Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Surprise! CB7 votes for Willets Point plan

NEW YORK (AP/1010 WINS) -- A community board in Queens has voted in favor of a plan backed by Mayor Bloomberg to develop a 60-acre site into a new neighborhood of homes, shops, offices and entertainment.

Community Board 7 approved the plan 21 to 15 early Tuesday morning that would transform the gritty area known as Willets Point, near the Mets' new baseball stadium.

About 70 people spoke before the board at the meeting that began Monday evening and lasted into the next morning.

Willets Point land and business owners, along with hundreds of their employees, protested the meeting.

Among many concerns, including traffic congestion, the Willets Point Industry and Realty Association says the project lacks a developer or a formal plan.



"The plan to clean up the environmental contamination at Willets Point and transform it into a vibrant, sustainable neighborhood first originated in community meetings, and tonight's vote by the Community Board is a major step forward in it becoming a reality. The plan will continue to evolve based on input from community members and local representatives - as the board has called for - but the approval tonight demonstrates a desire from the community that this area be remediated from the ground up to make way for more than 5,000 permanent jobs, 18,000 construction jobs, affordable housing and new parks. The next step in the public review process is the Borough President, and the plan goes to her office with the support of elected officials, community, business and labor groups, environmental advocates and now the local Community Board."

Well, as long as it's "vibrant"...

Here's Jeremiah's take on it.


Anonymous said...

The Community Boards are a bunch of whores.

There, someone has finally said that.

Its best for the public that they are abolished.

Yes, boys, you did the bidding of the developers, but stunts like this is what is needed to destroy your reputation with the public.

The developers and politicians got what they wanted but at the price of trashing what should have been a vital institution.

Time now to search for alternatives (perhaps, every community setting up its own 'People's Community Boards' !?!?!?)

Think about it.

Anonymous said...

The Community Boards are a bunch of whores.

There, someone has finally said that.


Once again, you heard it first on Crappy.

Go Queens Crap!

Anonymous said...

the community board sold out the willets point businesses the same businesses they have sold out for 30 years . don't tell me the vote wasn't set up by kelty & mr chuck what a sham and railroad job this was . flushing should be ashamed to have these kind of '' put the fix in '' board members. the fight has begun!!!

Anonymous said...

The community board voted for the right to stay in the mix. If they voted no then they would be out of the process and a non-factor.
There were many opponents to the plan, not enough low income housing, no investmentment into police, fire and other essential serivces. Only the Unions and the EDC were in support of this non-plan.
The community board sold out so they stay at the table. They did not represent the community. They cited some give backs from the city. These issues should have been settled by the city council if they had a chance to review the plan. The city is forcing this down their throats.
Lets rename Corona as Caracas for all of the rights that landowners have

Anonymous said...

Many of these community bored #7 members have served far too long
a term.

Maybe it's time to "Chuck" some!

CB#7 has long been called the board of the rubber stamp.

Any project that favors "developing" the non privileged neighborhoods
gets approved as usual.

It's time to abolish all the CBs.

They're just our phony participation in government and eat up lots of our tax dollars.

Marilyn Bitterman's salary alone could pay for a year's worth of sorely needed senior or after school programs.

Anonymous said...

"The plan to clean up the environmental contamination at Willets Point and transform it into a vibrant, sustainable neighborhood first originated in community meetings, and tonight's vote by the Community Board ... "

Turtle-faced lies. The "Plan" originated in the Commissar's office, sitting with wealthy developers.

The neglect was deliberate. For more than 30 years. These businesses (more than 250) have been faithfully paying all their taxes, and yet have received no services for all these years.

This lying graduate of Mugabe Land Theft University is now showing his true Soviet beliefs: Your land is MY land.

Stalin must be proud of his boy. And Goebbles delighted with his skills at the Big Lie.

We can (must) say, with joy in our hearts: Heil! Commissar!

Anonymous said...

How can they "stay in the mix" if their vote is purely advisory?

