Saturday, July 12, 2008


State Assemblywoman Ellen Young (D-Flushing) was recovering Thursday after being badly injured when she was hit by a car while riding her bicycle in Flushing earlier this week.

Assemblywoman Young recovering after serious cycling accident

Young was riding her bike near the corner of Booth Memorial Avenue and 138th Street shortly after 8 p.m. Tuesday when she was clipped by a taxi cab as it swerved to avoid her. Young was smashed into the windshield of the cab before being thrown up and over the vehicle and into a nearby wall.

She was briefly knocked unconscious and sustained severe cuts and bruises all over her body — including a gash to her head that required three staples to close — and a dislocated toe.

The incident was ruled an accident and the driver of the taxi was not arrested. Young, an avid bicyclist, was not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident.

This avid cyclist doesn't own a helmet? I wish you a speedy recovery, but please lead by example (think of your daughter) and get yourself a helmet.


Anonymous said...

For many many years, I didn't ride with a helmet, but then again, it was before the "Helmet revolution", and you basically had a choice - motorcycle helmets (WAY to heavy) or leather "hair nets". (Mind you, is was earlier than the mid 80s)

These days, I wouldn't get on a bike without one

Anonymous said...

I just got back into riding my bike and must admit I enjoy riding without a helmet (I make my kids wear their's all the time)-- I never road with a helmet as a kid (I'm in my 40s) and I rode alot-- I just can't stand how the helmet feels-- however, after reading this I'm going to buy one (my daughter took the one I had because it fit her better!)--better safe than sorry!

Anonymous said...

Not wearing a helmet?

What was she thinking?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not wearing a helmet?

What was she thinking?

Saturday, July 12, 2008

That's the problem with cyclists, they aren't thinking. Bicyclists are the only people on the roads who do not follow any rules. Most pedestrians actually use the crosswalks and respect the stoplight. Drivers need to pass a test before they can drive.

You don't need a license to ride a bike and most people don't see it as a serious activity, which can be quite dangerous. They ride against the traffic, ride on sidewalks ,don't use helmets and don't respect the traffic light. I have been clipped more times on the sidewalk by some yuppie on his mountain bike.

Anonymous said...

"Most pedestrians actually use the crosswalks and respect the stoplight. Drivers need to pass a test before they can drive."

Are you talking about NYC or Idaho? I bike, drive and mainly walk or take mass transit, but to say bikers are somehow more reckless is just wrong. I can't tell you how many pedestrians walk against the light while not even looking for cars or worse, are listening to their ipods. Many drivers are even worse, forgetting that pedestrians have right of way, blowing through stop signs, etc.

I'm saying there are terrible walkers and drivers also.

Anonymous said...

She should be removed from office for breaking the law.

Anonymous said...

Driving in Queens is a challenge with the macho men, clueless seniors, and the 'O' factor, the latter big in Flushing.

Anonymous said...

Yes bikers are more reckless. I have never been injured by someone walking too fast on the sidewalk. Hey Bloomberg I got an idea to raise more money. Licenses for cyclists over 13. Imagine all the money we could raise for the slush funds.

Anonymous said...

But bike lines are a bad idea...

Anonymous said...

Does the "O" factor mean the overweight people?

Anonymous said...

What the heck is an "O" factor?

I've lived in Flushing all my life. Never heard of this.

georgetheatheist said...

The "O" factor. The Obtuse.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Oriental factor. If they can't drive cars, what makes you think they can ride bikes either?

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't feel safe riding in an armored military Hummer around Flushing's congested streets, let alone on a bike without a helmet!

Wishing her a speedy recover, however.

Turk182 said...

The Occidental factor. If they can't drive cars, what makes you think they can ride bikes either?

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