the iron triangle.

Queens Crapper said...

Why would the city clean up toxic brownfields in other areas so that new businesses can thrive but not clean up the one where established businesses already thrive?

Anonymous said...

the conditions in Willets Point have to change. You can not install sewers and drainage in a toxic waste field and ignore the larger problems that exist.

Conversely, no one in good conscience should favor the status quo of continual pollution of the environment and deplorable working conditions reminiscent of a third world shanty town.

Anonymous said...

Leave it to the EDC to make a post about Shea Stadium into one about Willets Point. Oh, that's right, their project is being done BECAUSE of the new stadium.

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