The whole procedure is just a sham!

Mayor Bloomberg, Wilpon, Muss etc. will have their way anyway!

This is nothing less than a mock process like a fixed trial!

Some justice....stealing land for private benefit not for public use!

Welcome to the new
Soviet States of America!

Anonymous said...

This is a good win for the residents of Queens. You commenters here keep trying to defend the current state of Willets Point - a blighted, messy dump, but I'll let you in on a secret - no one cares what you think. People want that area cleaned up and for something nice to be built there.

Anonymous said...

That last comment was posted courtesy of "Parkside"!

Anonymous said...

The next time you get a notice tacked to your "messy" front door telling you to ,vacate your home in favor of turning it over to private interests....
let us hear from you about what you think about how your constitutional rights have been violated!

Watch out....a ban on free speech is next.

Welcome to the Third Reich!

Queens Crapper said...

"You commenters here keep trying to defend the current state of Willets Point - a blighted, messy dump"

Not one commenter has defended the fact that Willets Point is a dump. We think it's outrageous that these conditions exist in the year 2008. But the blame for that lies with the City of New York, Michael Bloomberg, Helen Marshall, and elected officials who came before them.

Anonymous said...

Right on... "Crapper"!

Anonymous said...

The final CB 7 vote was 21 in favor, 15 opposed. This shows that not all board members turned a deaf ear to comments made by the business owners and workers who will be displaced. Many board members could not endorse a plan that included eminent domain as part of the acquisition process and refused to cave-in to the demands of EDC and the developers. A blanket condemnation of all Community Board members is misleading and unfair.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, crapper, glad to see that somebody still has some gray matter left between their ears and isn't tied to some developer's purse strings!

You rock!

Anonymous said...

A blanket condemnation of all Community Board members is misleading and unfair.

So what, then they would 'compromise.' Sooner or later the community board would cave in. I do not know of a single development project substantially delayed or altered by a Queens community board.

The problem is they are nominated by the clubhouse. Everyone is afraid they would be thrown off if they disagree.

Anonymous said...

There's enough rotten apples at CB#7 to poison the whole damn board.

The proof of their long time sell-out of our community lies in the current state of Flushing!

CB#7 likewise stinks!

Anonymous said...

Now, now, now....where would Bitterman go to find another $80,000 a year patronage job if she got fired?

And where would Chuck move after selling off his tudor mansion ?

Anonymous said...

Crappy is totally right on this. You can't blame the business owners for the condition of Willets Point. If this goes through for Willets Point, it WILL happen elsewhere in Queens.
You can bet on it.

God damn CB 7.

Anonymous said...

where's the damn mafia when you need them?

Anonymous said...

"The plan to clean up the environmental contamination at Willets Point and transform it into a vibrant, sustainable neighborhood first originated in community meetings..."

Yes indeed! Meetings organized by then Borough President, Claire Shulman and the request of Wellington Chen. The first meeting was held at the new Flushing Library. Those who attended will remember Claire Shulman throwing Dan Scully, from Tully Development, out of that meeting.

Community Board #7 is a disgrace. Bitterman, Kelty and "chuck" rely on Wellington Chen's opinion on development projects. I've been in the board's office when phone calls were made to Chen. Chen has far too much influence over the board decisions and even more so with Willets Point.

Anonymous said...

Can someone please post the names of all of the board members and how they voted? It should be public knowledge. Shouldn't there be 50 votes? How many people were at the meeting? It was hard to judge by the news reports. By the way, Marvin Scott of WPIX did the best job of reporting the issues, in my opinion. WABC & WCBS aired stories that were confusing.

Just Curious

Anonymous said...

The "little duke of" Wellington (Chen) has conveniently moved to Chinatown so that when his company finally "wins" the Willets Point bid,
it won't look like the fix was in from the get-go.

H-m-m-m...."Wellington Point"!
"Nice" name!

Anonymous said...

How many years has Chuck "served"
(his own self interests) on CB#7 exactly?

