Tuesday, August 19, 2008

What do they do to granny muggers in prison?

Let's hope this guy goes down, and very soon.



Anonymous said...

What would I do? How's about the castration game?

Anonymous said...

Good thing this happened in Brooklyn. If it were Queens, Richard Brown would offer the barbarian a sweetheart deal. After all, the DA has a documented history of going easy on those who assault a granny. Can you say Pinky?

faster340 said...

This MF needs to DIE!

Anonymous said...

What do they do to granny muggers in prison?

Let's hope this guy goes down, and very soon.

Indeed. Even the scum bags in prison have a sense of morality, as warped as it may be, and they will definitely give this creep a lesson!

georgetheatheist said...

Notice the race. A BLACK man attacks an elderly BLACK woman. Statistically proving black on black crime.

The majority of inmates in prison are black. And the black political establishment howls that this is racism.

I get it. Arrest this criminal and then have sympathy for him because of his skin color.

Anonymous said...

Yeah the white man made him do it!

Anonymous said...

WOW! He stole her cane?!

Check out his fancy watch while he stretches. Clearly this guy is strapped for cash.

Anonymous said...

Mother f-----s and granny muggers
always get very special treatment in the showers and exercise yard !

Let the games begin!

Anonymous said...

People need to wake up to violent African-American crime. Stop coddling these animals. The victim could have been your mother or grandmother.

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