Monday, August 18, 2008

Moondance Diner set to open next month

A year after SoHo's Moondance diner moseyed out west, the cherished eatery of artists, writers and entertainers is still shuttered and gathering dust in Wyoming.

New owners Vince and Cheryl Pierce had hoped to have Moondance open already to the 500 or so denizens of LaBarge, many of whom work in the oil-rich fields around town.

But financing, bureaucratic red tape and a collapsed roof due to January's heavy snowfall pushed the opening back to late September. LaBarge got about 22 inches of snow the day the diner arrived last winter.

Moondance diner gathering dust in Wyoming one year after move

"We're trying to do justice for the diner and its history, not just put it together and open the doors," owner Cheryl Pierce said of the delay.

With the structural repairs completed, all that's left are details like buying tables and tiling the kitchen.


Anonymous said...

It appears modified from the way NYC knew it. And if the Pierces are restoring it, why are things still in limbo? They are as slow as molasses. Over a year to reopen? And why is there no mention of the guy Michael Perlman & Committee of Queens, who was instrumental in its salvation? The diner world & NYC owes a great debt of gratitude. I read he saved the Cheyenne too. Some Queens people get around.

Anonymous said...

Please explain to us just how
exactly that (so-so altered beyond recognition) diner was "saved" ?

It's now located way out west
and way of sight!

Maybe the Cheyenne Diner will be moved to Cheyenne, Wyoming .

C-mon folks!
Don't we have higher preservation priorities than worrying about whether the diner's "savior" gets his due credit ?

I think that some "preservationists" are more interested in seeing their names in print than getting the job done!

Them's the breaks.
Somebody sweats the hard work,
then someone else grabs the kudos.

A real preservationist is just glad
enough to have saved a piece of history!

Anonymous said...

I wish I had a friend like that guy. The way he saved the Moondance & the Cheyenne, I wish he could save the Cord Meyer homes on my block from being torn down.

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