Anonymous said...

I'd love to be as dumb as Marilyn and still get her big fat paycheck!

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see an accounting of how much NYC spends each year to run its crooked community boards....h-m-m-m ?

Anonymous said...

During the subway series last week I made a u turn in Willets Point and was shocked at the condition of the roads etc - a real 3rd world scene. This is not the first time I ve been to the area - still shocking to see this is part of NYC vs a town in a Third world country.

The city obviously has ignored, neglected and abused property owners here and now pulling the rug from underneath them by starving them of infrastructure and now stealing the land for a grand give-away.

Sure anything would be an improvement including new construction jobs etc - but this place is a toxic waste land and I would never think about living here knowing that.

I am sure the property owners here paid taxes and still thrive, employing many folks already. Why not improve the area by providing the basic infrstructure so that these folks thrive instead of taking over the land via eminent domain?

Which neigborhood will be next? Look what is happening to Elmhurst, Maspet and Middle Village currently - redlining - ignoring your complaints about illegal housing etc that has turn us into the third world of NYC - how quaint!

Anonymous said...

Yassir, yassir, yassir!

The official chant of CBs
to developers!

Anonymous said...

21-15. That's 36. Where were the other 14? Oh, that's right, they waited until people planned their summer vacations to hold this vote. Typical tweeding tactic to have important votes in the middle of the summer. By the time everyone returns in the fall, it will have made it through the entire ULURP process. How lovely.

Anonymous said...

A junkyard baseball team deserves a junkyard right across from their new "Junkyard Stadium".

Do you think "improving" the site by land theft will make the Mets play any better?

Oh....you want to fill those expensive subscription "sky boxes" and the the swells stepping out of their limmos don't want to be anywhere near a scrapyard.

Now I get it!

Anonymous said...

You can obtain the official tally on the voting by calling Marilyn Bitterman's office.

It's a matter of public record.

You'll be on her shit list
for having the audacity to inquire, however!

Anonymous said...

I was asked if I was interested in serving on CB#7 about 15 years ago.

I replied, "No", because I'd have to give up my good principles to remain there" (and I didn't want to be a token Asian under the Stavisky thumb)!

Anonymous said...

Community Board??? What community do they represent? The people from Flushing and Corona will have NOWHERE to go to get the auto repairs that Queens residents have been getting for 75 years! A small part of the equation, I agree, but isn't that a true form of racism? No one seems to care about the middle to lower class people anymore. Back room politics are alive and well in downtown NYC and obviously Queens.

Anonymous said...

The unmitigated gall to give Ober Reich Fuhhers Bloomberg and Shulman what they wanted is disgraceful. What country do we live in when 'the people' are ignored? Some corrupt members of CB7 last night said "Screw you, you Asian and Hispanic low income employees, we know whats best, you are just too stupid"

Anonymous said...

Crapper = hypocrisy. The City, Bloomberg and Marshall are the ones doing something to fix the Willets Point wasteland, and you rail against it because you kneejerk rail against any development. If the city is going to spend millions for infrastructure improvements so that private corporations will spend BILLIONS on the area, it has to be changed over to allow for uses with high economic value. The city shouldn't spend millions to fix infrastructure so some junkyards can keep piddling along.

Queens Crapper said...

QUEENS deserves to have all of its streets paved, and the businesses that pay taxes there, both automotive and otherwise, deserve to have sanitary sewers there. Once that is done, the area will transform on its own. Maybe it won't become luxury hotels and whatnot, but who in Queens wants or needs that, anyway?

Now go back to Flushing, Evan, your mama's calling you.

Anonymous said...

somebody got some envelopes filled with $$$$$.

Anonymous said...

"You can obtain the official tally on the voting by calling Marilyn Bitterman's office."

I hope someone will post the tally. Members who voted "yes," can be inducted into a CB 7 Wall of Shame.

Anonymous said...

Now, now, now....where would Bitterman go to find another $80,000 a year patronage job if she got fired?

