Friday, August 22, 2008

Rocky road

Mary Ann Russo was relaxed as she enjoyed the country-in-the-city view of the woods along the Cross Island Parkway in Bayside recently. Her husband Frank was driving southbound, toward their Douglaston home, on a sunny Tuesday afternoon - and then their windshield shattered.

“It was like we got hit with a baseball bat,” she said.

Rock throwers terrorize motorists

What hit the gasket and windshield of the 2007 Ford Explorer at about 2:30 p.m. on August 12 was a baseball-sized rock.

Someone was throwing rocks from the high ground along the parkway between John Golden Park and 28th Avenue.


Anonymous said...

must be the Georgia Blue Gums

Lincoln, what were you thinkin, when you set them free?

Anonymous said...

A little tip:

Was that rock thrown from the pedestrian overpass?

If so, look into a graffiti vandal "OFC" whose tag appears on that overpass.

"OFC's" tag can be seen in the vicinity of the Broadway/Flushing LIRR station where a sweep was done by a law enforcement task force just last year.

A group of teenage toughs were hanging around that station creating mischief and havoc and frightening the neighbors at night.

A resident along Depot Road had told me that they threw rocks at passing trains.

That sounds like their MO.

"OFC" could be the key.

He lives in the Broadway area because his tags spread in approximately a 10 block radius.

A tagger always marks the turf where he lives so his friends can see his handiwork.

This is no outsider.

But he chose the Cross Island Parkway's overpass for its high visibility.

Track his tags and you'll find
he and his crew are probably responsible for these incidents.

I'll bet they attend Bayside High School. You should see that militant bunch that rides the Q28 when school lets out.

Fights and card playing in the rear of the bus are daily occurrences.

georgetheatheist said...

While swimming in the new Flushing Meadows pool, I saw someone throw a bag of garbage from the 3rd floor into the 2nd floor lap lanes.

Remember the poor lady a few years ago who was KILLED by a rock thrower by the Williamsburgh Bridge on the FDR Drive?

Anonymous said...

Catch the bastards and cut their f-ing balls off.

Anonymous said...

Lol. Chances are it was a bunch of drop out white kids, knowing Queens. Once they catch them they'll probably just end up slapping them on the wrist and packing them off to therapy.

Anonymous said...

Uh, what part of "from the high ground along the parkway" did you not understand?

Actually, the rocks came from the heart of a tony residential district-- not drop outs -- bored, spoiled punks.

The criminal mischief complaint would be a mis because nobody got hurt. Otherwise, it's an E felony.

Makes you wish they'd bring back public flogging...

Anonymous said...

That occurrence may have been from the "high ground" OR the overpass.

Unless you were the thrower or present during the incident HOW THE F--K DO YOU KNOW !

The park near that "tony" neighborhood you're referring to is often frequented by groups of

A few of the members of the group that were spotted at the Broadway LIRR train rock throwing spree were reported to have been Latino by the way (and 3 were "white").

And "uh...what part of that" do you not understand?

Anonymous said...


I'm in full agreement with you regarding bringing back public flogging maybe even stepping up the sentence, in this case, to in the Bible.

This rock throwing could have caused a multi vehicle pile up and a possible fatality.

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