Sunday, October 5, 2008

Dog starved to death in St. Albans


A cold-hearted convicted rapist was arrested for starving his dog to death, dumping the carcass in the gutter and trying to hide it under garbage outside his Queens home, authorities said last night.

The emaciated mixed-breed weighed just 29 pounds when American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals officers found Trevor Williamson, 28, tossing the dead animal into the street in February, said spokesman Joseph Pentangelo.

"There was absolutely no muscle, no fat on the animal - and he had ulcers in his stomach that definitely indicate stress as a result of the starvation," he said.

When confronted by alarmed ASPCA agents, Williamson allegedly told them: "This is the first time one died on me."

Williamson was picked up Wednesday at his home in St. Albans on Wednesday and charged with animal abuse and felony tampering with physical evidence, authorities said. If convicted, he faces three years in prison.


Anonymous said...

What was the filthy rapist's name? Was it Gallagher?

Then he should be starved to death.

Anonymous said...

This guy should go away for life.

Anonymous said...

Under the arc of a weather stain boards,
Ancient goblins, and warlords,
Come out of the ground, not making a sound,
The smell of death is all around,
And the night when the cold wind blows, No one cares, nobody knows.

I don't want to be buried in a Pet Cemetery,
I don't want to live my life again.
I don't want to be buried in a Pet Cemetery,
I don't want to live my life again.

Anonymous said...

Three years in prison.

Probably twice as long as he was sentenced to for the rape he committed.

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