She can go work for The Parkside Group. She's a Stavisky ass-kisser. She even managed to get Leaonard to hire her son in the 1990's.

BTW: Chuck has a nice house, it's not a tudor and hardly a mansion.

Anonymous said...

"Now, now, now....where would Bitterman go to find another $80,000 a year patronage job if she got fired?"

$80,000. Plus the "perks"!!!

Marilyn: Are you still getting those free USTA US Open tickets for Jack?

What about the dinners, excursions and other fringes?

Life would be a bore without that job.

Anonymous said...

"I hope someone will post the tally. Members who voted "yes," can be inducted into a CB 7 Wall of Shame."

PUH-lease! Community Board #7 members have no shame. Either does the Chair or the DM.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

board 7 is just looking for money pay offs thats the way the city works money gets the vote

Anonymous said...

the mets suck and so do the fans and so does board 7 there all gay even chuck.

Anonymous said...

I attended the CB#7 meeting last night in a room far too small and toasty. Many people had to be turned away at the door. I was disappointed that many board members were not present for the discussion and vote on this important community issue.

However, I found the meeting to be grossly one-sided. The EDC presentation lasted for about an hour and questions were raised and answered. Elected officials spoke and it was interesting to see their take on the issue. Councilman Tony Avella spoke early in the meeting but had to leave due to a prior commitment but he urged the board to turn down the plan so the city council could have time to work on this matter the right way.

Councilman Hiram Monserrate echoed Tony Avella's sentiments. New York State Senator Toby Stavisky and New York State Assemblywoman Nettie Mayersohn spoke in favor of the project...of course. They reeked of the Parkside Group mentality. Claire Shulman also spoke, or actually begged, for the community board to approve the plan. What a joke! How much is she getting for her efforts?

Unfortunately, I left as the public comments were being made. However, I would like to point out the the Willets Point business owners did not (or were not allowed?) to make a presentation based upon their facts. Therefore, how was this a fair vote? Over the last few years, I have personally witnessed the community board give in or give up on issues that I feel are important to my community. Too bad that I am not a multi-millionaire so I can get my ass kissed!!!

I do not know what the next step is for the business owners but I hope that they stand their ground and do not allow themselves to be displaced. Progress is a funny concept. The spin that this is a blighted area that needs total revamping is an insult to all hard working property and business owners in New York City. Just watch the videos prepared by the WPIRA. They tell the real story.

Anonymous said...

Time now to search for alternatives (perhaps, every community setting up its own 'People's Community Boards' !?!?!?)

Think about it.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I attended the CB#7 meeting last night in a room far too small and toasty. Many people had to be turned away at the door. I was disappointed that many board members were not present for the discussion and vote on this important community issue.

However, I found the meeting to be grossly one-sided. The EDC presentation lasted for about an hour and questions were raised and answered. Elected officials spoke and it was interesting to see their take on the issue. Councilman Tony Avella spoke early in the meeting but had to leave due to a prior commitment but he urged the board to turn down the plan so the city council could have time to work on this matter the right way.

Councilman Hiram Monserrate echoed Tony Avella's sentiments. New York State Senator Toby Stavisky and New York State Assemblywoman Nettie Mayersohn spoke in favor of the project...of course. They reeked of the Parkside Group mentality. Claire Shulman also spoke, or actually begged, for the community board to approve the plan. What a joke! How much is she getting for her efforts?

Unfortunately, I left as the public comments were being made. However, I would like to point out the the Willets Point business owners did not (or were not allowed?) to make a presentation based upon their facts. Therefore, how was this a fair vote? Over the last few years, I have personally witnessed the community board give in or give up on issues that I feel are important to my community. Too bad that I am not a multi-millionaire so I can get my ass kissed!!!

