Sunday, July 13, 2008

New Bukharian synagogue in Forest Hills

Attached is an architectural rendering of the Beth Gavriel synagogue on 108th Street in Forest Hills. The elevation shows the 1970s-period present building.
The color picture shows the renovation plan for the popular Bukharian synagogue. For once, I feel that here, the future certainly looks more attractive. What do you think - is the renovation plan a Queen or a Crap? - anonymous


Anonymous said...

Thumbs down.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the size of the Pentagon. Thumbs down.

Anonymous said...

It will be roughly the same size and height as the present building

Anonymous said...

Where is the leper wing?

Where is the platform for the burnt offering?

Where is my copy of Leviticus?

Anonymous said...

If we march around the walls seven times and blow the horn will they come tumbling down?

Anonymous said...

Not a fan of either design. The new design should have greater craftsmanship than that, but not with the usual synthetic stucco and mock columns. Also, I'd be amazed if the Bukharians ever incorporated a lawn and a central "green" courtyard, after reading their dreadful interview in the NY Times, indicating they're anti-green with the McMansions and pavers.

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of these Bukharan jews from ezbukistan messing up my hood.

Anonymous said...

To the guy above me, it's uzbekistan not uzbokistan learn 2 spell.

Anonymous said...

Sort of looks like an artist rendoring of the walls of Babylon.

Anonymous said...

I'm tired of these Bukharan jews from ezbukistan messing up my hood.

besides the mis spelling which is understandable, there must be enough of them to sustain such a building so I guess it's their hood, you racist prick.

NativeNYer said...

What a bunch of racist pigs you people are!! Who cares what they do to that building? I have been in that synagogue ( yes I'm Jew- who doesn't live in FH BTW) and it is atrocious. Why does every single comment here have an anti-Jewish or anti-black or anti-immigrant stance? And why do all you turds always post anonymously? Too chicken shit to post your ID? I'd like to see any of you in the street and see how you react if I made a comment about WASPS or white trash or your mothers or fathers. Assholes. Besides which Bukharian Jews come from Central Asia which includes more than just Uzbekistan. So learn your history before sticking your foot in your mouth. Dumb assed goyim.

Queens Crapper said...

What I will never understand is why people feel the need to respond to something posted by a racist idiot.

"Who cares what they do to that building?"

If you don't care, there's a simple thing you can do, scroll to the next post.

"Dumb assed goyim."

If you're complaining about jewbashing, then isn't saying this kind of like the pot calling the kettle black?

Anonymous said...

yeah really, racebaiting doesn't work unless someone takes the stop biting.

Anonymous said...

Raucous vulgar humor like this was part of the landscape for most of our nation's history.

For bad or worse, salty language will never go away.

But one thing is for certain. You put all the posters on this board in one foxhole and they will work like hell together.

Anonymous said...

Must be hell for the poor people in Forest Hills. I can’t imagine living with a whole neighbored of Bukharians.
They make Gene Simmons look like a Tibet Monk.

Family of them moved in by my moms house in Manhasset and started cutting trees down and plowing the front lawn for a carport. The town stopped them now they are sueing and fighting with everbody.

They really should be living in Arizona, Death Valley Ca or Mexico.

Anonymous said...

I'm a gringa who spends a lot of time in Mexico and guess what? They believe in greenery and no matter how small a town or village, there is always a well-kept park.

They are also doing recycling better than the average NYer.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a bastardized, pretentious version of Solomon's temple.

Maybe Indy Jones can find the lost arc in there somewhere!

Anonymous said...

Why dont the cops and Feds follow the money like they did with the Italian MAFIA?

Most These people are into Riff Raff from Grey Market Electronics, bogus LLC's Counterfiet Jewelry, medical equipment components, real estate sidelines backed by gangstas "back home"

Look at the bright side if Katz does "side" with these raging Termites she will have her butt under a microscope with them.

The feds have to be looking at this situation, paper and money trails.

Anonymous said...

I agree. I work in Forest hills and pass these monstrosities everyday. Still I wonder where the money comes from to build such McMansions. Over 200 families moving in..every week another hoe being constructed.

Where are the feds and why hasnt the residents started a paetition to have the money situation looked into.

I spoke with a local mailman who delivers mail int he neighborhood. He claimed many of them receive welfare checks. My mother even came across one of these Ubekistan immigrants in Metfood wearing a fur coat diamond necklace and purchasing food with food stamps.

I think the residents of Forest hills need to come together and write to Congress, Government officials and others and find out where this money is coming from. Let's figure out why our hard earned tax dollars are paying for them to eat when us hardworking americans can barely pay our rent.

WAKE UP F.H. RESIDENTS!! Save the neighborhood before they run you out of your homes as well.

Anonymous said...

For the grammar titans...this is a blogger...I made some mistakes b/c I am typing with passion on a subject I feel is important to every hardworking American.

Peter said...

Well, the building being torn down is so ugly that anything would be an improvement.

Anonymous said...

its interesting to see all these people saying bukharians should leave the forest hills neighborhood. bukharians should be telling YOU to leave THEIR neighborhood considering they are the majority. and dont say how you were here first because you guys had to kick people out of what once was their neighborhood. or was queens always a white christian neighborhood from the beginning of time? so if you are really this unhappy just leave.

