Thursday, September 18, 2008

Drunk passes out at Shea; hilarity ensues

Drunk fan at Shea Stadium falls victim to fans' prank


Anonymous said...

Drunk Mets fan - isn't that redundant?

Anonymous said...

I guess we need a distraction from what's happening on the field these days.

Anonymous said...

For the first 9 minutes of the video, how did they know he wasn't dead?

Anonymous said...

Only in New York City would people behave so disrespectful to another human being.

Anonymous said...

Only in New York City would people behave so disrespectful to another human being.

Anonymous said...

No this is type of thing is done at frat houses around the world. Harmless fun with a drunk.

Anonymous said...

I think you have to be drunk to find this funny...

Anonymous said...

Actually, what's funny is that the guy probably paid through the nose for these seats then passed out and missed most of the game.

Sandman said...

Yeah, how bad do you have to be to get this drunk this early? If you look at the scoreboard, it's only like the 4th inning when they start doing all this shit to him.

Not to mention the cost to get that drunk. He probably could have slept in a hotel, for what he payed in beer to sleep in his seat.

Anonymous said...

The drunk had more dignity and class then those baboons. Actualy I take that back, baboons also have more dignty and class.

A.Harris said...

This is why no one cares about Shea Stadium being torn down.

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