Friday, August 15, 2008

Council votes to allow engineer to be DOB Commish

The commissioner of New York’s Buildings Department, in charge of overseeing a complex set of safety codes and approving major construction plans, will no longer need certification as an architect or engineer, under legislation passed by the City Council on Thursday.

Council Moves to Relax Buildings Chief’s Qualifications, Despite Industry Concerns

The decision is intended to widen the pool of candidates for one of the city’s critical posts, at a time when the Buildings Department is under scrutiny for lax inspections and a number of construction-site deaths. There have been 16 construction-related deaths this year.

The measure relaxing the qualifications, approved unanimously by the Council and expected to be signed by Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, will discard language in the City Charter that requires the buildings commissioner to have certification. Instead, only one of the top two officials at the department, either the commissioner or the first deputy commissioner, will have to be a registered architect or licensed engineer.

The agency is being run by an acting commissioner, Robert LiMandri, who has an engineering degree but is not licensed. There are currently three deputy commissioners, and at least one of them is a licensed engineer.


Anonymous said...

Damn....if he doesn't look a bit like a younger Dr. Henry Kissinger...
complete with a disapproving skowl!

Anonymous said...

The Bloomberg way: lowering standards to accomodate cronies.

This message has been brought to you by 'Bloomberg for a Tweeded New York'

Anonymous said...

He looks like Simeon Bankoff on a bad day.

Anonymous said...

Actually he looks much better than that. It's a bad picture.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like someone wants their individual in the position, no matter what.

faster340 said...

I still can't get over how in 1930 when the Empire State Building was built there were approximately 14 deaths out of 3400 workers there. This building was built in about 13months too. But this year alone (less than 12 months) we have over 16 construction deaths in multiple projects and it's 2008. We should be much more advanced in our safety procedures now than then... It's just beyond me how they can become more LAX than they are already.

Anonymous said...

Nah...Simeon's got chubby little baby cheeks and the other set are used for acomodating Manhattanites!

faster340 said...

Anonymous said...
Damn....if he doesn't look a bit like a younger Dr. Henry Kissinger...
complete with a disapproving skowl!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Anonymous said...
He looks like Simeon Bankoff on a bad day.

Friday, August 15, 2008

italian girl said...
Actually he looks much better than that. It's a bad picture.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Anonymous said...
Sounds like someone wants their individual in the position, no matter what.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Anonymous said...
Nah...Simeon's got chubby little baby cheeks and the other set are used for acomodating Manhattanites!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

WTF do all these comments have to do with a serious situation? What a bunch of assholes!

Anonymous said...

the first anonymous started it. so shut the f#@* up!

Anonymous said...

the first anonymous started it. so shut the f#@* up!

oooh mommy he started it! And how old are you? OMG what a child.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

oooh mommy he started it! And how old are you?

126. beyatch.

Anonymous said...

One thing for sure, an HDC butt kisser is counter "faster340"?

Wattsa matta, someone hit this sensitive preservation org's nerve?

Anonymous said...

If you're not happy here, "faster340", you can always start your own blog!

But we guess that might be a little too much of a work load for a lazy lad (or lass) like ? !!!

faster340 said...

Yeah when God forbid a family member of yours gets killed or injured by the lax building regs. and requirements let's hear your wiseass remarks then.

Anonymous said...

LiMandri who is not licensed is doing the job that all the previous commissioners should have done in the first place. DOB is finally enforcing building codes. I see a lot of jobs stopped all over the place. They are even forcing a builder to tear down a portion of his house in Bayside because he built too large.
It took a few deaths unfortunately, but I definitely see a change.

faster340 said...

That's a positive step from past actions I.G....

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