Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Gearing up for September & November

The main difference between the special election and the November election, Como said, is that this time he will have 145 days of incumbency to his advantage. On the campaign trail, he said he will tout the $3 million in discretionary funds he managed to grab for the district, which includes money to improve Juniper Valley Park, as well as cash for senior centers and schools.

Como said operating a district office will be another key advantage, by enabling him to directly address constituent needs and problems.

"Even though it's going to be a short period of time," Como said, "they're going to see if I was able to accomplish so much in such a short period."

But Crowley sees Como's abbreviated time in office as a potential liability. Most of the budget negotiations were done by the time he was sworn into office, she pointed out, preventing him from bringing as much pork as he would have wanted.

"They had some budget cuts for local organizations and he wasn't really able to spend as he saw fit," Crowley said. "Rather, the money was allocated before he got in there."

In the Council Race That Never Ends, Candidates Find Thrills, Frustrations

Ober's decision to run for the Democratic nomination in September will further complicate Crowley's bid for the seat. The county organization believes he split the vote and allowed Como to win, and members are doing little to hide their displeasure.

"Charles Ober should stay under the rock where he's hiding," said Michael Reich, executive director of the county party.

Yes, damn you, Charles. We can't have competitive elections here in Queens County.


Anonymous said...

"You have to remain focused," Crowley said, "not get lost in silly, non-important stuff."

yeah, compliance with campaign finance board rules sure is silly stuff.

Anonymous said...

Ober ran an honest campaign, as he is entirely entitled to do. After years of hard work, devoted to helping Democratic candidates get elected, the Democratic organization rewarded him with a long knife in the back.

But, backstabbing supporters is the trademark of Democrats, and those who are thinking of voting for Dizzie Lizzie should remember that.

Since Como has accomplished nothing at all except collect and then violate Stop Work Orders for his ugly McMansion just a block from pervert Gallagher's home, he's not worth your vote either.

If you're looking for honest accomplishment, and a man of integrity, consider voting for Ober. Then vote for him.

And, tell the Democrats: A vote for Ober is a vote for Ober. It really IS that simple.

Anonymous said...

Dear Michael Reich-

Please know that you are a fool, and progressive Democrats in Queens will not support your crumbling machine. The party's treatment of Ober has been shameful, and only served to underscore the importance of smashing what is left of the Queens Machine.

Mr. Crowley and Mr. Reich, the demographics are changing, and there are only so many more elections you can orchestrate.
Finally, please select a rock to hide under as you are both destined to become completely irrelevant.

Ridgewoodian said...

Amazing! For once I'm in almost 100% agreement with both Crappy and Taxpayer.

Having heard all the candidates several times last time around Ober was CLEARLY the best choice (even if I didn't agree with him on every single issue). I was proud to vote for him and to encourage all my friends and acquaintances in the district to do the same.

The party's treatment of him was not only shameful it was downright stupid: if he had had even half of Crowley's resources and had been able to run a fully professional campaign I bet he would have gotten a lot more than 700 some-odd votes. I'm thrilled to hear he's going to run again.

Anonymous said...

Amazing! For once I'm in almost 100% agreement with both Crappy and Taxpayer.

I second that, damn shame, we can not manage better choices out of the parties,. No matter which one if either you are registered with you can NOT believe in either candidatetouted by their respective party.

Frank Lloyd Crap said...

Dear Michael Reich,

Congratulations on your well chosen words, a great step towards destroying both the Queens Democratic party, and your career.

Thanks for making it so clear that the party does not want competitive elections or qulified candidates. Some people go to great lengths to hide these facts, but not you. You're arrogant enough to tell everyone exactly how it is. You're my kind of guy.

Your party deserved to lose the election because they backed a worthless candidate with zero qualifications. You and your party are the laughing stock of the county. Great job!

Anonymous said...

I'm casting my vote for Charlie Obie. The only reason people aren't voting for him is because they don't think he can win. I can agree with taxpayer on something!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Crowley and Mr. Reich, the demographics are changing,


Ah my friends, you are soooo clueless. This is one of the strengths of the machine, the ability to change stripes and Zelig like, fit into the latest potential tweeded group.

All you need a deference to authority, and a lack of cultural mores on knowing how the system works, and you are prime tweeder territory.

Look up that text from Gangs of NY and Tweed on the Irish...

Anonymous said...

"I'm casting my vote for Charlie Obie. The only reason people aren't voting for him is because they don't think he can win. I can agree with taxpayer on something!"

Assuming he even is "allowed" to get on the ballot.

Remember what Katz did to little old Norbert Chwatz?

Anonymous said...

I voted for Ober in the previous election and he without a doubt was the best person for the job although similar to Ralph Nader in 2000 he took away my vote and many others from the better of the two horrible candidates.
Crowley may suck (literally and figurativly) but she is better then Como and she should have won.

Frank Lloyd Crap said...

How to you figure Crowley is better than Como?

I kind of like the guy. He helps the economy by keeping local restaurants in business. He's providing shade for his neighbors with his beautiful McMansion (which I designed). He's keeping social degenerates off the streets and in his office by employing Dennis Gallagher's former staff.
He's giving hope to C students across the district by proving that you don't need to demonstrate any knowledge or public speaking skills to get elected, you just need to kiss ass.

I'm with ya, Anthony. See you at the next community event. Please try to stay awake.

Anonymous said...

"Remember what Katz did to little old Norbert Chwatz?"

What did she do? Have his baby?

Anonymous said...

Disgusting. I don't want to know what Katz did with her chwatz!

Anonymous said...

"He helps the economy by keeping local restaurants in business."

You know what?

Never mind. I give up.

Anonymous said...

He's giving hope to C students across the district by proving that you don't need to demonstrate any knowledge or public speaking skills to get elected, you just need to kiss ass.

I love Crappy. He tells you what its like!!!

Anonymous said...

Not to disappoint anyone, but it is my understanding that Charles Ober did not file any petitions with the Board of Elections to be on the ballot for the September primary or the November general election...

Anonymous said...

Only the petitions for the primaries were due. Charles has decided to run as an independent.

Ridgewoodian said...

ANONYMOUS: Only the petitions for the primaries were due. Charles has decided to run as an independent.

That's good news if true. Do you have a source on that?

Anonymous said...

"Charles has decided to run as an independent"

Good, I hope it is true. The party shat in his face, now all of us must shit on them.

Charlie is the best candidate, but even if he's a longshot, a vote for him sends a message to the party that if dare insult us again with a candidate like Elizabeth Crowley, they will lose voter support to both independents and Republicans.

Vote ABC. Anyone but Crowley.

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