Anonymous said...

Bukharians aren't the majority in Forest Hills. It just seems that way because they're all over like horseshit.

Yehoshafat said...

Yehoshafat said...

I pray in Bukharian synagogues, eat in their kosher restaurants and occasionally do business with them. Yet I've rarely met one who has honored his promises consistently.

I do not envy their wealth nor begrudge their housing tastes. But I do fault many of them for ignoring the Torah command of "Mozei sefatekha tishmor," that which comes out of your mouth (your words) you must keep.

The Eighth Commandment directs us not to steal. According to the rabbis, deceiving another person through words or other means is just another form of theft.

Being intelligent, smart, is good. But intelligence should not be used to deceive or pull the wool. Bukharians, like all new immigrants, should work to build more sensitivity and befriend their neighbors.

They should take the chip off their shoulders and not show how superior or tough they are. They should not flaunt their wealth or boast about it. That causes anti-Semitism. They should not put down other Jews or American Gentiles or the American culture.

It is America that has allowed them to come and settle here. It did same with my family from Europe and we worked our way up without boasting.

One can maintain one's Judaism and one's culture without ticking off neigh-bors. Making an effort to learn English & operating by the laws of this society will help. Not tossing garbage around, not blocking pedestrian sidewalks and curbing your dogs will also help.

Teach your children not
to try to outsmart our governments. Give them a good Torah and secular education and be a little more humble and thankful. Begin to contribute more to this blessed society as you evolve here. Nearly every immigrant group has learned that. Success here is scored in attitude and education as much as it is in crude riches..Yehoshafat

Anonymous said...

Im Not Bukharian... Or jewish Im hispanic. Im dating a bukharian jew. and Im pregnant? Is that a problem? should i tell him? we've been together a year and he has never introduced me to his family.

Yehoshafat said...

I pray in Bukharian synagogues, eat in their kosher restaurants and occasionally do business with them. Yet I've rarely met one who has honored his promises consistently.

I do not envy their wealth nor begrudge their housing tastes. But I do fault many of them for ignoring the Torah command of "Mozei sefatekha tishmor," that which comes out of your mouth (your words) you must keep.

The Eighth Commandment directs us not to steal. According to the rabbis, deceiving another person through words or other means is just another form of theft.

Being intelligent, smart, is good. But intelligence should not be used to deceive or pull the wool. Bukharians, like all new immigrants, should work to build more sensitivity and befriend their neighbors.

They should take the chip off their shoulders and not show how superior or tough they are. They should not flaunt their wealth or boast about it. That causes anti-Semitism. They should not put down other Jews or American Gentiles or the American culture.

It is America that has allowed them to come and settle here. It did same with my family from Europe and we worked our way up without boasting.

One can maintain one's Judaism and one's culture without ticking off neigh-bors. Making an effort to learn English & operating by the laws of this society will help. Not tossing garbage around, not blocking pedestrian sidewalks and curbing your dogs will also help.

Teach your children not
to try to outsmart our governments. Give them a good Torah and secular education and be a little more humble and thankful. Begin to contribute more to this blessed society as you evolve here. Nearly every immigrant group has learned that. Success here is scored in attitude and education as much as it is in crude riches..Yehoshafat

Anonymous said...

Well, let's not generalize. There are goods and bads, like in any society. There are people of good character and good moral and ethical statute. And also, there are some which are not. Those that are not will, for sure, learn their ways how to become better, or, no questions about it, will be learned by due process.
There are many Bukharians who pay their taxes, and there are some who are not Bukharians who try not to.
Historically, Bukharians were accostomed to live in good, spacious houses, built out of brick. Unfortunately, in the US, and specifically, in FH most of the houses are not built to good and solid specs, as Bukharians used to. This created the need for accomodation and reconstructions.
I agree, that Laws of the Land must be respected at all times and any violation of such should be prosecuted without generalization and painting with bad colors the entire community.
If the building department does not have issues with the building of the additional building for the synagogue, then ther is no violation of the building code.
Building of new buildings and structures brings the area up and not down in value, and this is a very well known fact should be rated fairly without any emotions.
In regards to the Jewish subject: The history shows that Jews were, are, and will be prosecuted for a simple reason that they are simply Jews, no matter which they are, Bukharians, or Ethiopian Fortunately, and no matter wht country do they live. Unfortunately, I can see these imes are not to far from happening here in US, even though it is unconstitutional. The history shows that whoever points out the fingers to Jews respective to the national origin will not succeed, and eventually, disappear by themselves. I advise: Let's not talk badly about Jews, no matter what kind they are. If this is a criminal matter, or a civil matter, or any matter of a violation of Law, beaware, the perpetrators will be prosecuted. We have a very good system of checks and balances, which never fails, by the way created by Jews.
Please, be advised that the building of the synagogue is privately owned. The USA is always on the side of the owner when similar questions arise, provded that all specs and approvals are met.
So, if all the aprovals are OK, the new construction is only to the benefit of the community. In fact the community of Forest Hills, should entertain similar possibilities in Christian and Muslim faiths- more people pray at the religious centers, less people do drugs, alcohol, etc.
My opinion is based upon solely on Law and Regulations. If all is within acceptance, then the structure is OK.

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