Thursday, July 17, 2008

Tweeding effort begins in State Senate race

"I fund senior centers' Atlantic City trips."

City Council Member Joseph Addabbo (D-Queens) glided over the green linoleum floors at the Howard Beach Senior Center, stuffing fliers about an upcoming town hall meeting into every wrinkled hand he saw.

State Senate Watch: In Queens, the Campaigning in the Three-Way Senate Showdown Finally Begins

As sprinklers watered the baseball fields outside, Maltese was inside, working the crowd: seniors, veterans, men and women with Italian accents and cell phones with The Godfather theme music ring tones.

For several months, Addabbo practically had the district to himself. But with the end of the legislative session in Albany, he now shares the district with Maltese, who plans to crisscross the area, touting discretionary funds he has won for various community groups. Addabbo said he plans to employ a similar strategy.

All three candidates are looking to beef up support in the immigrant community—a crucial voting block in a district where the foreign-born population has jumped from 29 to 39 percent since 1990.

"Justin, he wants to know where this is. The Capitol, right?"


Anonymous said...

"I fund senior trip" Addabbo

You pig I the tax payer fund senior trips you the pig Addabbo take credit for spending my money!!!

Pig Pig Pig

Anonymous said...

OK, that top picture, like the one of Como talking to the Parkside yo a few weeks ago, captures the essence of the machine control in Queens.

There has to be some way to disconnect these bums from taking advantage by getting credit for throwing our hard earned taxes at getting votes.

Anonymous said...

Lawyering for immigrants must be pretty profitable if Baldeo can loan himself 300K. Does he figure he'll get it back from kickbacks? Bribery's not a no-no in many of the countries our new neighbors come from. It's part of the culture for some.

Anonymous said...

This race stinks to high heaven! We see Serfin Maltese people everywhere handing out flyers on what a great guy Maltese is. In reality for over a decade the guy has been invisible in Maspeth.

I never heard of this Addabbo guy but he can't be much worse than Maltese whose office and staff workers are absolutely useless to the people of my community.

Anonymous said...

I know that it is hard to believe but addabbo is really sincere and does care about his constituency. hE IS WILLING TO HELP EVEN IF YOU YOU DON'T LIVE IN HIS DISTRICT AND CANT VOTE FOR HIM. I can attest to that. this is the kind of person that we need to represent us. if you dont now who he is, just ask.

Anonymous said...

Maltese has to stay, Addabbo can't deliver a thing for the district.

Anonymous said...

Yes he can. Maltese delivered alright, to his deveoper friends and himself. Oh, I forgot those embarrassing plates to the Pope.

Do some home work and check Addabbo's record in the Council. You should do that for all candidates.

Anonymous said...

yaba Addabbo doo!

Anonymous said...

Anyone who knows Addabbo knows he's a very middle-to right Dem. Just what this district needs. Serf's a dinosaur.

Anonymous said...

Addabbo is an empty suit with his father name. He gives member items to his friends like all the other trash on the council.

This bum has done nothing for his district and nothing to stop developers. So if you vote for Addabbo he will be in for eight years two terms. You can also bet by the end of his second term you and your dumb neighbors who vote for this bum will be pushed out by the developers before his second term is over. So he will be here and you won't monkey voters

Anonymous said...



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