I do not know what the next step is for the business owners but I hope that they stand their ground and do not allow themselves to be displaced. Progress is a funny concept. The spin that this is a blighted area that needs total revamping is an insult to all hard working property and business owners in New York City. Just watch the videos prepared by the WPIRA.COM They tell the real story.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Anonymous said...

great news
finally that area gets cleaned up

i dont understand the anger here

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
great news
finally that area gets cleaned up

i dont understand the anger here
of couse you don't!! how could you . why would the theft of someone else's land ,who the city neglected for 30 years upset you? you belong working for the edc stealing land or for evans parkside boys kissing ass

Anonymous said...

"This is a good win for the residents of Queens. You commenters here keep trying to defend the current state of Willets Point - a blighted, messy dump, but I'll let you in on a secret - no one cares what you think. People want that area cleaned up and for something nice to be built there."

So, private property ownership is a gift from the privileged municipal employees?

So, this nation was founded (anniversary on Friday) to let private citizens use property only until some corrupt official can find a better use for it?

Explain to the readers why Willets Point became a "blighted, messy dump". Can you do that? Or are you just one more langrabbing thief?

Can you explain why the current property owners (who paid mortgages and taxes) should no longer own the land?

Can you explain why you believe your own property is safe from confiscation, while Willets Point property is up for grabs by the Soviets?

All someone has to do is claim your property is "blighted", and, poof, it's mine.

Anonymous said...

My property is in very nice condition.

It isn't theft when you receive market value for your property.

I pay taxes too, and I want my tax dollars used to make changes that will lead to massive private investment to fix a blighted wasteland and bring good homes, shops and restaurants that everyone can enjoy. I don't want my tax dollars used to build a street for a filthy junkyard.

Queens Crapper said...

"I don't want my tax dollars used to build a street for a filthy junkyard."

Then how about the food businesses, the container corporation, the plumbing factory or the multi-generational sawdust factory that are there?

Keep repeating the B.S. about the junkyards. We educated ourselves and know better.

Anonymous said...

"I don't want my tax dollars used to build a street for a filthy junkyard."

You are so ignorant.

Anonymous said...

sounds like a bochoure from parkside & edc same old story,pictures ect,ect.,but you know what its been like that for 30 years and thats the crime that the city invested no $$$ into willets point but, put 100$ of millions into the polluted whore infested hunts point and guess what? it turned around. this is why the son of sam law came into effect,where you can't profit from a crime .let me blight it then take it .dirty deeds done dirt cheap. wake up evan tell momma to come up with a new story to use

Anonymous said...

Here's an interesting thought. If the money being used to promote the land grab was used to remediate the Willets Point area, how much would be left over?

Anonymous said...

"My property is in very nice condition.

It isn't theft when you receive market value for your property."

So, if a carjacker throws $10 to you as he steals your brand new car, and he shouts (with his gun pointed at you) that HE believes that all your car is worth is $10 (because he says it's ugly), you would consider that a fair market value transaction?

You're too easy. Mainly because you're very stupid.

Anonymous said...

Can you just imagine what riding the 7 train is going to be like in the morning after all this shit is built. Thank you very much mayor pant load. Go fuck yourself you pile of shit.

Anonymous said...

So you think the property owners will be getting .03% of the property value? You must have graduated at the top of your class . . .

Crapper - those other businesses can move to other locations rather than stay in a total mess of an area. If the infrastructure is so bad, shouldn't they want to be able to move to a better location with the city picking up some of the relocation cost? You really should cut the nonsense.

Anonymous said...

The city always withholds services in areas that it wants to develop.

Look at Ravenswood, the Rockaways, Dutch Kills, LIC.

Once you have development, not only do they get sanitation, sidewalks and trees, but the latest hot status symbol beloved by developers: a bike lane.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much mayor pant load. Go fuck yourself you pile of shit.

Question: if this is so obvious to everyone, why doesn't the newspapers see this. Or do they turn a blind eye as they run tiresome titles that scream 'Development is Good for Queens.' The little old ladies in the senior centers pick this up.

Anonymous said...

I like the idea of the public starting to form a parallel government, but then its run by dead heads and politcal junkies.

I mean, for heavens sake, what is the purpose of QCC if they then go out and honor city council members?

BTW, where are they in this issue?

Anonymous said...

You ALL are missing the point. this a complete pander job to Wilpon.Those people will all be cleared out and Wilpon will build a hi tech valet parking garage and 'retail' stores and rstaurants to accommodate his SMALLER Citifield. The deal has been made and CB7 and the rest of you guys have been duped.
Write it down, mark my words...


Anonymous said...

"those other businesses can move to other locations rather than stay in a total mess of an area. If the infrastructure is so bad, shouldn't they want to be able to move to a better location with the city picking up some of the relocation cost? You really should cut the nonsense."
simple question to a simple blogger! YOU really should do some investigation before exposing your lack of community knowledge and contempt for the minorities that live, breathe and feed their families from your perceptive 'total mees of an area'..

Anonymous said...

Pardon me, I was misinformed.

Chuck Apelian lives somewhat adjacent to a landmarked Tudor mansion in the posh Bayside Ave. Estates Civic Association's region.

I stand corrected.
He certainly ain't hurtin' though!

Anonymous said...

A few CB#7 women came back from their junket to Taiwan in the early 1980s sporting mink coats.....so rumor has it.

Imagine seeing Regina Coletta (CB#7's former district manager)in a full length ranch or autumn haze mink ?

(Gifts from Tommy Huang??? maybe) !

Ah....those good old (expensive)bygone days of "The Donald"(Manes) selling off Flushing to foreign interests!!!

(It only cost the Dutch $24 to buy Manhattan island from the Indians).

Anonymous said...

The idea of setting up a "peoples community board" alternative is interesting.

But you can't even get the average Queens dummy to intelligently cast their ballot on election day.

Where do you find the brains and dedication in this bereft borough?

Anonymous said...

Community boards are always the middle men in real estate sell out

There's probably an established rate of commission for each project they manage to force upon their communities.

Eh....Evan....what's the book
percentage? Go and ask "mommy"!
"Daddy" would have known it by heart!

Anonymous said...

chucky and the drunken kelty were bought off after the 3rd committe meeting it was evident then that the were kissing mrs wills ass. what a sham and dog and pony show

Anonymous said...

Claire Schulman was part of the 'money-laundering era' and now she continues her evil ways saying .."This is the time to clean out Wilpon Point"..She is more transparent than the Asian 'massage parlors' in Flushing. When she pretended to be boro president, she could have made a huge impact on Wilpon Point. But she was derelict then, and even more so NOW with her blatant condescension to Wilpon and Adolph Bloomberg. I can't wait to read her epitaph.."Here lies Claire Schulman, she never REALLY got it right"

Anonymous said...

The idea of setting up a "peoples community board" alternative is interesting.

But you can't even get the average Queens dummy to intelligently cast their ballot on election day.

Where do you find the brains and dedication in this bereft borough?


In cyberspace where people can commnent freely without fear that they will be fingered for revenge.

How about Crappie setting up a daughter board for each community board area that asks her?

Then the issues can be discussed and debated, conclusions reached, and only then some call to action within that community board.

Create a credibility gap between the garbage the machine control media writes and the reality.

What do you all think?

Sure, you will have the doddering out to lunch seniors, and the 'me no speaka de inglish' and the quislings in each community that makes regular discourse all but impossible, but unfettered in cyperspace we can really meet like minded people and kick some butt.

Anonymous said...

Oh, you mean where the people from Queens have to think for themselves? form their own conclusions? look beyond the comfort of doing things the same way over and over again even if it doesn't work?

That is fightening to them I am sure.

Anonymous said...

The last thing we need is Crappy and the fringe players on this board speaking on behalf me or the people of Queens. He does not represent my interests. If you want a voice go to the community board meetings like everyone else.

Queens Crapper said...

Yes, because a bunch of hacks appointed by the machine represent everyone's best interests.

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